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    Pittsburgh PA

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  1. In 1964 as a Cub Scout I was awarded a National Certificate of Merit. At the time the only other heroism award was the National Medal of Merit. Upon returning to scouting as a leader six years ago I started to wearing the Knot with red on white. With-in the last year due to my Scouting values I removed it because I was not sure if I was eligible. I also feared the uniform police. My question is should I resume wearing the Heroism Knot?????
  2. Several things in addition to your DE get in contact with your district commisioner. He/She should be able to direct you to the District members that can give you help and support. If you are lucky and have a strong district you will have a training director and a unit commisioner that should be able to give you lots of help. Also your den leaders if properly register should be recieving Scouting magazine, not only does it have articles of interest and help, but all den leader and Cubmaster copies also automaticlly included the "helps" program for several months in advance. Another tool I highly recommend is Scouttrack.com, it is a web based administration tool that provides many of the same features that Packmaster does and also has the flexibilty to have any leader and/or the cubs parent to keep track of progress towards rank. It also provides a calendar that has a E-mail reminder for all events. Leaders can also send E-mails amongst themselves or thier den or the entire pack. I also think you have a leg up having found this web site, Which I believe is the best on the net bar none. yours in Scouting Scott
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