Hey guys,
I don't know whether it is rite forum to post to but I thought you could be interested in this. Few weeks ago, browsing the net, I found one interesting site called Gogofrog www.gogofrog.com The idea of it is that you can build your own site in a 3D format, host it, and moreover, you don't have to pay anything for it. Basically it is free resource, like hotmail or google, but only for website builders. I was so excited that I've constructed my site straight away. http://www.gogofrog.com/userdata/tclub0 The next site I'm planning to build is sort of my travel site, with a lot of pictures from my trip. I just thought that this information could help you guys. This site gives so many opportunities for everyone, and scout is not an exception. Here, for instance, you can create a room for every kid in your camp. They are gonna love it. It is so important to interact with kids isn't?
Sorry if this information was not valuable for you.