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Spiney Norman

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Everything posted by Spiney Norman

  1. OK, here is this years favorite. It is Saturday afternoon a few hours after we had checked in and set up, a young first year camper spots me as he is walking back from the outhouse. He looks at me a says, "Mr. K, the latrines taste funny." What could I do. I counted to ten and still I blurted out, "well, stop licking'em then." Poor kid. He saw his error and corrected himself. We did have a good laugh though.
  2. Hmm. This is timely. Our troop is in the process of deciding whether or not to expel a scout from our troop. This scout failed a BOR back in Feb due to behavior issues and was put on notice for it. Subsequently, he was sent home from camp for a violation of camp policy. A meeting was held between the contact leaders and we will be recommending that the committee expel the scout. It certainly is not an easy thing to do but something Beaveh wrote strikes home and really hits the nail on the head here: "Yeh remove a kid when you honestly recognize that your current adult leadership, youth, and parent community don't have da ability to meet his/her special needs, or when the youth themselves have honestly made a decision that implies separation." I realize our mission as scout leaders is to help mold young men and help them on the path, but when one person's actions begin driving the program it's time to separate the unit from that influence. As I said it is not easy and it will leave a scar on the unit for some time, but we need to think of the unit as whole before the individual in these cases. It is going to take me some time to get over this. As for there being black and white regulations for this I do believe there are several resources we as leaders should use, common sense, the scout oath and law and the G2SS. If you can't figure out what to do using these resources I think maybe you should reevaluate your role as a leader.
  3. "Fake Leadership kicks this rugged Patrol Scoutcraft out of Wood Badge and replaces it with boxes of tissue for weepy Wolf Den Leaders." Good one Kudu. I have to clean the coffee off my keyboard now. I couldn't agree with you more though.
  4. Have a great time at camp next week. Be sure to slow down and savor every moment. Having just come back this week I can firmly attest that time truly does fly!
  5. Our Troop Always travels in complete uniform and no, not because of Insurance. I can see how this Scouting Myth may have been started by adults. Scouts are more apt to beleive this line when an adult tells them some mysterious power requires that they wear uniforms. I think scouts are more foucused on their behaivior when wearing a uniform. Also, the general public has a better perception of 20 scouts invading their mini-mart as opposed to 20 teenage boys accompanied by tired, scruffy bedraggled men/women who obviously need a shower. Plus, it's just good PR when people see a large group of well behaved boys having fun and they all just happen to be wearing a BSA uniform. I have frequently been stopped and received compliments on the behaivior of my scouts. How did thy know to tell me, well I was wearing my uniform too.
  6. Our troop leaves bright and early Saturday morning for Lefeber Northwoods camp in Laona WI. It's crunch time.What to pack, what stays home. Plus I've got advancement work to do. We usually perform 20-30 Scoutmaster conferences and BOR's at camp. I need to print out everyone's record and be ready to schedule all of this for the SM and the MCs we'll have at camp. I LOVE IT! Plus, Plus, I'll be seeing my son who is in his fourth year on staff.
  7. "Houseboating is a new one for me, whats that all about? Can they waterski? " That would be some houseboat! even Google comes up empty on that one
  8. Houseboating? Houseboating is not high adventure. More like a vacation. Now............ Sea Kayaling in the Apostle Islands, That's HIGH ADVENTURE!
  9. 53 scouts 15 adults 44 days My college age son leaves in two weeks to work at Camp Lefeber, his 4th year.
  10. Terry, Thank you for making this resource available to us all. Ken
  11. I was going to add, jump start and be able to do a basic diagnosis of an automobile, but with the advent of hybrids and and other alternatice propulsion systems in vehicles this may not be so usefull. I can still set a choke and field set distributor points with a matchbook and nail file though. So to be a 21st century handyman you should definitely be able to diagnose and reset your home computer network. That's what I'm usually asking my children to help me with.
  12. "Yes, nothing gets the taste of humiliation out of your mouth like a piece of rhubarb pie"
  13. Are you looking for somewhere to camp or an inexpensive motel? When are you planningto visit? There are lots of choices some better than others
  14. I'll have to agree with Lisabob. This is really bad form and now it appears to come from both sides of the mudhole. Though I can't blame Merlyn for trying to defend himself, but I can fault his approach. We are, for the most part, adults and should know how to deal with all personality types in "Courteous" and "Kind" manner. If you feel the other fellow isn't playing by the rules, don't play with him. I would strongly suggest that a Mod lock this thread ASAP>
  15. Who knew pie could be so contrversial.... Oh of course you always run into those folks who want to cast a wide net of inclusion. What next? Cakes, kolackies, COOKIES? I say pie is pie and pie alone. Lest you think I am some pie eyed crackpot let me furnish you some links for your edification. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pie http://piecouncil.org/ No where is there a mention cheescake, pasties or the like. If you don't like the rules start your own dessert organization.
  16. Seeing as us pie lovers were asked to vacate the previous thread I thought pie lovers should have their own thread. Post your top 5 pies here: 1. Pecan ( or do you say picawn) 2. Cherry Pie (ala mode) 3.Cherry Pie....She's My ( by Warrant) 4. Key Lime ( at Sea Base only, otherwise it's not worth it) 5. Mom's Apple ( to not include on this list would be Un-American)
  17. This sounds like a good time for another helping of pie.......... Anyone,...... Bueller............
  18. Oh! I gotta' show this to the PLC. I sooo want to do this. Modern society and the suburban setting our troop is in is so far removed from it's food source it is a shame. I think everyone needs to be familiar with just what goes into the 'sausage' you're eating and how it got there. The idea of the meat plant also sounds like a great idea. If anything just for the gross out factor .......they'll love it. I'm not so sure about the moms though
  19. I'm beginning to beleive this is all just a cocspiracy concocted by the Pie Bakers Industrial Complex to needlessly increase pie consumption as well as their profits.. I'll have Some Pecan please.....
  20. I do not like them. They look way over the top. All they did was add text in too large a font. If they wanted to make commemorative rank patches why not reach into the past and give them a nostalgic feel rather than a adding tag line that beats you over the head?
  21. Just saw this myself on facebook. I'm a fan of Scouter magazine. My only response is "HOW COOL IS THAT!" http://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2010/01/historical-merit-badges-help-boy-scouts-celebrate-scoutings-past.html
  22. Really this will not add to the discussion but when do the nominations for this year's "Pappy" awards open?
  23. Every year at TLT I throw down the gauntlet of National Honor Patrol to the new junior leaders. Still no one patrol has even tried yet. Perhaps I could bring it up every so often at their PLC meetings. I will say this though, I have challenged the PLs to have an off site patrol meeting and even sweetened the pot with a promise of me treating them to ice cream. Say what you will about bribery, but our newest patrol leader had his patrol go door to door selling the troop's pancake breakfest tickets in his part of town. I am ready to pay up.
  24. It is always worth it to stay at it for your son, but you need to make it fun for yourself as well. Before anyone here can give you advice more info would help. Are there other den leaders or adults who could step up? Has anyone contacted the unit commissioner, it is their job to help you after all. What about the CC? This should be their problem and not yours.......... Respectfully Ken
  25. Or................ How about a guest worker program. Where folks can come to work here for a specified amount of time, pay taxes, pay FICA and pay into Social security. Of course to do this people would have to be willing to pay the market rate for services now provided by illegals. 2-3 dollars more per meal in a restaurant, 5-10 dollars more per week for lawn service, 5-10 dollars more for a haircut. Think of the products and more importantly the services you receive from these "illegals" and ask yourself how much more you are willing to pay? It is the free market which has caused this situation and it is the free market which will ultimately have to solve it ( the gov't will have to force us though).
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