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Everything posted by Snappy

  1. All excellent points were brought up. Yes I'm a den leader but due to other issues for another day and time, I've been a part of the committee for a couple years. I always claimed I would never get on the committee and here I sit...but I also assist my son't Den Leader. Let's see, we sent money to the new pack as an olive branch of sorts. To down play any idea that anyone thinks we are competing in any way. Our pack isn't competing for boys...we want everyone to find a pack where they feel most comfortable. I got in the middle of this issue by attending committee meetings, taking notes, sending them out and then making everyone stick to what was decided for the whole pack instead of adjusting for ONE person's schedule. Most of the committee did not appreciate the attempt by the ex-den leader to hijack the event to fit his changing schedule. But bend we did...and then when he attempted the next hijack during a summer event, well, I might have put the foot down and made sure the original plan was kept. Horrible. And then he was gone. After creating his own flag burning ceremony and burning a nylon flag on a hibachi....I can't even make this stuff up. Ok, so now he's gone. Again, the other issues are popping up as I reply to many of the questions, so I apologize...but it is all part of the same story. Our Charter Rep is not on the best of terms with the charter so the committee is actually trying to figure out, blindly, how to improve relations. That will be difficult but not impossible. I know some people...that sounds ominous...that might be able to replace him as our CR in that organization...I think he'd be OK with that one... Our Charter Rep has multiple hats...and dealing with the new pack with one of his other hats is within reason. Committee Chair is doing his best to get the feedback and guidance from the uppers but it's a stone brick wall so far... Cub Master..ahhh...well said CM was chosen by CR...CR is not known for choosing well...so we're (committee) ALSO working on recruiting a new CM who will be AWESOME. It's all about making sure we do things correctly, within the system and still keep our program fun and happening for the boys. Yet not get bullied or pushed into situations that would be a detriment to our pack's program. Way off on a new tangent but this is fairly interesting to read about I hope. We are also getting some good feedback from another Troop leader so we hope to resolve fairly soon...it's been going on for a bit too long.
  2. I'm rather burned out on the entire situation and really just want to focus on making sure the guys in our den enjoy and remain with scouting. We do manage to have alot of fun in our den. Did leadership know about the violent background...good question. If they didn't, they soon will. And if he continues to be a leader, I'll continue to be even more inspired to make our pack and troop better and better. Communication is what the uppers are stressing. I really have no patience for the two who have been the focus of this issues. No I don't want to improve communication with them at all and I could care less if we lose them both as volunteers because as a wise person once said...just because you can volunteer doesn't mean you should... Hence the name Snappy.
  3. Maybe all these replies are giving me some much needed energy and refocus. In the long run, these minor issues do not matter but right now are causing a bad feeling in a smaller town. So hopefully we'll be able to repair and move on with some extra guidance from up the ranks. re: DV convictions. Not rumor. Public records are accessible. It gives me and everyone pause prior to speaking with this leader as it indicates a lack of control in tense situations. COR sent out his own tirade recently that went out to a bunch of parents along with our committee. So a big repair needs to happen there too...time and patience is needed. And for me, a large glass of Chianti to chill out. This forum was my final option after talking it out as much as we could with everyone involved. Thanks everyone. Keep the positive scouting thoughts and wisdom coming.
  4. I've been looking through the forum to find discussion on the issue our cub scout pack committee currently faces. We had quite a bit of difficulty with one of our ex-den leaders in his behavior and cooperation as a member of the pack. Basically, he was a 'my way or the highway' type of personality. Not unusual and not impossible to deal with...if you're dealing with someone without any hidden problems. Such as a tendency toward violence. Three domestic violence convictions in his 30s (not when he was a youngster)...and the last one being a felony. But still, give the benefit of the doubt because his application obviously got through all the proper channels, right? But I, and others, had red flags as we observed him with the kids...minor in light of our youth protection training but still as a parent...that's not the type of person I'd leave my kids with for an hour. That den leader decided it would be best to leave our pack and got approval to start his own. Again, looks good...he's moving on, I and others breathe a sigh of relief and wish them well and offer any help we can. Throughout this time, he does send me emails to argue about certain decisions that the committee has made with everyone present...emails that are just...off, but that's my own problem I think. He becomes good friends, it seems, with our charter rep and that charter rep begins to send me emails blasting me for behavior that has not occurred. I do provide exact documentation for his review of any communications that have occurred...and somewhat of an apology comes back. But this is my issue so far, right? No problem. I'm an adult and can handle it though it is beginning to wear on me so I do share a bit with the rest of the committee. We went on with our year and heard nothing from them for help so we sent some funds to help with whatever they might need. New pack has a FB page. A public forum. And here we go with this new pack leader basically bashing our pack...for all his pack to see. There's a problem with this, in our opinion, so we let our district leader know some history and the current situation. Unfortunately, it seems he might not think this is as wrong as we do. I think it's bad for scouting in general to air grievances against another pack...and indeed naming that pack...in public. So we're told to go further up the ladder. ALl the while communication is being stressed. Yes, but isn't it possible that an unbiased mediator might be needed by this point? To get it all back on track? This is a public forum but scout oriented and where else do you go when the system seems to shut down when you need assistance and guidance? This isn't the entire story. But hopefully enough to get feedback and guidance. Thanks.
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