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  1. I read that all the Japanese internment camps during the War had Boy Scout troops. It's interesting that Scouting operates in distressed times because it has a natural draw for youth.
  2. In Japanese class there was a song that sounded like the American sing-a-long, "the other day, I saw a bear...". The only lyric I remember is "aruhi" which from what I google means "the other day". It's a Japanese, Scout-type song. I'm not sure if it's THE song you're looking for or if this is enough of a hint. Good luck!
  3. What I've seen written is that the knot is not an award--it's recognition by BSA that a religious organization has conferred an award on a Scout.
  4. When our sales were under way we were surveyed on how we thought sales were going and asked for comments. We were asked by email and there were followup phone calls. It took a lot of time at Roundtable last week, too. The advice out there is helpful--I just think they're looking to counter downward trends in revenue.
  5. Not really on topic, but since the Eagle Scout for decades could be earned by adults, I wonder if it might be offered that way again for the centennial, sort of like how historic merit badges came back for one year.
  6. This weekend is Jamboree on the Internet/Jamboree on the Airwaves. Is anyone taking part in it? It can be an individual or unit activity. Last year my son and I heard back from Scouts in Australia, Japan, Madagascar and Poland. Two years ago my den had pen pals from New Zealand. Very low cost and it has more participants than any other!
  7. The award isn't just for being a leader for a year; one has to be fully trained, attend supplemental trainings and help with a roundup. Not every Tiger Leader will get earn it. My pack "hibernates" during the school year and as a Tiger Leader I was able to pass along summer activities and help with daycamp after June, but I wasn't going to change the idea that Scouting happens just during the school year. I hope it changes later, but we'll have to see.
  8. It's a great day for America! A neighboring district anticipated this and has told all cub scout units to do something international this year. The thinking is that this year's cubs will be attendees in 2019. In April my pack is planning to celebrate Australia and New Zealand. Crikey!
  9. You can go to worldcat.org and find out which library close to you has it.
  10. Fellow Scouters, I will speak for myself when I say the personal attacks are out of hand in this thread's fourth page. I will contribute a little to this since I work in a very diverse school (and am the son of a Spanish-speaking immigrant). All of us, adults and youth, can gain by looking at the big picture and history of Scouting. Scouts exist in more countries than Olympic teams (well, more than Winter Olympics)because there is a universal appeal of learning through fun. It has a positive effect on the community. The community might be a church, a school, a labor union...if Scouting can extend that group's mission perhaps Scouting can work there. I agree with a previous post that looked at units within the Hmong community as a possible approach. While certain groups reach out to Scouting, Scouting can reach out to other groups in the community and overseas. Many opportunities exist now with technology--I should say I am a cub scout leader who has happily had foreign Scouters as penpals. (Does one still say "penpals" when online?) I have seen an international approach pushed by a neighboring district in this way: every unit was asked to do some one month's meeting theme with an international focus. The logic was that current cub scouts will someday attend the 2019 World Jamboree which may be in the US. If scouts and leaders sought out the international it could send a universal message of friendship within our community.
  11. I don't know any units in my area chartered by unions, but I would like to see some involved, including my own. I teach at an elementary school without scouting and the NEA has and HQ about a block away. I tell myself when my son finishes with Cubs I will work with my school and a new pack.
  12. I finished a year as Tiger Cub Den Leader and thought I'd ease into the Unit Training Coordinator position--but I got flattered into Cubmaster. Wilkommen!
  13. We use the same numbers until Webelos can give themselves a patrol-type name. So, my son's Wolf den started out last year as den 11. This year's tigers get to come in as den 1.
  14. I wear OD military surplus pants with the uniform. They must be 25+ years old but I bought them in mint condition. In my pack there is nobody with official pants, youth or adult, except one wood badge trained gentleman whose son is crossing over to Scouts this year. At Roundtable perhaps a third have official pants among Cub leaders. I intend to have the official pants after a few years, maybe after my son is certain he'll go on to Boy Scouts.
  15. Like I said, maybe I was spoiled last year (my first in Scouting as an adult). But, I think I became a better model for delivering the model from it. The hammer is coming down to have training completed, but using this venue almost seems a waste. In my district there are chances every month for leader specific training.
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