Hello folks. We have a brand new Venture Crew and have been wanting to show the Crew Officers Orientation for some time. I believe it is a very good overview of the Venture program, the workings of the Crew, and the responsibilities of each Officer as well as each member. HOWEVER, the program is not downloadable, and can only be viewed on the Scouting.org website, or purcahsed on a CD. I have no probelm with that, and we've ordered the CD ($9.99). But the online Scouting.org website has been malfunctioning for the last week or so and will not play the program (I'm pretty sure it's the site, and not me). And the only other place where I've found the video online was the Resources section of the VentureMag webiste - and that program crashes after the 1st of 17 portions. Again, not just for me.
Does ANYONE have this video/program in an e-mailable format (or FTP-able or whatever it takes) that they could forward me so we could show it at our Crew meeting THIS EVENING? I've confirmed that the CD we ordered will not be delivered until the end of this week (at best). We've really been held back from our planned progress and I'd really like to use this resource before moving forward.