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    Williamsport, PA

sgable's Achievements

Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. Gettysburg, Pa has an excellent battlefield & city hike that our troop did in '05 and we are going again this year. See http://www.yaac-bsa.org/filestore-new/activities/gettysburg-1.htm for details.
  2. I don't know if Woodbury is near you or not but I bumped into the Scoutmaster of this Troop online in April. Check out his Troop http://home.comcast.net/~troop72/
  3. It has been customary for our troop to render a hand salute in the following fashion: The SPL will say, "Troop, Attention!" "Salute by the numbers....One!" The salute is then given and held until the SPL says, "Two!" The salute is then finished and the hand is returned to the side. Some of our leaders that are veterans say that this is correct.
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