First off, thank you to all that have responded. I knew I wasnt the only one that faced these kinds of problems. Well let me address some of the replies.
LisaBob you wrote
As for getting the boys enthused about participating in your fundraisers, I think you need to look at their understanding of what the money pays for, and how the money is used.
Excellent point, matter of fact we had a Canoeing Merit Badge class and I discussed some of that with the boys in my car. Interesting to see their side.
Does your troop have individual scout accounts?
I havent asked that question yet although from what I am hearing I believe we do.
When your troop plans its annual calendar, do you include a discussion of cost with the boys?
In the last year I have been with the Troop I have not seen that.
Do most the parents in your troop accept, or complain about, paying out of pocket for everything?
Cant really say, we have pretty much taken care of the financial end for my son so far. Id like to see him work more for the trips and campouts than he has.
OK I guess what I'm suggesting is that you include in your printed material an overview of how to set budget goals, how to determine where, how, and by whom the money will be used (in advance of doing the fundraiser), and maybe some specific examples of popular troop activities, their cost, and how fundraisers might be used to meet that cost. The latter might be a real eye opener for some boys and families.
That is some of what I am looking for to put into this outline.
scoutldr you wrote:
each activity, as part of the planning process, should include a budget and a plan for how to raise the money.
That is also part of what I see I need to include in my outline
The troop committee's input should include the operating expenses: registration, training fees, camperships, awards, etc.
And t158sm wrote:
First question I'll have to ask is - Does your troop have a functioning troop committee?
Best answer I can give on the Troop committee is that in the last year I have been with the troop I have only been able to attend 2 of 4 committee meetings. It is something that they desperately want to do on a regular basis but unfortunately I think life gets in the way too many times. That is my perspective of whats going on, might not be theirs.
Glad you enjoyed the course, Jon (your course SM) and I went Through SR-33 together in 1994
That is the year my son was born, Jon from what I have seen really has a heart for scouting and made the experience Better Than Good.
funscout you wrote:
I wish the Packs and Troops didn't both sell popcorn. It gets frustrating to hear people say, "I already bought from another scout, or my nephew/grandson/etc. is in one of the other units, so I'm buying from him."
Believe me I do understand what you mean, just in my neighborhood there are 8 scouts that I know of and of those all but two are in the same pack or troop with the same charter org. We too have heard comments like that.
Personally at work I just hang the popcorn list in my office and those that want to buy will ask. I used to work where I could not ask others and this way I stayed out of trouble. Not to mention one of the dads where I used to work sold a lot of popcorn for his son every year.
All thank you for your comments and advice. I will take all into consideration while working my ticket for Wood Badge. If you have any other comments ideas please post away, Im not the smartest person in the world but I have learned to use OPE (Others Peoples Experience) to make things easier.
ASM 412