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SR846-Beaver's Achievements

Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. RE: Not to battle semantics, but why does what the "troop" advancement chair says matter? The AOL is a cub scout award, not boy scouts I (I am Asst CM) and my CM agree with this. The Troop Adv Chair said something about, we don't want the council to come back later and "take the AOL back" saying that they were not qualified for it. My thought on this goes something like ... gees I think we probably have better things to do with our time than being the "Advancement Police"
  2. I have not seen the book. I am just going off of what she was reading to me over the phone.
  3. In the Webelos Handbook 2008 Printing AOL Requirement says "Be active in your Webelos den for at least 6 months since completing the 4th grade (or at least 6 months since becoming 10 years old), and earn the Webelos Badge. Troop Advancement Chair tells me that the Advancement Committee Guide Policies and Procedures, May 2008 only says 6 months after 4th grade (not the 6 monts after 10th b-day) Which do I go by? I have 3 of 6 boys who have earned all twenty and want to/have planned to cross over in four weeks.
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