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  1. Hi guys, Troop 479, Eden Prairie, MN USA has built what I think is the best and most 'adventurous' scout site I have ever seen on the web. Obviously Scout Master Paul Kautz has put a lot of work into this site. Well done" http://www.gogofrog.com/userdata/scoutmaster/ Cheers, Sheva
  2. Hi guys, Troop 479, Eden Prairie, MN USA has built what I think is the best and most 'adventurous' scout site I have ever seen on the web. Obviously Scout Master Paul Kautz has put a lot of work into this site. Well done" http://www.gogofrog.com/userdata/scoutmaster/ Sheva
  3. Hey guys, I don't know whether it is rite forum to post to but I thought you could be interested in this. Few weeks ago, browsing the net, I found one interesting site called Gogofrog www.gogofrog.com The idea of it is that you can build your own site in a 3D format, host it, and moreover, you don't have to pay anything for it. Basically it is free resource, like hotmail or google, but only for website builders. I was so excited that I've constructed my site straight away. http://www.gogofrog.com/userdata/tclub0 The next site I'm planning to build is sort of my travel site, with a lot of pictures from my trip. I just thought that this information could help you guys. This site gives so many opportunities for everyone, and scout is not an exception. Here, for instance, you can create a room for every kid in your camp. They are gonna love it. It is so important to interact with kids isn't? Sorry if this information was not valuable for you.
  4. Hey guys, I don't know whether it is rite forum to post to but I thought you could be interested in this. Few weeks ago, browsing the net, I found one interesting site called Gogofrog www.gogofrog.com The idea of it is that you can build your own site in a 3D format, host it, and moreover, you don't have to pay anything for it. Basically it is free resource, like hotmail or google, but only for website builders. I was so excited that I've constructed my site straight away. http://www.gogofrog.com/userdata/tclub0 The next site I'm planning to build is sort of my travel site, with a lot of pictures from my trip. I just thought that this information could help you guys. This site gives so many opportunities for everyone, and scout is not an exception. It is so improtant to interact with kids isn't? Sorry if this information was not valuable for you.
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