I was a cub scout and boy scout leader for my son and have been a girl scout leader for 7 years. I don't recall ever seeing anything about "don't ask, don't tell" or Planned Parenthood during all of that time so I don't know what the big deal is. Our girl scout troop meets at the girl scout lodge and isn't sponsored by anyone. You also do not have to spend all your money each year by the end of the year. We have been saving our cookie money since the girls were in Kindergarten for a trip to Savannah, GA which we will take next summer. We have troop dues paid by each girl in September to cover meeting activities, badges, mailings, etc. Each girl takes turns bringing a snack to each meeting. If you do carry money over from the year, you just have to indicate what it is for ( savings for trip, summer activities, etc.) Girl Scouts offers a wide variety of activities. You can tailor the program to your troop and their interests. Don't worry so much about a little negative press. I don't know of any organization that is perfect or doesn't have some negative press at some time about something.