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  1. I was wondering what accounting program different troops use. We are currently using a basic/generic accounting package and not overly happy with it. I've been looking at a Scouting specific package but not 100% sold on it either. Just wondering what others are using to track monies (dues, expenses, etc.) for their troop.
  2. I've looked at a demo of TroopLedger and I liked parts of it. It did seem to be geared towards a scouting dues system where scouts pay per meeting/campout or something like that. More of a 'pay as you go' type or pre-pay system . However we bill our dues and camping fees in a lump sum only a couple of times per year. Dues are billed in September and campouts and such are charged to their account during the year. Then we send out invoices/statements to our scouts showing a balance due. I think TL might be able to handle this but I think it's a little off it's normal operating mode. We currently are able to email our statements out which saves a bunch of postage. Unfortunately, TL doesn't do this but I was told it might in the future...just not now.
  3. I was wondering what accounting program different troops use. We are currently using a basic/generic accounting package and not overly happy with it. I've been looking at a Scouting specific package but not 100% sold on it either. Just wondering what others are using to track monies (dues, expenses, etc.) for their troop.
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