Howdy Guys!
Thanks for the input.
One of the other ASM's already does the troop newsletter. Maybe I can take on this task. Good idea.
I do almost all of the round tables. Only miss due to illness or family conflict. However, the JLT is a good idea. We had a 'mini' JLT for the troop about 6 months ago. So this may be doable.
Fundraising. Hmmm. We are in the enviable position of having plenty of funding thanks to the smart application of doing projects and fundraisings that include matching funds from local companies. Its like getting $2 for every $1 we raised. Now our fundraising is primarily for donations to the local council to help sponsor projects that need the $$.
Along these lines, I would like to see my boys do more 'selfless' community service projects. Last year's Scouting for Food had a pitifully poor turnout. Maybe there is something I can do in this respect. Hmmm.
I originally had the idea that I could setup several task as SM for my ticket, i.e. percentage retention, percentage rank advancement, percentage increased adult participation, etc. However, my guide indicated that I should focus on goals that I can accomplish more directly via my work effort rather than be dependent upon the work effort of others. While motivating scouts, scouters and parents is a job in itself, he didn't think that this would be appropriate.
However, getting a CPR cert. again, Advanced First Aid, etc. is a good idea.
Thanks again guys. Several things to think about.