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Everything posted by Gwaihir

  1. Well, that's just it, I have the "desire to improve the scouting experience for my son", it was why I became his Den Leader. My concern is that the Pack Committee seems to be going through a transition too, so that would be rebuilt as well and I'm not sure what the status on the Den Leaders is, as far as leaving the unit due to age out. It's a good pack, and I don't think the current Cubmaster and Committee chair would just walk, but theyve been doing it a long time and are looking to step aside and maybe be in an advisory role. Like I said, I'm leaning towards taking the role, just tempering expectations.
  2. If a female Den Leader were so inclined as to favor "Den Mother" over "Den Leader", would the round position patch still be wearable on the uniform?
  3. lol, wore mine for my son's first B&G... was asked to be the new Cubmaster that same day. Still debating if I will say yes. But probably leaning towards it.
  4. big mistake. mistake i made for the first 6 months. I've since adjusted my expectations, and things have been moving along nicely.
  5. Except that it's still a gray area in the US. 1. because it's a private organization and you sign terms of agreement before using their service. 2. it's a public space and no citizen has the expectation of privacy in public. (this is where the gray area is because the ramifications of no privacy in a public square are the 25-50 people in your immediate vicinity and they're using their memory. The net is using advanced facial recognition algorithms and billions can see you). The EU has 95/46/EC, which is strict data protection and privacy law, so you don't see this as much over there. yes, it is scary, hence the concern for minors.
  6. oh I agree. But then, the decision is placed on the parents, not the organization.
  7. Agreed, but that's like saying, "if someone wanted to get into your house, they will, so why bother locking your doors and windows at night".
  8. I think it's a case by case basis. Let's say there's a mother and her sons relocated to get away from an abusive ex-husband who wants custody of the children. Giving abductors access to information concerning the whereabouts of children is concerning. Amber Alerts are real, and there's a reason my phone buzzes with them. That's certainly a scenario I could see where public scheduling information would be a problem.
  9. Anyone have a unit that refrains from posting pictures of the kids on social media because of privacy concerns for the children? Or is it not even a thought? With all the Youth Protection Training and Cyber Chip training the BSA pushes, you'd think that posting photos of minors on social media like facebook, which 1. has to be public to comply with YPT so anyone and everyone in the world can see the photos and 2. subjects the boys to facial recognition software, identity theft, etc.... using facebook to share photos of the boys would be discouraged, or at least require parental consent. Thoughts?
  10. So far, it seems Transagism seems perfectly fine for all.
  11. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3356084/I-ve-gone-child-Husband-father-seven-52-leaves-wife-kids-live-transgender-SIX-YEAR-OLD-girl-named-Stefonknee.html total side track to the current conversation, but Out of curiosity, should a hypothetically 52 year old woman, who was transgender and transage (similar to the man above) be allowed to join the scouts as a scout?
  12. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/04/13/parents-investigated-letting-children-walk-alone/25700823/ http://insider.foxnews.com/2015/06/14/florida-parents-charged-felony-neglect-after-11-year-old-son-plays-backyard-90-minutes https://haikuoftheday.com/2014/09/09/it-was-a-monday-late-morning-hotter-than-hot-we-were-not-even-24-hours-home-from-vacation-and-i-was-going-through-the-pil/ http://reason.com/blog/2016/12/14/napping-child-left-in-car-while-parents I'd say in some small parts of the country, its overblown, but the growing trend is evident. Less freedom for kids.
  13. Commander-in-chief of the US military is still a civilian. this was by design. Presidents saluting the military in return is fairly new (around Reagan). I dont have context for the photo tho, are they standing for the flag, or military on parade as they pass by?
  14. agreed, ive found that darning wool socks is a cheaper way to keep them running than buying new. I have some really nice pairs and with the exception of some fixable holes. Now I keep the new ones I get for Christmas in the closet till the old ones have been fixed a couple of times.
  15. yes, you're missing something, I was talking specifically about them looking forward to making the streamers with their names on it, to which you said forget the streamers, thats all. I agree I can let them make the flag, that's fine and gives them even more of a sense of ownership. According to the committee tho, this flag goes with them straight through to Webelos, so maybe the committee is doing that wrong? I'll keep it in mind that it only lasts a year.
  16. they were the ones looking forward to doing it.
  17. So I've got Tigers, and getting them to agree on stuff is like herding cats, but they did finally get into it and are now The Pikachus lol. It's a start and I'm gonna roll with it. Need to pick up materials to put the flag together. I'm going to assemble the main Den flag, and then let each of them decorate and design their named streamer.
  18. Is red still legit on a modern uniform? I saw guys with red and green tonight and while I prefer the red myself, it was odd seeing the two representing the same thing, the Boy Scouts as it were.
  19. that looks perfect! I'm in the market for a bag too! thanks!
  20. let's just pray the subsequent years don't repeat themselves as well. I just wanted to pop in and focus on them laughing at the Boy Scout influence. I do not believe for a second they were laughing because they find Trump to be in conflict with the ideals of scouting, and more they were laughing because Boy Scouts are quaint and "uncool". It's rather disappointing. Anyway, back on topic. Carry on.
  21. I liken this to watching Star Wars in the correct order, 4-5-6-1-2-3. There's continuity there and something to be gained by doing things a different (re: old) way. You appreciate things more, and learn real value. When you're an adult, make whatever choices you want, but kids are plugged into tech practically 24x7, let them unplug for a while, learn how to "Be Prepared" by using alternative methods to requiring a power source. Nothing wrong with tech, but knowing how to do without it, is a very valuable skill to have. Helped me and my family tremendously when Hurricane Sandy wiped out the power for 13 days.
  22. perfect! thanks, I managed to snag all those books up used for a song. I have no problem adding them to my own library either, I've always been interested in flags and heraldry. Thanks again, I'll share some photos once the den finishes the project
  23. ps, what book did you use? was lookin on amazon and most books seem geared towards modern flags and the medieval flag books seem more text based and less image based. thanks again.
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