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    Lincoln, NE

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  1. Eagle92, I was at the WSJ in Holland also! I was living in Germany at the time - I was in TAC but served with the USA Contingent - I probably saw you there were you the guy with the Scout uniform! Moggie - Thanks ever so much for blogging in! I'd hope some UK Scouts would respond. Main interest in UK WB would be to see what good things the UK is doing and get a more international feel for the program to help BSA. There were several things about the UK Scouting program that I liked. cheers, SkyPilot06
  2. Eagle92 - Danke for your input. How did you get the invitation? Whom did you contact in the UK Scouting movement? Yes, it was also my understanding that BSA WB and UK WB were different. I'm currently in the WB course here in NEB but since we vacation most years in London was wondering about the UK's program. Haven't had any luck on the www finding registration materials etc. can you help? Cheers, SkyPilot06
  3. Thanks Jjankins & Crew21_Adv for your replies. Actually Gilwell Park is just another camping ground in England and from their reply don't have anything to do with WB other than being a place where it can be held - but that was a good suggestion for a starting place - thanks. Crew21...I lived in England for 8 years, left in 2006, and was active with a Scouting troop in South Ruislip, you validated what I was afraid was the answer, and what was suggested to me with a wink-wink by my English Scouting friends i.e. that it is a select group via invitation and not overly keen on American participation. I suppose that, other than bragging rights & my personal vanity, there is no substinative reason to attend WB in the UK. I'm going to snoop around a bit and will post any findings. Thanks to both of you for replying. Cheers, SkyPilot06
  4. Has anyone ever gone to Wood Badge in Gilwell Park (London) and if you did how did you get invited/register?
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