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    Hamburg, Michigan

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  1. I didn't start this forum to discuss this. I asked if there was any information. Bob White did a very good job of answering my question. I am satisfied. You guys can continue telling me the right way to do things, and I could just continue to tell you a way that works better for our younger troop, and we could go on and on. So you guys go ahead, but I'm out.
  2. Thank you for clarifying, that makes a lot more since.
  3. One more thing needs to be clarified. The troop guide does not take away from the responsibility of the patrol leader. The troop guide only intervenes if necessesary. He does not represent the patrol, that is the patrol leaders job. He does not run the patrol, that is the patrol leaders job. You have to understand in a young troop like mine when the patrol leaders are 13 and first class that sometimes they need guidance, and that is understandable. The troop guides responsability is primarily to the new scouts, but if other scouts need help and the patrol leader can't handle it by himself, that guide is there too. This isn't what I was asking about, we have been using this system in our troop for years and it always works, no one has any complaints about it, i was only asking about guide training.
  4. Another frustrating thing here is from the scout's perspective. Our troop had an Adv Coordinator like this (luckily he moved) but he held up my Eagle board for a month and a half for no apparent reason, and then he moved. Our old coordinator took over and finished the job, but my board was 3 months late. People that can't do jobs right should not put themselves in a postition that they would have to do them. It's as simple as that. This must be a frustrating thing for everyone in your troop, scouts and scouters. Good luck.
  5. I updated my profile from a year and a half ago when I was patrol leader and librarian. Now the only positions I hold are Troop Guide, and Director of our Drum and Bugle Corps. Thank you for pointing that out. I'm not trying to make half the troop troop guides or anything like that. I didn't even make them troop guides, that was my scoutmaster's decision. They way we have always done things, and this is slightly different, is that the major burden of the guides has been on the new scout patrol, but one guide was also assigned to every other patrol. This guide, in addition to helping the new scout patrol, will also help the older patrol if they request it, or if one of the other leaders (spl, etc), sees that they need it. This is very similar to the way most JLTC programs are run. They generally help with things like advancement, and it is usually the patrol that they came from. So we had 4 guides, one turned 18, one became spl, and one moved on to become JASM. So we have 3 more new guides, I'm pretty sure they are all star, if not they are first class, but they are all qualified. I want them to have some kind of training so that they do the best they can possibly do. Thank you for any of your help. I will consult those books BW.
  6. I am the senior Troop Guide in my troop and we have just picked up quite a few new troop guides. I was curious if any of you have seen Guide training programs run, or know of any resources online to help me out, since I am going to do a training session with them soon. Thank you
  7. spork


    Thanks for the help!!!
  8. Yes, Scoutmaster 424 I will be attending Peterloon 2002. Also, I just got back from D-Bar-A, a Detroit Area Council Camp. I also recommend that.
  9. I agree completley with Bob- that is all I ment when I replied. However, you cannot say a 16 year old Eagle is worth 2 or 3 13 year old eagle. That is a huge stereo type. I know 13 year olds that are more mature than 18 year olds- sad but true fact.
  10. Friedlander is a great camp. I go there every other year for Peterloon Camporee- great place.
  11. It is possible, but I don't think it is right. It is traditionaly up to the scout and his parents to find the right Troop for them. Being "placed" in a troop may not be the best thing. Sorry if I misunderstood.
  12. I have been to Camp Tapico several times. It is in Kalkaska, MI, and is owned and operated by the Tall Pine Council of Flint, MI. I know this is out of the way for most, but look in to it. It offers patrol cooking, a great break from all that dining hall food. The camp is huge, so huge that you have to take your bikes to make it to classes on time. Take it from a scout- Tapico is great.
  13. spork


    I am curious as to how other troops handle patrol food (costs, etc).
  14. If the national office decided to add 1 merit badge to the required list, what would you want it to be?
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