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    San Luis Obispo

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  1. AK-Eagle, you're about as close to the mark on new uniform ideas as any I've seen. With a name like yours, I'm not surprised! I'm a new leader, but a long time BSA supporter. Was with Troop 358 in the San Gabriel Valley Council. Eagle, NESA, '77 Jamboree, God and Country, Philmont, and ToT Chief. Now with Troop 308 in the Los Padres Council. I just bought the pants, but I can't bring myself to take the tags off. Could they be any worse? Yea, I guess they could still be the same as we had back then. Shorts are too short. Elastic waist band is preschool. The fabric must be the worst aspect. Cold in the winter, hot in the summer! All understandable if they cost $19.95, but I paid $38. There are so many better choices, especially with today's material advances. I'm not talking about synthetics exclusively, either. Smartwool socks and thermals rock. I'm glad to see official Thorlo socks available. Cotton pants would fade, so Carhartt or a green jean would be a problem. (Though I heard that Carhartt makes their double-front pant in dark green for the USFS.) BDU-style pant, yes. Not the same, but similar. Walmart makes a short called American Eagle. I'll bet they'd facilitate making a convertible version in green for us (BSA). I'm also reminded that our country is gigantic, and there's no way a national decision will suit all regions. (Hmmm... a parallel here to gov't?) Is BSA divided into Regions? Could uniform decisions be made regionally? With guidelines of course, specifically about color. Am I (are we) wasting breath? Probably, but I hope not.
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