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Everything posted by sherritroop103

  1. Thank you all for all of your comments-- Our troop has several assist. scoutmasters that help with scoutmaster conferences when there are a lot to be done or when he can not be at the meetings (he works a strange schedule) We had about 10 or so scouts needing conferences so the assist scout masters helped out. Someone asked if I was the treasurer and committee memeber-- Yes -- I am but my husband is one of the Assist scoutmasters and I told him I would do a post and get others opinions on the matter. It is a very sensitive area for several reasons. Your comments have been very helpful and our committee meeting is on Monday-- The committee and scoutmasters/assist. scoutmasters just want to make sure everyone is on the same page when doing reviews. We are all there for the boys to help them learn, grow and make this a great experience for them.
  2. Just wondering how other troops deal with Scoutmaster Conferences-- What do you do if scouts going for their rank and arrive to the conference with NOTHING signed off in their book???? Do you go ahead and sign it all off for them if you know they completed it at summer camp??? Do you have them work with another scout to get signed off and them come back??? We have talked with all scouts and they all know that they need to have their books filled out before coming to the conference. We don't want to discourage scouts but also want them to work towards accountability for their progress. Thanks!!!
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