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Everything posted by SSScout

  1. "" You can find brass neckerchief slides on eBay with the Statue of Liberty and the same tagline, Strengthen the Arm of Liberty. The were available with the Cub and BS logos. "" I have one in my collection, given to me by a (much) older friend.
  2. In my short time at the County Fair, I was able to teach the 4H "Prince", a teen ager, how to tie a SUCCESSFUL bow knot for his shoes.... Curse you, Count Vel....
  3. I visited a local park, my purpose to re-connect with the leadership there. I had once , some years ago, been a trail guide there, but ... another time.... SO, I came into the office and asked for the person I had read was the Educational Program Manager. The young man behind the counter told me that person no longer worked there, would I like to speak with the "NEW" Educational Program Director? Absolutely, I replied. He called him on the radio , and came back to me and said, are you a Scout Leader? Well < I thought , I hadn't mentioned that, but I replied , Yes, I am, that is part of the reason for my visit. He smiled and said, I thought so ! You were the Archery Person at the camp! I mentioned another park where we had held Cub Scout Day Camp, and he said YEAH ! You were great ! I did some quick math in my head, this fellow looked to be about 25, 26 maybe 27.... about right... I said well, I guess I made an impression. He replied, you sure did. I made Eagle a few years later. And now you're working for the County Parks, I smiled. He said yeah. I shook his hand, and then the "New" Education Program Manager came in. We introduced ourselves to each other. I spoke to him about the possiblity of finding Eagle service projects thruout the Park. My "Cub Scout" was able to chime in. The "New" EPM had not been a Scout, did not know anything about Eagle Projects. We exchanged information. I said goodbye to my new/old Cub Scout, and went back to the "real " world with a smile.....
  4. We had a Scout Table at the County Fair this year. It was in partnership with the local college science center, in the "KIDS ZONE". This is because (as often happens) no one else in the Scout county thought to work to have a Scout presence at the fair, other than the Troop that was assisting (to good effect) the car parking.... Maybe next year... Still, we were there, and accosted many kids about Cub Scouting (we had a PWD track and,,, ) KNOT TYING. Demo'd some chain knots, a multi overhand knot trick and taught them some simple knots (overhand, figure eight, square and BOW , for your shoes.... See above..."NOT") And gave them a souvenir ROPE ... Some exhibitors gave you a sticker, or a pen, we gave them a PIECE OF REAL ROPE>>>> Know The Ropes , CSDC KiS MiF.... "Okay, Cubs, here are your ropes... Notice the different colored ends. These are the best, Peruvian Bi-colored, double ended ropes we could get. They were picked from the jungle plantations at the PEAK of maturity. Now remember --- when you go to the store to buy some rope, NEVER , NEVER buy single ended rope. ALWAYS insist on rope with two ends ! ! Trust me, single ended rope is inherently defective , and will cause you nothing but trouble ! ALWAYS buy double ended rope !! If you go to Home Depot or Lowes to buy some rope, make them open the package and SHOW YOU both ends !! " ....about this time, your Cubs will be smiling and tilting their heads and looking at you sideways (?? Wha....??) and you will have them. ***Before the "class" (never call it a class, reeks of school. Session, Skilltime, Rigging, something , anything else), You have cut sash cord (Preverably cotton, ¼”) into 4 to 5 foot lengths and dipped the ends in glue or shellac or wrapped them in duct tape to prevent the unraveling. You have then layed the ropes on your driveway and LIGHTLY spray painted about half of one end a contrasting color (one end red, one plain). This allows a better way to SEE how the knots tie. And you have produced enough so that each Cub may take home his "Peruvian Practice Rope". Then go on to tell them the "Jargon".... ""Right. Now, the men that use ropes all the time , sailors, riggers, crane operators, steel erectors, use a LANGUAGE, a JARGON, and we will learn that language. Here (hold up the rope), this is a rope or LINE. the part that doesn't do much in the knot tying (throw this over your shoulder) is the "STANDING PART" say that ( they say it) What? (they say it LOUDER) . Good. The end that moves around, runs around (throw the rest of rope around alittle), is the "RUNNING END" (""running end""). Good ! If I make a U shape, that's a BIGHT, (they all say bight). If I cross the Running End .... over the Standing Part, that's a" LOOP" . Now, as YOU are looking at it, if the Running Part goes OVER the Standing part, that's an OVER LOOP. and if the Running End goes UNDER the Standing Part, that's an.... Right ! Under Loop, you kids are good... " Go on to teach the Overhand Knot, Figure Eight Knot, Square/Reef Knot, Bowline, , Two half Hitches, etc. Use the Jargon. Give them the pride of ownership and "inside dope". Use your Boy Scout Assistants . HANDS ON, ,,, if you have to, stand behind the Cub and manipulate their hands, DO IT. Teach your Scout Assistants to do this. GET INVOLVED. "Great! Any of you Cubs know who Isaac Newton is? (some of the older ones may) Do you know his Three Laws of Motion? (Here you can repeat them , simply, for review. Look'em up). But did you know... When he sent them off to his publisher, there were FOUR Laws of Motion ! Yep, Seems that somebody spilled coffee on them and wiped out the fourth law, umm umm. We have recently discovered what that Fourth Law is... (throw your Big Rope out to a Cub to hold on) You Can't Push A Rope. (push on it ) Ropes are ONLY good in Tension (pull on it. Play with this for awhile. )" When the CSDC Director says "of course they learned these eight knots...." You can, with authority tell her/him, no, in my 50 minute session, They learned these four knots.... Learned and learned their use. The Den Walkers (Adults !) learned them too ! Insist on their participation ! Don't EVER let the escorts just sit there.... MiF KiS. "MR. SSSCOUT, MR. SSSCOUT ! ! (here the Cub holds up a tangle of rope) What knot is this?" "What's your name, Scout?" "Johnny Smith !" "Well, that's a Johnny Smith knot !" If it is a "class", if the Cubs HAVE to go thru it, if it's a CHORE,,,, do you really think they'll remember it? And if YOU, the Scouter, aren’t having fun doing this, how do you think the Cubs will react? MiF KiS MiF..... And remember, reinforce the idea these are SCOUTS, CUBS, BOYS, GIRLS (!)….. avoid at all cost the “G” word… not ‘guys’, please… Call them by their REAL name…. SCOUT, CUB…. See you on the trail…….
  5. "It depends" Some years ago, a fellow Commisher and I helped a local church (of un-named faith) start a Scout Troop. It was unabashedly a part of their "Sunday School". It lasted exactly three years and then decomposed.... The unofficial evidence was the religious leaders were too heavy handed in their goal of "conversion"....
  6. "The work is done by whoever shows up. Therefore, SHOW UP" There is no reason at all why local Scout units can't c-operate and do stuff together. The safety regs need attention, but beyond that, go and make the phone call and knock on the doors. I am often reminded of the PLC I sat in on some years ago. They were newly elected, the SPL and the three PLs, and the SM (not me, I was in the back, a UC). The SM was suggesting activities, and finally, the SPL woke up and said: "you mean, I can make that decision??" SM said "DUUUH". and they had a good year ... Samething. Make the decisiion, go ahead....
  7. Yep. Paid for the "privilege" of staffing the Jamboree. Three times. Bought the tent, the cot, the semi "ambient " temp showers, the pavilion I worked in, bought the meals, bought the necker, the nameplate, the tables and chairs. AND THEN,,,, we paid a fee for the pavilion space for our exhibit.... What would my "labor" have been worth? The Scouts I helped along the way? The other adults I met who needed a listening ear and some re-alignment of their "purpose" there... Scoutson did too. Now, if we had been at a resort, where everything was done FOR us, and the towels were replaced everyday, and the showers were as hot as we desired..... I wonder what the price would've been then.... When I hiked the Camino de Santiago some years back, most of my stuff was on my back, the alberges (hostels) were cheap by any standard, the shower was hot early in the day(!), but it was understood the entertainment was on us Perigrinos, and the alberge was either a local government or nationally supported thing. AND it was equally understood we were dropping alot of tourist Euros along the way....
  8. "It was hot in Los Angeles I was working the day watch. The Scoutmaster was home sick, my Committee chair is making S'mores. My name is Thursday. I'm a Den Leader. " >>> The story you're about to hear is true. Only the names have been changed to protect the egotistical and stupid.<<< Please, go tie some knots.... Wow the Cubs ....
  9. Friend Brannigan. From what I glean, reading thru the past (since May?), it would appear that your travails are over. I hope Mr. Monster does not reappear somewhere else. Since he was a Cub Leader, we might assume he had some Cub(s) in the Pack. We therefore also hope they/she/he are doing Cub stuff successfully to their benefit. It does happen, some times, that adults forget the lesson oft repeated by Bob The Tomato (Vegetales): "It's for the kids" All too often, it becomes "It's for ME", meaning the adult.... I am glad your Pack appears to have come thru healthier. Now, go tie some knots.....
  10. CSDC: Scout Skills pavilion. On the day we do "Ecology" , I've had a fellow from the county come out and talk about recycling, etc. Then, I put the Cubs at the corners of the Pavilion and tell them to walk out 100 big steps turn around and walk back to the Pavilion, and PICK UP EVERYTHING THAT GOD DIDN"T PUT THERE> We always collect a very respectable pile of trash, even in the County Park that is swept clean by "professionals".... Six periods, I send the Cubs out in different directions and they LOVE the challenge. And they go out the rest of the day charged up for putting the plastic bottle in the bin, rather than the trash barrel. My hope is the ide sticks with them, caring for the creation.... 5GT, I feel your pain , but somehow the Scouts have to find out that "the work is done by whoever shows up". That lesson is best learned early an by REWARD rather than PUNISHMENT. Reward? Personal "attaboys" and pleasing the mom and dad....And will they be that someone?
  11. Scoutmaster's Minute (or ASM's Minute?)::: What part of the Scout Promise and/or Law applies here? Are your actions in accordance with either? Or do you really agree with the ideals of Scouting? These ideals have been around for a loooong time, in one form or another, not just in Scouting. You want Bible verses? We can find 'em. You want Stuff from the Koran? we can find'em. Code of Hammurabi? Yep, they are there.... Golden Rule? Yep. Treat others as you would want to be treated. How is it FAIR that some Scouts do the work and others sit around smiling.... Ummmm? So. We ask you Scouts to repeat, recite the Scout Promise and Scout Law. What do they mean TO YOU ? Are they just words, or do they MEAN something ?
  12. This is what happens when the CEOs you hire have a Genral Motors mindset. The DE here, if not everywhere, is rated (judged?) on her/his performance. NUMBERS, we need numbers. If not new Scouts, then at least the APPEARANCE of possible new Scouts, which morphs into seeing efforts made, which means a piece of paper that indicates an effort (recruitment at a public place?) was made, at the behest (must not just be the Scouter, god forbid) of the DE. Lord knows, the good DE is way underpaid and (if they are true to their calling) over worked. I attended the RT once upon a time, met our new DE, who spoke wonderfully of his image of Scouting (he'd been one! What a concept!), and encouraged us to keep up the good work. Three months later (3!) , I was at RT and it was announced we would have anew DE next month.... That next week, I was at work in my bus depot, and was asked to lead a tour of new administrative personnel.... Sonofagun, here is DE #1. Took him aside later and we talked. He said he could not countenance the work environment in the BSA, it wasn't Scouting, it was Bureacracy... Here, at least in the county service, the Buracracy was defined as such. He wanted to do SCOUTING for Scouts, not be a cog in a not so well oiled machine. Bear in mind, this was 20 plus years ago.... Tell you about the next DE, who was asked once a question of Scout Advancement, and responded, "Oh, I have people who can deal with that". Guess who he thought were his "People"?
  13. Yep, I remember that. Chaplain, "Relationships" pavilion. We had to deal/help with the accident/deaths/heat. We stood by the road, handing out water, and sprinkling the Scouts with a hose as they went by, and garnering complaints from folks who didn't want their CAMERAS to get wet.
  14. What's that jazz number, it ain't the heat, it's the humidity? Birds come home to roost. BSA as we knew it is done. Thankfully. As has been said here and elsewhere, if the past BSA had only been honest and open about the problems, had only dealt with the problem makers instead of just slapping the wrists and letting them move on to other areas. If only.... BSA had confronted the bullies, the sexual offenders, the ones that didn't think the Scout Promise and Law applied to them and held them up to the Light , made them (unfortunately) visible. If only.... When was the last time you got a traffic ticket for something that happened a year ago? Five years ago? Twenty years ago? NOW we make it policy to report and DEAL with the offense NOW, not (maybe) later, if we have to... I took French in high school, failed miserably at it (German became my second language, later). Our French/Spanish teacher was a younger man, maybe mid twenties back then. Only about ten years ago, here's a newspaper article about a man who was arrested for umpteen sexual assaults, etc. , picture, name, IT"S MY FRENCH TEACHER FROM THIRTY PLUS YEARS AGO.... Did things happen back then? I don't know. But (to use Yoda language) caught up to him, he was. If only....
  15. I am registered as an ASM in my home Troop, which has a sister Troop under the same CO. I am also a ADC, and MBc.... Yeah, I might bleed Khaki.... On the occasions when I am able to attend a Troop meeting, It is not unusual for the CCh (a wonderful dedicated woman of no mean personal aura) to come up to any random parent (or me) and say "we have some Boards of Review happening tonight for Hermiani and for George.... Could you sit in?" It is HARD to say no to this woman. And thus, we have a very active parent group. Limiting the BoR personnel officially can be both a good thing and an unfortunate thing. "Choose wisely...."
  16. Yep. Been there, done some.... As a nerdy Scout, thick eyeglasses, skinny unathiletic frame, I was once "chosen" by another older Scout as someone to be his "stepping stone" to make himself be bigger. Looking back, I realize alot of this now, in an adult "official" (degree in psych, among other things) capacity. My dad prepared me earlier when it occurred in much earlier times. I guess, , maybe , it had happened to him, but he never said that much to me. So when "Jake" started pushing and shoving and saying some really stupid things, I could realize first off, since I had met his dad (who was also a bully type, brawny, cussing a blue streak, smelled of beer most times), I could realize how he came to be the kid he was. Sad but true. I told "jake" I felt sorry for him, and pushed (both verbally and physically) back. Eventually, I had to push back so hard "Jake" stopped with me because he wasn't getting the result he sought. I don't really know who was next on his list, but he stopped being a Scout soon after his time with me. Humanity's inhumanity to other humans can be hard to realize, but it is there. Has been there since recorded history. The Scouting movement is one means to get the lucky kids to realize how to avoid the mistakes of our collective past. The program mentioned in Juniata Council is a wonderful opportunity. It is the type of program that MIGHT have helped avoid the tribulation that occurred fifty years ago to bring the BSA to it's present state. Facing up to, accepting the truth of, and dealing with the damage, the hurt WHEN IT HAPPENS, when it is first recognized , not passed over and not just passed on to somebody else to deal with. Deal with it when it is brought up. Psychologically, emotionally, humanly, LEGALLY if necessary. Thank you Schiff for bringing this to us. See you on the trail.
  17. Some of us can remember when the Scout who wanted to "show off" brought a non-allowed Kbar from his Marine dad's kit. Now it may be the iphone the Troop says "keep it home for this campout". One of my favorite stories: Scoutmaster (not me) is meeting with his newly elected/minted Senior Patrol Leader and his Patrol Leaders. Toward the next year, SM is suggesting places to go, reminding them of stuff they did previous year, was there anything NEW they might like to try? etc. etc. Crickets. The kids look at each other, waiting for somebody ELSE to speak first. Finally, the nascent SPL says, "you mean I can make that decision?" SM says '' DUHH ?!?"" They had an active, good year.
  18. Oh, the memories.... Our Troop was an "outdoors" Troop. An overnight each month, maybe not in the winter, but yes we did... Patrols met at a Scout's house. Made stuff. Collected money for the next trip. Played ball. Patrols did NOT meet at the Troop meeting, except for Patrol competitions or special training. You wanted a Merit Badge? you PHONED Council and asked for the MBC list for that MB. I remember Aviation had three councilors , all of them in Virginia (We were in Maryland). This one necessitated a couple of phone conversations with a "strange" adult, and at least one trip by dad over the river to this man's house to display my models and talk to him. That's just one example. Others were equally necessitated by ME doing the calling and arranging. SM and dad would help, but not unless I asked. Not unless I asked, there is the operant word. Some MBs happened at summer camp, some were arranged when a couple of us got together and ASKED. I do not remember a regular thing of a "MB Class" at any Troop meeting. My home Troop nowadays does ONE special training for the First Aid MB, of late, a VFD Paramedic comes in and does it. Oh boy, do the Scouts pay attention to her/him. What 5th GenTex is describing is known around here as an EAGLE MILL. I note to Scout folks often that Eagle is an AWARD, not a GOAL. Ya gotta remind folks about that. I have seen Eagles that used the rank /award as a way of growing, became future Scout leaders and leaders of note elsewhere. They came back to visit. , I have seen some who finished the rank, essentially turned to their parents and said "There ! Are you happy now?" and we never see them in Scouting again. I have seen some who followed the lead of their friends and finished and knew they had really accomplished something , used that as a means to other things.... It is the philosophy of the Scoutmaster that sets the tone. The Committee needs to decide what type of Troop they want to be known as. My first SM was a sit around the campfire smoke his pipe and tell stories type. He trained the older Scouts in Scout craft, they taught us. Knife and axe, poison ivy, campfire cooking, compass, ,, yeah some I got from my mom and dad, but the rest I got from some other good men and women.....
  19. Friend Fred: You think you'll get out of Scouting that easily, huh? Hey, maybe out of Scouting, but you'll find the Scouting won't get out of you so easily.... Bleed khaki? Scout cookies are a true addiction. As is Cub (overpriced) popcorn and Scout car washes and Scout BBQs when you drive past,,, and,,,, Those hiking boots will still be pretty comfortable..... See you on the trail. Even in "real life" : KiS MiF.....
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFwSzZQ4MVI
  21. This is the key. It should never be "just good enough" I I think Yoda would make a good MBC....
  22. Troop , camp, WB, IOLS bugler.... Bugling MBC. I have heard , okayed many a brass instrument. The embrouchure from trombone to bugle is easy. I did it. I am called to offer the BMB many times, sometimes some distance Away. I am no longer amazed at the attitude of some Scouts (or their parents?) about "doing" a MB. I once had two brothers arrive with two "cavalry" bugles (the small , one loop bugle) still in the plastic wrap. Had they even tried to make a noise with them? no. We played with these for an hour, I got them to make noise, explained and demonstrated with my horn. These were perhaps the wrong instrument for Bugling MB, but it is possible for the practiced lip, not apparent THIS time.... Eventually sent them off with all my contact info, they never called back.. Many times, Scouts will show up with a cornet or trumpet from the school band, but can't do the five or six notes on the Bugle scale. . How do they play in the band? Did they have any lessons? Chagrin abounds..... I sometimes think this is the result of the "Show Up And Pass " expectations.... AND THEN.... a Scout will show up, and they are the next Wynton Marsalis. Or , as with one Scout , and his attentive dad in the background, BY ZOOM (!!), that came to me four times, improving greatly each time, and I was proud to sign, scan, and email his card to him.... Keep on keeping on. What's that old joke about "How do you get to Carnegie Hall" ?
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