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Everything posted by skeptic

  1. . Hot dogs on skewers of some sort and marshmallows are camp staples. You cannot do that over a stove really or even charcoal. But, when possible, many units still learn and prefer it.
  2. So, on a FB group I had made a comment about the theoretical 13th point of the Law generally being accepted as Hungry, though Punctual was noted as well. One poster indicated, politely I must note, that there were 12 laws, not one. Now, I have always read it as "The Scout Law", singular, which seems to say it is one Law. The twelve points work in conjunction with each other to guide the Spirit of the Scout or Scouter in everyday life. Trustworthy and Reverent are like the bookends, tying it all together as one. So, while I have found no specific interpretation in literature, there may be some as there is much to review. Any comments or discussion?
  3. http://www.heraldnews.com/opinion/20181219/opinion-what-boy-scouts-get-right?fbclid=IwAR14zAP4i11KTo6L4SQDXRT9h9naou1whg4aOMOT3abE9Zkti_yOKsvCeiM
  4. From my perspective, the answer to this is no. The damage is emotional and perhaps unremembered or hidden memory of physical trauma. I suggest that few if any, good psychologists would state monetary damages really achieve much for the victim, other than perhaps some kind of perceived payback. But, that monetary loss of the perpetrator cannot be equated to the loss suffered by the victim. Of course, I have no answer as to what might somehow make things right, as there likely is nothing. But dredging emotional trauma up after long periods of dormancy that at least tamped down the pain to a bearable level seems to be almost as bad as the original wrong, especially if the victims have learned to live with it and have moved on. What is not discussed in these cases, from what I have read, is how not only is the actual event reawakened and made raw again, but the victim may now also have to cope with the realization that family and those with power to confront the situation at the time it is still open and most information may be available chose, for whatever reasons, to not pursue it and bring at least some closure while it was fresh and most painful emotionally.
  5. In 2021 Ventura County Council, number 57, will celebrate its centennial, the date coming in June of that year. Related, Troop 102, originally Troop 2 of Ventura will also have their centennial, officially on December 21st. It is officially because they broke off from Troop 1 of Ventura, about a split down the middle, in Spring of 1921 and began meeting as Troop 2. But because they did not get their sponsor officially on paper until December 21st, they were sort of in limbo and I guess technically still part of Troop 1. I seem to have inherited the Historian hat, and as also SM of 102, I am constantly digging as my patience allows. Since the onset of the wide open Net, we have discovered a great amount of new information on our histories here, and also gotten a number of great historical pictures. I am posting this here to simply ask that if any of the readers may have had a connection to our council or my troop, that you consider putting together some short synopses of your experiences and recollections and contact me. Our local active camp here is still Camp Three Falls in the Lockwood Valley area. So we also are looking for material on it. Thank you for your time. Perhaps I may get lucky and find some new materials.
  6. Likely the same, or connected ones that balk at paying disaster claims after fires and floods, or that control much of our medical insurance, making it so expensive. And that will only change if the mulish government so called leaders start doing their jobs as our representatives and not at the bidding of big money insurers and those with whom they interconnect. Yes, I am a bit cynical regarding these entities, having been burned myself within our condo associatiion.
  7. I continue to feel that if they were to redirect professional staff dollars for the highest echelons into improving district exec pay and in some area stipends to offset high cost of living issues they would have far less turnover. Even 10 to 20 percent redirect of the highest paid exec on the National level would go a long way to stop the bleeding in many councils. But, I am simply a highly paid volunteer with a number of hats. Each year my pay increase, yet I see nothing monetarily, just emotionally.
  8. While I really like most of the Smithsonian articles, this one is lacking any real meat. And, the comment with the American Heritage badge is clearly, if one knows what has been in requirements for decades, makes it sound as if that was when the history of the country became important to the program. Of course, that is far from the case with knowledge of the flag history and founding fathers needed for advancement almost from the beginning, and of course , the Civics and the related badges also covered that and still do with Nation especially. Still,it is an interesting attempt, though as noted, very thin.
  9. Barry; I appreciate your calm response with what seems to me to be the simple truth. As our society and perspectives within it change, established groups may need to adjust or evolve. But the key is the latter, rather than to be pushed and shoved by political entities or selfish and obdurate egos or power mongers. JMHO of course.
  10. Good early report, but far too early to make any real judgments on the results. On the other hand, this does not surprise me personally, as I was one of those that had heard a chorus of why not my daughter or sister for years. Maybe I just have a better ear, or maybe it will fade out with time. But, locally, we are having a lot of early discussion about the next group next year, and it is mostly positive for the moment, other than those for whom change is simply not acceptable..
  11. If she was the SM at the time of the election, then she had to approve his nomination. That is part of the process. If she did not approve it, but someone from the unit did so in her stead, then it is still an approval at this point. Any contesting should have occurred at the time of the election. Now as noted, if she approved him for being a candidate for election and since something might have occurred to be of concern, she should have gone to the OA leadership. I am simply curious as to what we are not hearing in this situation.
  12. Years ago, I visited the Roy Rogers Museum that was in Victorville, CA at one time. In one of the display cases was Dusty Rogers' Eagle medal. and related items. While only getting a nod, I did see Roy Rodgers there that day giving a personal tour to a family. I was told that it was a regular part of his routine at the time. It is too bad that the museum was moved to the Bronson and then, I believe, recently closed. Today, you can watch old episodes of the Roy Rodgers show with Dale, the animals, the old jeep, Nellie Belle and various B or lower stories. Not sure why it was actually popular then, as it really seems a bit lame now; yet I watched a couple of episodes on the western cable channel the other day. Must have really been bored or nostalgic.
  13. Related would be death for other reasons as well. I know that when we lost one of our Eagles years ago to an Air Force training accident, and we were asked to be honor guards, it was really hard for many of his friends from his time in the unit. For me, it was more so, in that he and I had been friends beyond his youth time and his mother asked me to do a eulogy. Still probably the hardest thing I have ever done as a leader.
  14. There was another shared piece relating to a parent allowing her son to have more latitude in his play time and location. It occurred to me that BP would very likely be square on the side of this basic idea. Afterall, he spoke often about how as a youth he spent a lot of time alone wandering in peripheral forest and fields, learning and coping with challenges encountered. Even though a different era and possibly less, if any, kickback from the society of the period, there are a lot of similarities to this current discussion I feel. Afterall, isn't the basic idea of the "patrol method" just that? And I would agree that too often we do not allow that space and time for the scouts to discover this, stepping in to avoid disappointment or possible failure, which in reality is the most important learning they will glean. Just a thought.
  15. Enough mewling and crying and ooohing and awwwing. I will revisit this in six months to a year for Cubs and late in 2019 after some time has passed. Far too early to make any serious judgements for most of it, though perhaps some of the early head knocking can push for adjustments.
  16. Perhaps I am; one of the drawbacks of getting old and cantankerous. Or as Winnie the Pooh says, "Oh bother".
  17. All the whiners that post nastiness about National and the plot to destroy the program are far too self centered to step back and take a real look and listen to the voices that are most important, those of the youth being served. Most of the perceived negativity is imagined, and if heaven forbid one of the terrible things predicted does happen, the few will parade it around with loud "I told you so's". Reality is that adjustments will be made and those focused on playing the game will work to smooth it out and move forward. They will work to help others at all times and portray cheerfulness to the larger community as they see more young people doing the game and being better examples perhaps than the nay sayers. And yes, I am one that really did suggest girls be allowed in the program many years ago when I saw how many younger, and sometimes same age sisters on occasion came along on trips with family options. They always were asking how come they could not go on all the adventures, and the boys seldom had much issue with it, other than the occasional sibling issues that happen anyway. Yes, a few adults even then complained, but most of them were rarely really happy anyway; guess their glasses were dirty. I too get tired of the negativity a few tend to blather constantly and wonder why they continue to visit or claim to be involved when they so obviously are not happy nor understand the basic tenets of Scouting. Nothing is ever perfect, and perfection does not pertain to any of us as far as I am aware. Pointing out errors in processes or verbal context is fine, but to label those making the errors in negative and sometimes scurrilous is certainly not Scout Like, nor even simply honorable.
  18. All registered adult leaders must have a background check, period. Now, what some might consider damaging, may not show up, or it may not be the type of issue that would cause non-acceptance. My understanding is that also applies to job background checks. But councils do have an option to respond to some challenges, especially if we are talking of the foolishness of some youthful offenses. I guess that would relate to the statute of limitations in some cases. CO's have the option to turn down anyone if they choose, though few get overly involved unless it is brought to them with concern.
  19. I am going to try and copy it so that I can manipulate it to have blanks where specific names and dates are. Then it could have such a use but keep most of the historical integrity. I will have to scan the back and share it also. It has a form to list all the awards of the scout, and this one has all the dates for his ranks and merit badges listed. It is odd to me that in my half century of finding stuff, this is the first version of this I have ever seen. Like many of the old certificates, it is somehow more personal to the intent and recognition and also just simply better designed. Since the cert is actually sealed in the frame I am not sure how a scan will come out, and do not want to open it up.
  20. Early recognition of an Eagle from the 1920's leaving a troop with an "honorable discharge" with his promise to continue to live by the precepts of Scouting.
  21. Let us not ignore the simple facts. If rules and barriers in place are not monitored and followed, including IMMEDIATE response to problems, then there will be abuse or bending of the fuzzy lines. This, as has been noted, is not just a BSA problem. It occurs in any group of youth and adults when they interact. And expecting ALL adults to be mentally and emotionally strong enough to keep the barriers in place, even when hormonal adolescents may be involved may be foolish. That is why the two-deep and no one and one are there. People are people, and most try to meet expected standards of society and if the first line defenses are followed, then most problems are avoided. Still, nothing is absolute, and vigilance is still the final best option. FOLLOW ALL ELEMENTS OF YP AND MOST PROBLEMS WILL NOT OCCUR, AND IF THEY DO APPEAR THEY WILL BE DEALT WITH EARLY ENOUGH TO HEAD THE LARGER FIASCO OFF AT THE PASS.
  22. I posted this in another forum on FB and it has brought some interesting comments. Thought it might find some more. Wonder what the general thoughts might be regarding BSA moving proactively to establish renewable energy in as many scout camps as possible, as well as making them centers for research stations for local universities. I feel that our own camp is in a unique location to allow some good study possibilities since it is in the worst of the drought zone, has its own microclimate, has good sun and sometimes wind, and is near the confluence of major geologic zones. It is also withing four hours of less of many major university campuses. Coordinated sharing agreements might benefit both the camps and various university and even corporate groups that need testing opportunities. Thoughts?
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