I'd like to "piggyback" onto this thread:
Our troop has only in the past year and a half or so really started using the patrol method.
We get only 2-3 Webelos crossing over each year, and so we do not use the "New Scout Patrol" idea.
The past two years, we've put the incoming boys into one patrol together, with the newer boys, for the most part, being two grades away from the majority of the patrols they entered. So now,our patrols currently look like this:
Patrol A: Very active, 10th and 8th graders (7 members)
Patrol B: Very active, 9th, 7th and 6th graders (8 members)
Patrol C: Small (5 members)only three really active although the other two do show up on occasion, 9th & 11th graders
Patrol D: so-called "Leadership patrol" which really functions only as a vehicle for older scouts to either hang out, or not come at all. Currently it has only 2 scouts in it and only one shows up with any regularity. The SPL and ASPL are also considered to be in this patrol, so that makes 4 in that patrol.
We are considering getting rid of the "leadership patrol", putting the two members of that patrol into Patrol C, which would then be a patrol of 9th, 11th and 12 graders. The SPL and the ASPL would not be in a patrol. When the current Seniors leave, this patrol would again have only 5 members.
We will be getting a few new scouts in the spring. If we were to beef up patrol sizes and make them all similar, we would put them into this patrol C, but there would be a pretty big age gap between the incoming 5th graders and the next youngest which are 9th graders. Currently Patrol A and B work together very well, and they do not want to split up.
Has anyone ever had a big gap in ages like this in a patrol. Will it be a problem or do we need to force the other two patrols to rearrange in the spring? We could solve the problem this year by putting the new scouts into the other two patrols, but we'd have an even bigger age gap next year.
(This message has been edited by SMDonHall)