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Everything posted by slontwovvy

  1. There's also www.defendscouting.org....Yes, and I would agree that each person looks at a web site differently. I personally find Scouting for All's website rather funny. Anytime I need a laugh, just look at some of the things other people think. Funny, yet sobering.
  2. My council was formed by the conglomeration of six back in the seventies. As such, we have five camps over 200 acres and four smaller camps. With 17,000 traditional members (last time I checked), this is a boon for Scout camping, especially in the summer months where it is difficult to get into other public camps.
  3. That should be the camp's problem, not yours. Most camps I know of will make special dietary restrictions work if they're submitted a month ahead of time. Maybe you should change your camp if they will not do this.
  4. OGE, There really is little reliable research on the topic, as most people have strong feelings on the topic either way. As such, there is little research on anything related to homosexuals that you can trust. Those studies done by conservative groups do find differences, while those done by liberal organizations will ardently disagree. Personally, I see it from the conservative side, but by looking around, you can see many who do not share my views.
  5. I would like to stress what Chippewa29 says "The palms are worn on the ribbon of the Eagle medal." You cannot wear the palms on a pocket flap or next to the Eagle patch as I have often seen done.
  6. Alright, here's a brief attempt. Meetings every month: a PLC the first Tuesday, then meetings all of the other Tuesdays. On the first and third Tuesdays, there is a high adventure meeting for thirty minutes before the regular meeting. January=ski trip or caving February=in-cabin winter camp March=trip to a major city April=outdoor camping and preparation for summer camp May=more outdoor camping June=more outdoor camping July=summer camp August=high adventure canoe trip September=bike trip and international camporee October=outdoor camping November=in-cabin camp December=winter camp in Arctic tents That's the basics. We sell wreaths in October and Easter lilies near Easter.
  7. Also, you might consider making up your own. Our troop has a unique mixture of many ideas, including a lashed bridge that the Webelos "cross over," a candle holder, etc. We tweak the ceremony every year, and it's always worked well.
  8. Traditional values? A big part is three words: manners, manners, manners.
  9. A) Make them rewash the dishes, no one in that patrol does anything else until its done. B)Our troop has two kinds of tents: new ones and old ones. We have enough new tents for everyone in the troop. Old tents are used in exactly this circumstance. If they mistreat their tents, they'll sleep in one without an effective rainfly and with a few holes. C) Just ask them to get up. There's really nothing more you can do.
  10. I wonder if our old "friend" has manifested himself again.
  11. Camps are in the same boat. As much as we try to even the playing field, it is difficult to make sure that everyone knows the material when you have twenty Scouts to counsel, or even ten. I've tried written tests, but that has seemed too much like school, something I try desperately to avoid in ecology merit badges. Sadly, there is not enough time in the day to individually test each Scout on the information. Kind of a bad situation from the start, with too many Scouts per week, Scouters who will sign off on everyhing for their boys, and too few counselors.
  12. I'll try to take this one. In troops, sometimes a couple of things can happen. In our troop, one boy was SPL for almost three years (in part because no one wanted to run against him, in part because he had the power and wanted to keep it). He was little more than a dictator, using the position for his benefit, but many of the Scouts couldn't see that. In order to allow more boys a chance at leadership, and to get the old SPL out of the office which he was abusing badly, an "appointed SPL" was summoned. Sometimes you need to just guide boys so they can see if it really is greener on the other side.
  13. Among the things we do for our chartered organization: Maintain their shrub beds. Help set up for their annual picnic. They have a building fund for new projects, so we donate a percentage of the profits from our spring fundraiser. etc. Our chartered organization is a Catholic church, so we give our troop newsletter to both of our priests and the business manager. In return, we get sovereignty over a nice sized room all the time, automatically rent the basement every Tuesday, and get the privileges of fundraising outside of church. Our relationship was not always good, however. What we did to make it better was inviting the priests on outings. Once they saw what we did for youth, they treated us a lot more nicely.
  14. "Venturing Venturing offers a program that is fun and full of challenge and adventure for young men and women who are 14 (and have completed the eighth grade) through 20 years of age. Learn more about high adventure, sports, arts and hobbies, youth ministries, and Sea Scouting crews. " http://www.scouting.org/nav/signup.html
  15. I'm not sure where k-9 goldscout and andrews are getting their facts from, but Venturing's age range is 14-20 (they can Venture up to their 21st birthday, not their 22nd). Any doubts, check the BSA site.
  16. The BSA does not teach capitulation--but it does teach you to pick your battles. Grekonsz just needs to choose if the battle is important enough to fight.
  17. Check your OA handbook--it'll be one of the words you won't know. Or--ask one of your lodge or chapter officers or members. They will be able to help you.
  18. I'm looking on page 3 of the Eagle Scout section in the 2001 BSA catalog, and on the bottom right is the Eagle Scout academy-style ring, in 10K gold for $749.95 and in sterling silver for $147.00.
  19. Correction to k9 gold-scout: They can be Venturers till their 21st birthday, not until they're 22.
  20. Kind of related, but Survivor and Wilderness Survival. Star Wars, Dr. Seuss, Medieval Times, A Space Odyssey, etc.
  21. OGE, Your opinion is fine. Still, I believe (in my situation at least) that you are incorrect. Mine is an upper-middle class community, without much need for ESL. The playing field is pretty even. You're forgetting one simple fact--all this does it pit the college-bound public schoolers against the college-bound private schoolers, a reasonable comparison. I am not including the mentally disabled children who are not going to college, and most likely people who are in ESL are not attending as well. I am comparing those who are college bound. In the private school's case, that's 99%, while in the public school, that's less than 40%. As for "exclusive admissions"--in my area it can't happen, simply because it's still a small area. It's a small school. We will sometimes get students that the public schools kicked out; it's the Christian thing to do. Your opinion is very biased on this, as is mine. I'd just like you to consider what you're saying.
  22. The prettiest girl, (repeat) I ever saw,(repeat) was sippin' ci- (repeat) der through a straw (repeat) (repeat verse) I asked her if,(repeat) she'd show me how,(repeat) to sip some ci- (repeat) der through a straw (repeat) (repeat verse) So cheek to cheek (repeat) And jaw to jaw (repeat) we sipped some ci- (repeat) der through that straw (repeat) (repeat verse) Then all at once (repeat) That straw did slip (repeat) I sipped some ci-(repeat) der from her lips (repeat) (repeat verse) Now twenty-seven kids (repeat) all call me pa (repeat) from sippin' ci- (repeat) der through a straw (repeat) (repeat verse) The moral of (repeat) this little tale (repeat) is sip your ci- (repeat) der from a pail (repeat) (repeat verse-end)
  23. "Slont, You don't believe people of different color or race should have equal rights? That women should have equal rights? That people (of any gender, race or religion) should not be harrassed in the workplace? That free speech is a good thing?" Sctmom, No offense taken. If you give a few, you have to be willing to take a few. Still, though, nothing I said stated or implied that I was against equal rights for people of a different color, race, or gender. I don't know where you're getting that from. Secondly, after school religious clubs are constitutional. Free practice of religion remember? As long as they're not forcing people to join, it's ok. I'm not saying free speech is a bad thing. By not allowing their religious clubs, you are however. Thirdly, why should gay couples have the same rights as married couples if their unions are not legally recognized in most states? Again, that's the same as if two random people walk in and want to rent a married apartment. Doesn't work. That's why I don't like the ACLU. They always push the rights they want while destroying others' rights.
  24. Most of the Scouts in my troop go to private school (probably 35 out of 50). I support public schools in general, but I think they need reform and healthy competition (more so than now). Does that make me a bad citizen? No. One must look at the fact though--rarely is a reputation given without some hint of truth in it. Maybe the public schools honestly need to change. In my area, the three private schools (one Lutheran, one Catholic, one non-denominational) have a higher average ACT score with a greater percentage of each class taking it, and kids who switch to the public schools are often a year ahead. That, in my opinion, would signify a need for change.
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