Hello, my son is not a scout, but he wants to be. But I have a few questions about what is okay and what is not okay in the scouting world.
I am an atheist, I am also a mother. My children are not atheists, my teen children were raised as Christians (as I used to be a Christian) and my youngest son (who wants to be a scout) has no religion at all. But I wouldn't tag him as an atheist, nor do I encourage him to do so. He would not have any issues with saying the oath to god. My husband is not an atheist, he is not religious either, but he believes in god. No particular religion fits him though. My husband was a scout, I believe he was an Eagle Scout and really enjoyed this time and his experiences.
My question is, if I am an atheist but my husband is a theist, can our son participate? (my son is not an atheist) Also, I've heard that people who are atheist or agnostic are banned from helping with the troop. Is this true? Does this mean I can not go to events or help at all (bake cookies, help with den meetings? etc) And last, if my husband does not consider himself part of a particular religion does that mean that he can not participate?
Thanks for reading this.