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Everything posted by Gwaihir

  1. Do they make uniform shirts in tall sizes? I'm getting tired of raising my arms over my head or doing the cub scout sign and then having to retuck in my shirt because it's too short for me. Thanks in advance!
  2. it pains me that Treasure Island, the birthplace of the OA is closed and up for sale.
  3. Take it from a 6 year old, my boy's favorite section is the Scouts in Action comics. It was my favorite section as a boy reading Boys Life too.
  4. yup, totally unplanned (tho some conspiracy theories say otherwise), but yeah, maybe a shift to classic scouting is just what the program needs.
  5. New Coke ultimately proved to be the single greatest marketing move Coke ever did. New Coke was so awful, so poorly received that Classic Coke sales blew the roof off the previous sales figures.
  6. is the kid still a cub? If not, it wouldn't surprise me if the parent was just looking to push her agenda and come out with a settlement from the get-go.
  7. same here, I always wear mine. Our exec never is in uniform either, and yeah, he totally comes off as a used car salesman.
  8. careful now, we don't want to be accused of being a military organization! (even if it's an extremely useful bit of gear)
  9. interesting article / opinion piece on neckerchiefs https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/snot-rags-mike-walton
  10. So one of the things I've noticed right off the bat... is seeing the proliferation of handheld video games by the Webelos and AOL scouts (and some of their younger siblings in the other dens) at Pack meetings. For me, this is not only disrespectful to the other dens, it's a clear sign the older boys are bored. Anyone run into this in their units and have some tips on weaning that out? Granted the AOLs will age out and cross over, but I really want to nip this in the bud but without dropping some kind of ban hammer on them. That's only going to breed resentment. Thoughts?
  11. Thanks Stosh, thats good advice I'll keep in the back pocket.
  12. then by that mentality, the BSA has no regulation, or standard when it comes to number of square knots. they have recommendations. recommendations are not hard and fast.
  13. So then this photo of the same guy is ok? though admittedly, he retired a Lt. Colonel, not a Lt. General. Still tho, impressive military career.
  14. everything youve stated has run through my head, and despite my better judgement (i kid), and with some of the encouragement here, I took the position last night. Now comes the hard part. I'm looking forward to the challenge tho. Like you said, trying to direct those who are set in their ways and have been doing this a long time, vs the 6th month in new guy... will be interesting.
  15. oh, I don't disagree. I'm not saying you're questioning his commitment and my original response was specific to Mike Walton, who was the man in the photo, not others who do it solely for the knots. I think my point was, if you earn the knots through service to the organization and the boys it serves, great, wear em if you want, don't wear em if you dont want. If you're doing it for personal glorification, you're doing it for the wrong reasons, but maybe, hopefully, someone else doesn't know that maybe it inspires others around you to become registered leaders and dedicate their time to Scouting and will do it for the right reasons.
  16. for the uninitiated, what is IH?
  17. very helpful, thank you for this!
  18. to each his own I guess. Though I'd say 40+ years of volunteering your life to Scouts is pretty "for the kids"
  19. His response to that: http://www.scoutinsignia.com/mwalton.htm http://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2012/11/20/in-the-loop-a-guide-to-square-knots-and-how-to-wear-them/
  20. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/what-happens-when-men-have-sex-with-teenage-boys_us_58ab8c69e4b029c1d1f88e02 this hit the web shortly after the Milo scandal broke.
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