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    Staunton, VA

bikerferg's Achievements

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  1. This seemed like the right area to say hi at. My profile is posted but basically I grew up in Scouting obtaining my Eagle back in the late mid 60's. I have meandered in and out of Scouting pre and post college. Was a Scoutmaster (untrained) back in 79-81? before moving on. After getting married, I settled down, have a daughter (working? on her Gold Award in GS) and my son just got Star. I have been a CC and CM as well as concurrently acting as a Den Leader. Am currently a ASM with the troop helping the new scout patrol, pack go between, etc. Am working on Wood Badge. Just sealed my Brotherhood in OA. Scouting is a great organization. It is one reason I am who I am...Steve...Hope this wasn't to long winded..
  2. I appreciate everyone's comments and am going to encourage the SM, Committee, and other troop adults to review this thread. I will pass the url on or even print out hard copy. This attitude seems to be over a boy who has all his leadership with the Den Chief position. The SM and other advisors need to help him move into another leadership position of responsibility if they don't want just experience with they consider minor. I my self believe it (Den Chief) may very well be one of the more important leadership positions given that it helps expose young cubs to the uniform, Boy Scouts, even being a big brother experience for those who need it. Keep listing if you can, it only supports my position. Any other groups to solicit similiar support...Thanks..Steve
  3. In the Eagle Requirements, requirement 4 speaks of positions of responsibility within the troop. Den Chief is definitely listed in the responsible position listing. Is it permissible for a scout master or committee to not allow a scout to use Den Chief as the responsible positon held in going from Life to Eagle. The SM and committee want their ucoming Eagles to display leadership in what they consider more responsible positions in the hiearchy. Den Chief is viewed as ok for Star or Life. Isn't this modifying the Eagle Requirements....What do you all think..Steve
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