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I go back over 40 years in the OA. The voting procedure before this current unlimited voting was based on how many scouts were officially on the ballot (nominated). I could be wrong, but I remember something like: if you had 2 nominated, you had 1 vote; 3 nominated, 2 votes; 4 nominated, 2 votes; 5 nominated, 3 votes; or something like that. And is it still that a scout had to have at least a simple majority to become a candidate? Still 50% plus 1? In other words, half of the votes did NOT gain you a place as a candidate. And all of the scouts voting were supposed to be "active" scouts in their troop? I also remember the scoutmaster (me in this case) saying that you didn't have to vote for anyone if that was your choice. I reminded them that they saw all of these nominated scouts in action, not me, and had more knowledge of a scout's honor. Unless it has been changed, remember that the scoutmaster has to approve these scouts before their name goes on the ballot. I think it was listed as " scoutmaster's approval." I also made sure that a scout understood what the OA was about, and he needed to approve his own nomination. I've had some scouts over the years not want their name in nomination. I've also heard of parents having to approve the scout's nomination as they knew their son's busy schedule. I never went that far. sst3rd
MikeS, I'm glad your chapter teams still exist. Ours were disbanded last year. They (I mean the council/lodge) may do one more year of call-outs in regalia at this season's summer camp using the currently approved national OA script, and then that's done. Since last year, there are no call-outs, just announcements to the troop right after the election. There is a nationally approved so called call-out ceremony that can be done in scout uniform, but no one has of yet to do it. To read this new script is painful and extremely sad. We knew about the demise of the Cross Over/ AOL Ceremonies going bye-bye, but we still got several requests for this upcoming season. We, of course, told these Packs that their requests were absolutely horrendous and inappropriate, and made sure they understood the horrors of the many years that the OA has dragged the native American culture through the mud. And YES, I'm being a bit sarcastic. I'm truly sad that the OA has been turned into just a service group (free labor), and the Boy Scouts turned into a family camping club. sst3rd
We've just received requests from two troops for a Call-Out Ceremony. Didn't they get the memo that all chapter ceremony teams have been disbanded? You now have your election, everybody gets voted in, the announcement is made right after the election. Everyone's a winner. The NEW OA! sst3rd former chapter ceremony advisor
One week. Six hundred new girls’ troops.
sst3rd replied to shortridge's topic in Open Discussion - Program
If those 600 new girls scout troops are anything like the one new girls scout troop just started at our church (I currently mentor the new SM at this church's boys scout troop), they have two girls registered. How can this be, you ask? I don't know. The guy who supposedly is the new SM for this girls scout troop boasted that they are one of the three new girls scout troops in the district, and says the girls scout troop is chartered. I just stand there an "sigh." Hell in a hand basket anybody? sst3rd -
It is always the parents....again...
sst3rd replied to mashmaster's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Mash, I'd "stop badgering" him, and remove him. Then the troop can elect a new more active SPL. Problem solved. Everyone wins, but keep the drama to a minimum. sst3rd -
That's nice. sst3rd
After tomorrow I am hoping all the hype dies down
sst3rd replied to mashmaster's topic in Open Discussion - Program
The scoutmaster that I have been mentoring told me months ago that they don't want girls in their troop. I tried to explain to her, that it's not happening that way. You know, separate troops and all. I thought she got it but, her troop hasn't been on a camping trip since summer camp last June. She works weekends and simply can't take weekends off. Try as she could, she couldn't get other adults involved (too busy you see). I helped as I could, but I promised myself to mentor only. So out of nowhere, the church is starting a girl's scout troop. Some guy popped up whose son is a cub, and he has a scout age daughter. And my scoutmaster (a women) and this new guy are planning on merging everything. Meetings, trips, fundraising, etc.. It's the only way he can get things started, and it's the only way that she and the boy's scout troop can survive. She had/has a second adult registered, he just refuses to get trained, is going through a divorce and will probably move soon (with his son), can't take weekends from the family, etc., etc.. So I guess everyone wins. Gosh, this is so exciting to see how creative everyone is getting these days. Mentoring assignment is complete. All done. sst3rd (in case you were wondering, NO, I'm not thrilled) -
Eagle94-A1, If you send it to her, I think she will read it, get fired up and retaliate. Maybe she'll just continue to mess things up in your old troop, but she'll find a way to respond. If writing the letter brings closure, then close it. I know you won't, but it was a thought. Your letter was eloquent, detailed, and masterful. But you still won't let it go. For the sake of your sanity, put all of your scouting time into the new troop. They really do need that passion that you show for scouting. Don't shortchange your new troop. sst3rd
Devoted, I'll say it one more time and then I'm done: you have the power, responsibility, and the authority to ask this man and his girlfriend to leave and stay away. It's your decision and you don't owe them an explanation. If he goes to council, then you can have that special meeting and present your evidence. If he goes over your head to the COR or IH, again, you can have that special meeting and present your evidence. You approve leaders in your unit. YOU! If he doesn't get it, call the police. It's really that simple. sst3rd
Eagle94-A1, I'm very happy that your sons had a great time. Yes on the cooking, but even more yes on the fun. I know you enjoyed yourself as well. You deserve it. I know it's hard to let the old troop go, but you did your best, and that's all any of us can do. Many trails to go. Take care, sst3rd
Devote, The more people you get involved with this, the more this guy realizes you are weak and confused. He isn't even a member yet. As the CC, and evidently you have the support of the COR, you have the responsibility and power to remove this person from your meetings and site. Do it NOW. You need nothing else. If you feel he needs to be legally restricted from the meetings and site, get the COR to proceed with that. Then get going forward with your program. sst3rd
I was a bit concerned when your voice fell silent. I went cold turkey transitioning from an active scoutmaster to buildings and grounds committee for the council. It got real quiet. It was a big change for me. I wish you the fastest healing. Best regards, sst3rd
Leadership Through Service and Togetherness
sst3rd replied to LeCastor's topic in Open Discussion - Program
MattR The OA no longer exists. All vestiges of the OA need to be removed and packed away. Scout troops will only prosper if they have dynamic programs planned by the scouts, supported by the adults. Yes, the patrol method. Recruitment for the troops will come from packs that like your program. Word gets out. It always has. Friends of the scouts can be recruited as well. But don't promise them adventure, if all you do is sit through endless advancement classes. As far as service to our camps (like the OA used to provide), have planned and announced work weekends at scout camps maybe three times a year ought to do it. Open it to all scout members who have dads that will drag them out to camp and work. Should be fun. The spirit is gone. sst3rd -
Leadership Through Service and Togetherness
sst3rd replied to LeCastor's topic in Open Discussion - Program
I'm not sure what the point of this old video is. Is it a reenactment of the way it used to be at least in the beginning? Is it the fact that the OA has come full circle and is going back to the robes? The scout oath and law covers everything here. My Ordeal (please forgive me for using a word that means abuse) was meaningful as presented years ago. The use of Native American themes were meaningful as presented years ago. But thank God we're cleaning everything up by removing all references and symbolisms of Native Americans. The OA has become the BSA's "service club." I can't promote that in the troops that I serve. I can't defend the fact that it's all about free labor. The scouts aren't dumb. They have better things to do on a weekend. Oh yeah, our lodge has disbanded our dance team. Like when they disbanded all of the chapter ceremonial teams, they're hoping everyone will come over to the lodge ceremony team. And do what. The new ceremony? In a scout uniform? That's special. Makes me want to spend several weekends a year sweating it out at camp doing the dirty work. Have at it. sst3rd -
quazse, I just may do that. sst3rd
Helping Former Troop Out with Problem Parents
sst3rd replied to Eagle94-A1's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Eagle94-A1, This whole maddening situation will NOT change. The more you feel you are sucked in, the worse it will get. You've made the change to another troop. You are doing a disservice to the new troop by hanging on to the old. Make the break. This is toxic. Invite all of your scouter and scout friends to join you ASAP. Yes, the old troop may die, but as a former long time scoutmaster who made the same promise to my scoutmaster, I had to eventually let it go. The troop died after 2 years. I'm okay with it, as he knows I did my best. Your friends may want to hang on, but it's to their benefit that the leave that toxic troop also ASAP. I wish all the very best, sst3rd -
I've been mentoring a new scoutmaster for just over a year. I was her sounding board, reference guide, and friend. Their pack and troop meet on the same night, but different times and classrooms (at a church). She's taken her training and I hope that I've helped her apply it to a real world example, their scout troop. They're missing three big things: 1) more adult trained leaders, 2) camping every month or so, 3) a patrol with a working patrol leader. Yep, these things are pretty fundamental to a successful program. I gave it all I got, but it wasn't enough. I've decided now, at the end of this year, is time to step aside and let it go. I am old fashioned when it comes to a successful troop program. All of the current training and reference material still points to the same core program of scouting I remember. But she can't camp because she works weekends. She wants the scouts to advance as in classes all together like they did in cub scouts, and she has them going to all available merit badge weekends and colleges available across the council. Yes, I told her this is not scouting. Camping is scouting. Fellowship is scouting. Recruitment's not a problem. These scouts have friends, and there's always a big group of AOL scouts graduating each year. Good or bad, this current AOL den has two girls in it (I know that's not right, but they lack adult leadership), but the scoutmaster informed me that she wants to keep this current troop for boys only. I told her that is her choice, as these girls would have to start their own scout troop. What I don't think has happened yet, is someone to explain to these two girls that they won't be graduating into the pack's associated troop. Someone needs to let them know where the nearest girl's scout troop is. Anyway, I think too much and I care too much. I'm letting it go...………………………………………………………... sst3rd
ItsBrian, I was holding my breath hoping you'd find your copy somewhere. Glad it worked out. We're very proud of all of your hard work and dedication to the program, that got you to this point. Rock that EBOR. Congratulations, sst3rd
Oldscout448, Our lodge shut down all chapter ceremony teams last year. We barely have a lodge ceremony team. OA has now become nothing but a service group. The mystique of the native American culture used in the OA was the pull. It's gone. To this day, one of my favorite scouts still refers to the OA as free labor. He's since joined the Air Force, got married, become a dad, and retired from the Air Force. His mom was my long serving committee chair. He loved scouting with his friends, and although he had fun in the OA too (as a chapter ceremonialist), "free labor" was what he remembers most of the OA. Call this service group anything but the OA. That's gone. Just like the Boy Scouts are gone. The spirit has left. sst3rd
It's time. Find a troop, if possible, that runs the very best scout program possible, and support them. They will be most appreciative. It may be a bit uncomfortable at first, but the stress level will go down, and the fun will go up, for you and your scout (I can't remember if you have more than one). I bet a few scouts will follow. I also think that some of those graduating webelos will follow eventually. But make the change for you and your family now. I want there to be good memories of scouting in your future. sst3rd
Packsaddle, Getting left behind is one thing, changing for the sake of change is another. Adapting is something else entirely. We disagree. I think boys ought to have their own program. I think the BSA has lost its soul for the sake of pleasing certain folks and the almighty dollar. With all of that said, as I mentioned earlier, all scouting is local. Scout troops are becoming family camping clubs, and the OA is becoming a service organization (can't wait to hear the new name). There's no brotherhood, or cheerfulness, just the service. I truly and sincerely wish everyone the best. "Softly falls the light of day...…………" sst3rd
I'm not going to rehash anything but to say, this is where all scouting is local. I firmly believe that the scoutmaster I've mentoring is growing in the right direction. I'm very proud of her accomplishments. Of course she doesn't need my approval for any decision she has made or will make. This troop's families know what they want for their sons, and that's a boys scout troop. The pressure will happen when a bunch of these girls are ready for the troop, and expect to graduate there. The pack and troop meet on the same night, different time and rooms (at the church). The preacher is female, and her husband is the COR and an Eagle. They fully support scouting, but only have been at this church for a few years. They'd love to see everything grow of course. I'm not sure if they are aware of what's happening, if they even care, or if they would demand that girls be allowed in the troop (not understanding that there needs to be a separate troop for the girls. I have told the scoutmaster that I would always be available to discuss anything, anytime, or refer her in the right direction. I admit that I am old, and like the way it used to be. Take that anyway you like. I think boys deserve their own exclusive program. Add to this the OA removing the Native American motif, and has now become just a service club, I'm pretty much done with the scout program. I'm not alone. I will continue to participate on a maintenance committee that serves one of our local camps, as I have many friends there. A scout is friendly, sst3rd
I've just finished a year of mentorship with a new(er) scoutmaster of a recharged troop (asked to assist by the council). Their associated pack always has successful "school nights for scouting) recruitment programs. They are assigned two elementary schools exclusively. The last weekly pack meeting (where all dens meet, but separately), there are now lots of girls. They mix them in with the boys in the same dens. They know it's not correct, but they simply don't have enough leaders, and the new parents aren't volunteering. And they don't want to turn the new cubs away. I asked the scoutmaster what are the plans for when the girl scouts are ready for the troop. She says there are no plans she's aware of. She wants the troop to remain boys only as does the other troop leaders and parents. I suggested strongly that they have a plan. If anything, know of the nearest girl scouts bsa troop to point them to. But the other problem is that they also have brotherss in the pack, and they expect everyone will be graduating to the troop when the time comes. Yeah, right. Oh well. My mentorship has come to a close. Until next time America. sst3rd
Those are good thoughts, thanks both Eagle1993 and qwazse. We should be having our "school night for scouting" (cub scouts only) in the next week or two, so decisions need to be made soon. This new scoutmaster is doing a great job, but she was under the mistaken impression that co-ed boy scout troops started this fall. I showed her the program for separate troops and she understood. She and the parents want to keep a boys scout troop. I told them that they can, but what to do with upcoming girls from the pack?????? I would not recommend "linked" troops as this group is already stretched too thin. We're working on recruiting more adult leaders for both the pack and troop. thanks again, sst3rd
mash, Agree kismif sst3rd