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Everything posted by Sparkie

  1. acco40, Sorry, wasn't thinking about the shirt issue (and i was not assuming the tan shirt would be mandatory). My sons kept their blue shirt until boy scouts (February of 5th grade). However, now i'm confused on why you would say a Bobcat badge would be removed "once his Webelos badge is earned?". Most boys in my pack earn their Bobcat by the next Pack Meeting, so he would (the fourth grader) be wearing it a good year and a half at minimum. Placement would still be on the pocket, why would the new program make this placement any different? Sorry if i'm REALLY missing something here. Sparkie
  2. Well, i can't answer your second question, i'm to young (for once ). In response to your first question, i would buy a new fourth grade scout the Oval Webelos badge. Mainly because he would never have a completed (larger) diamond. The Tiger diamond simply replaced the Webelos diamond in completing the larger diamond on the shirt. Therefore, i don't see the Bobcat disappearing anytime soon. Sparkie
  3. rlutz wrote: "The new badge requires the removal of all previously earned ranks upsetting some of the boys and parents" Actually, the old badge is being phased out. The new badge DOES NOT require the removal of previous badges. Under the new Tiger program (i think starting last year) those boys will be getting the oval. Therefore, it will be a couple years before my first den actually receives the new oval badge. Our Webelos I just received the diamond, we are not handing them out just because they are available. But maybe your pack wants to do it differently . Sparkie Cubmaster Troop Com. Mem.
  4. What a great post! Thanks for sharing! Sparkie
  5. Whenever our troop camps, it's always for 2 nights. We NEVER do a one-night campout. I would highly recommend getting in at least 2 2-night campouts as you suggested. Unless your are an LDS Troop, i don't see why they wouldn't want to stay another nite since they go thru all that work setting up camp! Personally, i think the monthly camp-outs is what keeps our boys in the troop, and in scouting. When the boys are at camp, they are different then when they are at home, it's hard for me to explain but, it's like their own little getaway, away from home, homework and yes, mom. I feel like everytime my son comes back from a campout, he's grown a little more . Sparkie P.S. Our boys are ALWAYS working on Merit badges (whether in camp, or weekly meetings) the first one being....First Aid.
  6. I know in our Council Laser Tag is a no no. However, we do an "Unofficial" outing. Last Saturday in fact, we had a lock-in at a local Lazer Quest facility. It was a huge hit with 80% of our boys attending, and no, no-one slept! (well, maybe an adult or two, lol). So OGE, to answer your question, No, it can't be used as a Troop outing....but you can do it unofficially . Sparkie
  7. Laura T wrote "Find the hidden electrical outlets in camp for your Palm Pilot, laptop and to re-charge your digital camera. " You get to use electrical equipment at camp!? We don't even allow battery operated stuff (i.e. gameboys, cd's radios). Although we do allow the boys to use these items for the ride to camp, they have to stay inside the car they came in once they are at camp. Sparkie
  8. SCOUTMASTER MERIT BADGE Requirements: 1.Take Morning and afternoon naps daily. 2.Go to the nature area and tell about the massive copperhead you massacred in your yard last week. 3.Go to Scoutcraft and try to show off that fancy knot you used to know. 4.Go rowing and find out youre not as young as you used to be. 5.Complain about the sights on the 22s. 6.Hunt down the air conditioned buildings between naps. 7.Hassle four staff members daily. 8.Have 5 cups of coffee minimum daily unless forbidden by allergy or religion. 9.Wait for Troop to show up in front of dining hall. 10.Avoid latrines; search out flush toilets. 11.Foolishly believe you can beat the staff in volleyball or any other game. 12.Make merit badge counselors nervous by watching over their shoulders. 13.Help lost campers find program areas. 14.Ask, Why cant I just take my vehicle in and unload it? 15.Chase Scouts out of your chair. I wish i could credit whoever came up with this! Sparkie
  9. How wonderful! and congratulations to your son. Sounds like he has lots of Scout Spirit!!! Sparkie
  10. I am a religious counselor for the Ad Altare Dei medal, it is for the Roman Catholic Faith. I was also recently (re-trained) for the NEW Pope Pius XII program (you have to be in H.S. to start this one). If you are not of the RC faith, i know there are many faith medals available. If you let me know what faith you are with, i can check on the appropriate medal for you. Sparkie
  11. When your Com. Chmn. cannot attend the meeting who takes their place? My Com. Chmn. has sent his wife, who is a den leader (but never attends com. meetings). I didn't mind it the first time (it's happened 2x so far) but i think he's about to have her do it again next month. Seeing as she normally doesn't attend, i have concerns about this. I know the Cubmaster (that's me) shouldn't run the meeting, but i think the Asst. Cubmaster would be the next logical person to fill in. Thanx for your help! Sparkie
  12. patrol box???? Our patrols store pots 'n pans, utensils (although they are always getting mixed up), mess kits and salt & pepper. They used to have their own cleaning supplies (soap, bleach, sponges etc.) but have since consolidated everything into one cleaning bin (my recommendation). With a big crossover coming in February, we will be needing an additional patrol box, and are considering revising all the patrol boxes. In order to keep utensils straight, i have suggested dipping the handles in paint (each patrol currently has a color code). I'm just looking for other ideas, Thanx!! Sparkie P.S. Also, do you also have a "leader" patrol box (lead by example!)?
  13. Do you have a Pack Code of Conduct? When i became Cubmaster of our pack, this was one of the first things my com. chmn. and i did. One of the hardest things i have to do (i think) is to reprimand a scout with the parent standing right there. However, this also lets the parent know what is acceptable and what isn't (I had a boy standing on a coffee table in my house one time!). When i became involved in scouts, i never dreamt i would have to be teaching adults what was appropriate, and what was not. Sparkie
  14. Where have i been? I wish i knew about this site years ago! Oh yea, i've been at Pack Com. Meetings, Troop Com. Meetings, Popcorn Com. Meetings, Leader Trainings, Pack Meetings, Troop Meetings, Campouts and Roundtables to name a few! I've recently caught up with LauraT who graciously steered me over here. I really like all the activity here! As far as about me, i have 2 sons 14 and 10. On the pack side I've been a Cubmaster for 4 years (Den Leader and Webelos Leader prior to that). I've also been with a GREAT troop for the last 3 years as Com. Mem., MB Counselor and Religious Counselor. Last year i got roped into Coun. Popcorn Com. (i'm the kernal for pack and troop), although i really like it alot because i meet alot of people during pick-up! I have been asked to be a unit commissioner (declined), and just last week Coun. Leader Training Com. Oh yea, 2 years ago i started an un-official club called Pub Scouts . I'm looking forward to meeting everyone! YiS Sparkie
  15. Hi LauraT!! I made it, boy is it nice here! (This is what i've been looking for!) Anyway, it was my impression that ASMs could not sit on Bds. of Review, i don't know if that makes a difference to you or not. Hopefully someone will correct me if i'm wrong. Sparkie
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