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Everything posted by Shawno

  1. We usually have a snack every couple of months or so. It depends on the theme of the month, and what my wife wants to make. Since we meet at 5:30, its nothing too filling and usually healthy. It helps tide the boys over until dinner, as our parents are just getting off of work.
  2. Hi, for our pack meeting in May, we are doing a carnival theme. I would like a way to do the advancements that fit in with the theme. For example at the Blue and Gold, I had each den's advancements wrapped in birthday paper. Any ideas?
  3. Mistake me if I'm wrong, but isnt married couples/dl&adl a no-no? Im thinking about the child protection thing. Im a wolf dl, wife is committee. She helps me out, but I make sure there is at least 1 other parent that stays. Not a problem since I also am tiger dl(not by choice) Am I wrong about this? Shawn
  4. All of the parents agreed on saturdays. Our pack is on an Air Force base, therefor, its hard for alot of us to make it anywhere during the week. Its not so bad with only 2 kids there, last saturday, i taught them how to tie a square knot(only one i remember good from B.S.)I'll have them being eagle scouts by the time they are 8 if more dont show up LOL! I should have at least 3 this weekend though (fingers crossed) Shawn
  5. Oh, im not a native. I'm here because the military says im needed here (im in the USAF) Im a yankee through and through, originally from PA. Shawn
  6. I have 5 tigers, we have had 3 meetings so far. The first meeting everyone was there, great! The second meeting only 1 boy/parent team showed up. My son was sick so didnt go, another one had a birthday party that day, so he didnt come. No idea where the others were. This weekend my son and 1 other were the only ones there. What can I do to get these guys to the meetings? Along the same lines, I email all my kid's parents with the time/date etc of the meetings. All have said that they get the emails, but only 1 family ever responds to any of them. Any ideas how to get them to reply to me? I really dont want to start phoning them and asking if they will be at meetings, but if I have to... Thanks, Shawn
  7. Hi, Name is Shawn and im in NC. First year in scouting since, well more than a few years ago when I was a little cubby. Couldnt wait until my boy was old enough for cub scouts. Shawn
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