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Everything posted by sst3rd

  1. Removal of any charter from ANY goverment agency, will be done at the local level. Even on the local level, removal of charters will be done within the Councils, on a case by case basis. Do you support Scouting?????? Evidently, you don't.
  2. You've pretty much outlined much of the current problems in Scouting. Scouting Spirit has always been a requirement open to interpretation. Who signs it off??? After over twenty-five years as a Scoutmaster, it has become a requirement I have dealt with as I hold the Scoutmaster's Conference. Since this allows one person's consistent opinion (as I am also not a parent to any of the Scouts), of what Scout Spirit is, and allows me to apply it to each individual Scout. I haven't had anybody, adult or youth leader, fight with me over this requirement. I must be doing okay. I've attempted to change with the times, but much of what you say is true. However, as I have continued to work with and train our Troop's Assistant Scoutmasters, I would like for them to study and apply this requirement under the current BSA rules, as they interpret it, as I will be retiring soon. sst3rd
  3. Our Troop's situation is a little different. One church sponser, one Troop, one Pack. Our current Pack leader has been there for a while. She's not the Cubmaster, but she runs the Pack. Her son was a Den Chief, but we had another Scout currently working with the Pack. After several years of continued and escalating un-Scouting like behavior, I released this Scout from our Troop. He has since transferred to another Troop outside of the area, has come back to the Pack as a Den Chief with his Mom (his way of getting back at me, the SM), and has recruited the other Scout to his Troop. Do you think we'll see any Webolos graduates this year (haven't for three years)???? The Troop leadership, COR, and District are working all of the issues (training, adult recruitment, etc.) to help this leader (Mom) get the Pack where it ought to be, and to remind her where the Webolos Scouts are supposed to be graduating (and yes, we know there will always be exceptions). Just my little story. Our Troop is training and improving its program as well!!!!!
  4. As this appears to be a heated topic in a variety of other forums, I have only needed to address this topic in an adult leaders gathering, once. The current BSA policy was discussed. That is the only action required. As far as the Scouts are concerned, this topic is simply not part of the program. When and if the topic is brought up, two adult leaders and the parent(s) will hold a private discussion with the Scout, also discussing BSA's current policy. It stops there.
  5. It's been awhile since training, and maybe it's changed, but Scoutmasters do not usually attend Board's of Review. I have made an occassional exception, when a Scout ( usually a younger Scout) asked if I would just be there for support ( not to participate).
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