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Everything posted by speedy75

  1. dg98adams...I understand that a filter can be put on or I can hit delete but just so you understand. Last week I received 16 emails in one day from this lady. On Monday I received 5 and yesterday another 3. The suggestion has been put out there for her to put together a newsletter where all the information can be put together and posted on the pack website. Well, that isn't in her "job description". I have put the filter on my email and when they bounced back to her she started sending it to my work email address. I didn't give her that address she figured it out on her own. She knew where I worked and with that it is pretty easy to figure out my email address. Now this is a problem. At this point, anything that comes from this lady is deleted without being opened. I understand that it is a pain to get information out to all of the kids. My husband is a coach for a couple of youth teams and we also use email to send out information. However, I will tell you that he gathers ALL information and puts it into ONE email every couple weeks. He relies on the parents to get the information at the practices and to go to the organization's website for practices and game details. It seems to work because the kids get to practice, games and other events associated with the team. I don't have a problem with receiving information from scouts via email but I think there needs to be a limit. I just feel that when so many emails are sent out they become very ineffective because they are just deleted without being read.
  2. Can someone please help provide an explanation of what a Parent Unit Coordinator should be doing. A parent in the Pack started sending out multiple emails a day to all of the pack about upcoming events in the area and things the kids could do to complete beltloops, etc. Well, a few parents got tired of so many emails and mentioned it to the Cub Master. The Cub Master brought it up at the Pack Committee member to the Committee Chairman (it was his wife) and said he was getting a few complaints. It appeared to be taken care of when she sent yet another email asking for replies to who would like to continue receiving the emails. The committee chair then gave his wife the title of "Cub Scout Parent Unit Coordinator." She uses this title to send out the emails and says it is in her "job description" that she should do that. Parents are getting upset and she throws that title in their face. Parents have requested multiple times to have their email address removed from her list. Can anything be done to stop this since the Committee Chair appointed her. She doesn't attend the committee meetings, den meetings or the pack meetings. It is more or less a way to occupy her while she is at home during the day. Has anyone else had to deal with a parent like this?
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