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Posts posted by SMJoe

  1. My ASM just completed and got his counicil award for being a 100 night camper. We as leaders have a great time working with the boys and currently have 20 months in a row camping. we are a new troop and have camped in every weather condition. Well when my ASM got his award we were told they are discontinuing the program. when we asked why we were told "Scouting is for the boys". While I agree it is a boy lead program something inside me was revitalized when i became a ScoutMaster. I am an Eagle and am proud of my scouting heritage. To have the ability to continue in scouting is great and shows the boys scouting is still cool when you are old.


    Is this an Ore-Ida council thing or is scouting making the move this way. It seems that the major awards ie the Silver Beaver have become somewhat a political award and not something a SM of a small troop can earn.


    Interested in hearing others thoughts...

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