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  1. Dear ScouterKid, You're right. You didn't get much help from this group in how to deal with your father, but you did get some. The "write him a letter" idea is a good one, it allows you to spend the time to write rational and cogent arguments about why you should be able to leave scouting (it's not fun anymore). The other advice you've received is also valid: change the situation by making it fun again by having a change in program or by getting your friends back in. But the way you describe your program, it is unlikely you could recruit anyone. The scoutmaster you described is "out-of-bounds", because it is the PLC who determines what the activities will be, not a scoutmaster/dictator. One other way out of this situation: satisfy your Dad and become an Eagle Scout. That sounds like it is unlikely, because you're not getting an opportunity to do the things it takes to advance: plan and lead your own activities. Maybe if you explain that to your Dad, he'll back off, or support you in getting the scoutmaster to mend his ways.
  2. sourgum

    Uniform Costs

    How do we contact National about this subject? The cost vs. functionality of the uniform is not balanced. I was very sad to see the new pant design. They should have designed cargo pants that transform to shorts- perfect for year round use! And, if they offered them in Nylon, then they would be appropriate in rainy conditions as well. Scout trousers cost $36 and shorts cost $30 = $66 for something that is not practical for outdoor use. I can buy nylon cargo pants for about $35, and cotton for less. I think the people who came up with this pant design sit in an office and haven't been camping with kids in thirty years.
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