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Everything posted by sgtron116

  1. Has anyone seen an image of the badge yet? I just returned from summer camp where my son earned this badge, yet I haven't been able to find an image of it anywhere.
  2. One thing that my course special was the comaraderie of scouters. My patrol was working together by lunch on day one. We went straight from forming to norming. Something that I didn't expect was that I had a really good time, in fact, I can't remember the last time I laughed so much. The other thing that was special was that one of the staff hand made the beads for the staff and for all the participants. We assembled our beads on day six right before the final troop formation. The beads were put in an envelope with our name on it, and will be kept at council till we complete our tickets. That is going to make earning them that much more special. Used to be a Beaver C-17-08
  3. Just finished the second weekend, working my tickets dam it. BEAVER c-17-08
  4. I think the new pockets on the shirt will be better than the current shirt. I carry a small notebook and pen in that pocket and the bellows pocket won't make it stand out as much. As far as sewing badge of office on sleeve pocket, I think Badge Magic would be the best option. If that doesn't work it has to be easier to sew a patch on the bellows pocket than on the front pocket of the current shirt. As long as the new switchbacks are as good as the current switchbacks I will be happy. As have worn myy switchbacks for every scout occasion I have attended since last August when I purchased them, to include two pack campouts and Cub Scout resident camp. In fact, I was in complete uniform (shirt, shorts, and socks) almost all day this week at resident camp. Poly/cotton isn't a bad material for a uniform shirt because it lasts a long time and doesn't need to be ironed every time it is washed, but I think the supplex nylon will be more comfortable for warmer weather.
  5. I am just curious what is the real role of the Assistant Cubmaster. I have noticed that it is a position that is kind of skipped over in some publications(e.g. Program Helps). I have read the description in the Cub Scout Leader Book, but how does it work in the real world.
  6. My son earned the National Summertime award as bot a Wolf and Bear Scout. Should he wear both pins, or just one?
  7. My son has earned the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award and has alos earned the Pack Summertime pin. My question is since both awards go on the same space of the uniform is it OK to pin the summer time pack award to the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award? I checked the Cub Scout Leader Book, but I might have missed something.
  8. Can someone be the member of a pack and troop committee? Are there any situations where someone could be in a leader/committee position in a pack and in a troop? Just curious
  9. sgtron116


    Does anyone know what the official purpose is of the hook on the cub/boy scout belt? I assume it is for a pocket knife. Haven't found any information about the use for it just that is to be worn.
  10. Thanks. Wasn't sure what the regulation was, and this cleared it up a lot. I think we will probably buy his khaki shirt before next years blue and gold.
  11. When should a webelo start wearing the khaki shirt? At the start of year 1, after awarded the webelos rank, or at the start of year 2? My son will be graduating to webelos next month and I'm not sure if we should get him the khaki shirt or just wait.
  12. We bought my son is cub scout uniform when he was a tiger. He is now a bear. He will definetly be able to wear it next year.We got his shirt one size too big and he has yet to outgrow it. He has worn it to every den and pack meeting and to two summer camps, and it is still in good shape. As far as cub scouts go the price is worth it!
  13. Thanks, that helped clear up some confusion.
  14. My son will become a webelo at the end of the school year. If he wears the webelos colors with the patrol patch on the tan shirt does he wear a den numeral on the webelos colors?
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