***have to be honest....its an ad, but its the truth!**********
I have three kids in scouting...Cub, Boy and Girl. It's next to impossible to keep track of all of the dates and events, and paperwork.
They need websites!...so that is what I build them! I used to be a programmer back in the real world.
I built these websites for any type of scouting organization to use.
Completely secure, and follows ALL BSA and GSUSA website guidelines! A MUST!
Control at your fingertips. No need for a programmer. Easy to use, Up and running in minutes!
Your tools..
Admin login
Protect your site with a master login and pw.
Upload forms
Rosters(admin view only!)
Advancements (Cub Scouts only)
Mass email
Events with RSVP feature
and more...
(FIRST MONTH FREE) There is a charge for this website. $1.00 a month. (FIRST MONTH FREE)
I didn't want to charge at all, but I do have to cover my server costs.
There is NO setup fee.
NO CC required.
No Cancellation fee.
This is NOT to good to be true. I am a mom who build this for her own kids...I simply morphed it into something others can use. Please check it out!
Sharon Miller