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  1. It's been awhile, I thought I would update everyone on the situation. Come to find out (per last message) that the lady identified as COR-A actually was the IH that was supposed to be signing the charter, it's being looked into as to who is signing what these days. The interesting threesome CM, CC, & COR-B pretty much ripped me up in front of the pack. Asked the myself, my wife, and my bear-cub not to return. Then they spent a lot of time on the telephone trying to encourage the only other pack in town not to accept us either. Anyway the CO has sent a letter to the council informing them that COR-B is not holding any position. The CM & the one-person committee(CC) have been put on notice that if it doesn't all change dramatically very soon the charter will be going away. My understanding is the the CE will be coming here soon to help straighten out the mess. The DE ending up being part of the problem since she didn't care what happened at the pack as long as "the numbers" were there. I'm helping out with the bears in the other pack as an un-official assistant. It may be a long time before the damage can be undone and the wife and I can participate in scouting again other than being parents. As for the Webelos (4) that were in my den, 2 quit when I was asked not to come back. (I only just learned of this yesterday). Of the other 2, 1 is the CM's son, and last one doesn't come to any of the meetings. I wish them (the CO) luck in fixing this, as far as the pack goes it's not my place to do anything there anymore. My hands are washed of them.
  2. I agree on promoting the religious emblems. The sticky part about that is it that I have to do it outside of any den meeting. The CM's son is one of the Webelos, is always at the mega-den meetings, but only participates with the rest of the Webelos about half the time. They are preventing meetings, threating to remove me as den leader if I don't stay with their mega-den meeting program. At this point in time I'm afraid that the out-of-control committee is indeed preventing me from running the den in typical cub scout fashion. I taught Wolves last year. They all received their religious emblems awards, over half received the U.S. Heritage award, and all of them finished at least their citizenship BL. The COR and please forgive me if this gets confusing, it's confusing here sometimes. Their is a real COR (COR-A) and another one claiming to be the COR (COR-B), and I'm not sure if I understand all of it yet. But here goes. COR-B left CO and was replaced by COR-A. COR-B went and called parishners in the church to undermine COR-A. COR-B has since left the church. COR-A only contact with the pack was to sign the charter and donate money. Even with making inquiries to the pack, COR-A did not know what her rights and responsibilities were and had no idea of the problems. Then there are also 2 non-active committee members. #1 member I'm not sure why she is not involved, #2 committee member has been incapacitated for a year now due to health problems. That leaves one committee member who is actually the committee chairman, she just happens to be friends with the CM and they are the one's making up their own rules, alongwith COR-B. Are you as confused as I am yet??
  3. chartered to a church Points of contention I'm not really sure about Vicious mess: see below Role: Webelos Leader In what way: A parent and I have both been told that they (the cubmaster & committee) make their own rules and they don't really care what's in the book. This was also said in front of the COR Mess: One Den's too big with no thought of separating Paperwork is not turned in for all members that way their charter isn't as expensive No 2 deep leadership for ANY of the dens Parents have been told they don't need any more leaders/help Parents have also been informed the boys don't need any uniforms Bears & Webelos are not allowed to earn their whittlin' chip, I was told the boys might get hurt We've been told that the boys are discouraged from earning a religious medal Meeting are held 2 times a month with 1 pack meeting a month, not allowed to have any more than 2 meeting even for webelos Cubmaster has taken it into her mind that she has to approve all the bobcat badges. The parents and leaders aren't good enough for that. And the list goes on. Now, on behalf of the COR, she just now found out there is problems but she doesn't know how to deal with them...espcecially since the committee wouldn't even talked to her last night when she showed up for a meeting. She doesn't want to destroy the pack or tear it apart but she does want to get it fixed.
  4. I wish it was as that simple as more training. The rep who is supposed to be interfacing with the CO is actually hostile to the CO. It's more like the inner circle kind of thing. It ends up that the CO isn't represented in the committee nor are they particularly welcome. It's truly a shame. Religious awards are discouraged, etc. I personally don't see a way out of it without replacing them, but they are already operating without 2 deep leadership.
  5. How does one stop a pack committee that throws out the book and has only unwritten rules that can change at the speed of thought? CO is concerned, me too. CO also doesn't want to destroy the pack. It would like to see committee follow the leader guide, but how does it do that without removing all of the committee members if they don't want to change?
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