Thanks Jjankins & Crew21_Adv for your replies. Actually Gilwell Park is just another camping ground in England and from their reply don't have anything to do with WB other than being a place where it can be held - but that was a good suggestion for a starting place - thanks.
Crew21...I lived in England for 8 years, left in 2006, and was active with a Scouting troop in South Ruislip, you validated what I was afraid was the answer, and what was suggested to me with a wink-wink by my English Scouting friends i.e. that it is a select group via invitation and not overly keen on American participation.
I suppose that, other than bragging rights & my personal vanity, there is no substinative reason to attend WB in the UK.
I'm going to snoop around a bit and will post any findings.
Thanks to both of you for replying.
Cheers, SkyPilot06