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Everything posted by slontwovvy

  1. Hmmmm.....Kind of ironic that the American Civil Liberties Union, an organization founded to preserve the rights of the individual, should come to assimilate so many people to a lock-step cadence of political correctness. The ACLU was informed of my aforementioned cases, Mr. LeRoy. I know because one of my relatives did it. Still, though, have to pick your fights, right?
  2. That must have been a horrible experience. Every time a Webelos den comes to our troop, our Scoutmaster takes the parents aside for a special meeting. Along with him go two or three other boys, one older, one "middle-aged" and one newbie. They discuss what the troop does for them to the parents. All this while their Webelos are integrated into our meeting. Usually that has worked like a charm.
  3. I echo the opinion of the esteemed Chippewa29. You need to have a very frank conversation with the leaders of the troop he is going to join. One of our troop's challenge Scouts came in and no one knew the full extent of his issues. We dealt with him as a normal boy and this didn't work. He dropped out within a few months. Then someone came forward and told us of his multitudes of problems. This boy, who needed Scouting, was turned sour by lack of information.
  4. Mr. LeRoy-- I would so enjoy to have you respond to my previous post. Please tell me where the ACLU was when it should have been doing this. The post is copied below for your convenience. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Still, I think the ACLU has more important things to do with its time. In my area, a public school invited a group of Tibetian monks to talk about Buddhism at a school assembly. I didn't hear so much as a peep from the ACLU. Our public university distributes funds that the students are required to pay to groups that students do not believe in, such as homosexual activist groups and atheist groups. Several students went to court to stop this; where was the ACLU then? "Any time the minority has MORE rights than the majority, something's wrong." You seem to fail to realize that discrimination (according to the liberal's definition) is a necessary part of our society. Say two people went for a government job. One was black, the other white. The white person was vastly more qualified. If he was hired, the ACLU would likely charge discrimination because of the lack of respect for "diversity." If the black person got the job, which truly would be discrimination (though it would probably occur under affirmative action) the ACLU would likely not say a peep. America has become so burdened under fear of political correctness and the ACLU that it has lost its good sense.
  5. Our crew is unconventional (the staff of our council's camp) so we do things a bit differently than most. Our major activity is a fun Venturing lock-in at the local YMCA, including prospective and current Venturers from across the council and beyond. Last year we had something like 350 attend.
  6. Maybe an atheist family should realize this. To quote the state motto of Ohio (I believe), which the ACLU tried to destroy (unsuccessfully), "With God, all things are possible."
  7. Dedicated Dad-- That pretty much says it all. Thanks.
  8. Still, I think the ACLU has more important things to do with its time. In my area, a public school invited a group of Tibetian monks to talk about Buddhism at a school assembly. I didn't hear so much as a peep from the ACLU. Our public university distributes funds that the students are required to pay to groups that students do not believe in, such as homosexual activist groups and atheist groups. Several students went to court to stop this; where was the ACLU then? "Any time the minority has MORE rights than the majority, something's wrong."
  9. Wouldn't allowing school athletic leagues to recruit during school hours clearly "discriminate" against those that have physical disabilities and cannot play sports? Discrimination is not selective, Mr. Leroy. Maybe your beloved ACLU should concentrate on all forms of discrimination before focusing attention on a cause that has done more to hinder discrimination in the last fifty years than virtually any other organization.
  10. Gotta love the ACLU. Our area had public-school chartered troops and packs (many of them) until the ACLU came in and forced them to find new partners (two or three couldn't, and folded). The ACLU is incredibly hypocritical. They said nothing while a group of Buddhist monks from Tibet gave a presentation on their religion at a high school, yet attack when anything based on Christianity sets foot on campus. Rather sad considering the ACLU was started to defend civil liberties. Maybe they should have stuck to it. Anytime the minority has more rights than the majority, you're in trouble.
  11. The Lumberjack MB is a good idea. The Paul Bunyan Woodsman patch does too little in this area. Barely any actual woodcutting is required.
  12. TTFN--Ta-Ta For Now....Good old T-I-Double G-ER
  13. Amen, Ie Voyageur. I have seen many too many 12-year-old Eagles who lack the skills to survive in Scouts, let alone real life. You'd be amazed at how many Eagles don't know how to tie a square knot.
  14. I can see both sides of this issue. I can see how it would hinder Scouting (some parents are leery of sending their kids to camp when they see some counselors with tattoos or body piercings) but at the same time I have known many excellent Scouts who have them.
  15. Our troop has not had a project with less than 150 hours. In fact, 3 out of our last 8 Eagles have gone over 400.
  16. If the ASPL is doing the SPL's job, I would see no problem in asking the SPL to step down. Our troop has done it once in my memory.
  17. What our troop does is break up into small groups. Older boys and adults will break off for advancement purposes. They mean to help! Whether it be through listening to presentations or sitting on boards of review, our older boys are there to help out. If they are not available for whatever reason, our adults do it.
  18. Our district has something called a merit badge clinic. They take about four merit badges a month, and have small groups working with counselors to attain the badge. All of the prerequisites must be done beforehand, and they spend anywhere from 6-8 hours per badge, sometimes more. It's a good way for Scouts to actually earn their badges. As for Rifle MB, I guess that depends on the camp you go to. Our Rifle instructor is an ex-Marine, a Hunter Safety Instructor, and the coach of three state champion shooters. He "don't skimp for nobody." Safety is something he drills into everyone from the moment they step on the range to the moment they leave.
  19. You are allowed to say the Admonition, but only to other OA members, and then only as a whisper in the right ear of the other person.
  20. I agree with Ie Voyageur. As a camp counselor, it is frustrating to have to teach at two levels--the younger Scouts and the older Scouts. I have seen many too many 11 or 12-year old Scouts taking EVS, Lifesaving and Shotgun. They often distract the session, and don't have the maturity to handle it. Sadder still is the fact that many Scoutmasters have no problems with this.
  21. "Our kind." Again, one has to love our modern diversity-crazed society. I agree with Dedicated Dad, atheism is not a religion. I don't see how it is justice to give school access to Tibetian monks and Planned Parenthood are allowed in schools but when it comes to Christianity, no way!!! I'm all for equal rights, but when the minority has more rights than the majority, something is wrong.
  22. Hmmmm... Still, I don't think it should be for the BSA, if only because it makes it look bad. Giving awards to people for giving them labor....doesn't look good.
  23. It is in the handbook, and in any ceremony booklet.
  24. Oops, keep forgetting this. Congratulations to jmcquillan, sctmom, Dedicated Dad, and the rest of our new Senior Members.
  25. Going back to one of the first posts: Yes, that is truly diversity, but not the diversity that activists want you to portray. It is sad that so many people want it yet so few people know what it is. Diversity is not destroying all opposition and forcing each other to take your way, rather it is allowing freedom to like or dislike something on its own merits as it pertains to you. Respect for diversity, though it has become mutilated and cheapened due to constant mention by liberal activists, is something we all should strive for, not the way its presented to us, but the way it was originally intended to be.
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