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Everything posted by smoke20

  1. Hi! If any of you go back and read the post it says there that I wanted it to go through the leaders. This is not anything new it is done all the time. I am also not dumb enough to give out personal stuff on any of my boys. I have also already gotten approve from my council before it was even brought up to my parents. We also did this with the troops over seas. Through the leaders with approval. This was very well thought out and planned for over a year. None of my post has personal tarcable information. If I had found someone here to do it it would of been a Registered leader who has gone through a back ground check and all information would of been pasted through the phone. And no I don't mean the boys address or phone numbers. As a leader for 5 years and soon to be new packmaster and a parent I am not going to do anything to harm these boys. I once thought this was a palce to come to get friendly information and to chat with people who want whats best for their boys. Thank you Carol for your interest but I have found someone else in a pack overseas who has the same amount of boys that I do. I have 17 boys this year in my wolves alone and in my Sr. Webelos I have 22. I will not be back here agin so don't bother posting.
  2. Hi! We are located in Tn. about 30 miles from Memphis. What we were going to do before was match up a boy from each den and let the boys write to each other and they could send pictures, patches,a small gift at Christmas and Blue and Gold, and what ever else that we could think of. Also share different activity that we are doing and see what other dens are doing. We could also share ideas and be proud of our "brothers" when they pick up awards or rank. We could do this as a whole den and not as one on one. If that wprks better. This could all go through the leaders in case some parents don't feel comfortable giving out their address. All my returning scouts parents are very excited. And aren't worried about it. This will give the boys a chance to work on things in the meeting for their pals. Thank you cards would be one thing.
  3. Hello! This is my first time posting on here although I have been lurking for a long time. I was wondering if any of you leaders out there would be willing to sign your den up to be penpals with my wolves. Last year I talked to someone with a another out of state den who was going to do this but now he isn't leading. We were very excited about doing this so I am now looking for a new group of boys. There are all kinds of things we could do and send each other. Maybe share different things from your area. I hope someone would be willing. It will be fun!
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