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Everything posted by Sentinel947

  1. CRV's are basically just extra large Civics, I would never trust one with a trailer.
  2. I hope so. But think most hope they are real gains or a slowing of the decline, not math tricks they have been pulling.
  3. https://www.yahoo.com/news/boy-scouts-faring-well-easing-ban-gay-adults-160620858.html I didn't see too many statistics in that article to support the claim. Scouting is doing well in my council though.
  4. Last year was Philmont. This year BWCA.
  5. Our SMs wife bakes the best cupcakes. Sometimes she sends them with the SM on the outings.
  6. Isn't @@RichardB a pro? Gerred: Some of my buddies up at Ohio State started an ETP chapter. I spent a little time hanging around with the APO folks at the University of Cincinnati, but ultimately work, troop volunteering, and backpacking club took up to much time. Welcome!
  7. US cable news is hit or miss depending on the journalist. I guess that goes for all journalists. Some are fact finding newsfolks. Others are infotainment newscasters
  8. Wow. Hopefully your Troop can do something special for him. Sounds like he certainly desearves it.
  9. My scouts are always refreshing their skills, regardless of whether it is part of the requirements or not.
  10. Had something similiar happen during the May outting. I ended up having to drive the CCs Honda Pilot. He took my Civic home for the weekend. His son wasnt even going... We wonder why the kids can be flakey. Exhibit A.
  11. Go deep in the woods. The game requires a data connection... All smart comments aside, its a good opportunity for parents to teach their kids about data fees...
  12. We don't either.... why make up straw arguments? Basic backpacking is not a Green beret level skillset, but is hardly covered in BSA training. Just because your CO has one set of goals doesnt mean the rest of us have to adopt your goals. That's the point of the charter system eh? Again. I'm happy with the basic IOLs. The additional training should be out there for the folks who want to take it for use in their units. Each Troop is going to be at a different level of programming based on their Scouts interests and their leaderships skillsets. Scouts is not the only activity youth can be outdoors in. But it is one outdoor activity that the outdoors is for a broader purpose.
  13. I do not agree. Part of the BSA program issues stem from adults with no outdoors skills. They cannot pass on training to Scouts or supervise adventurous outings. Older boys can only do so much car camping before they get bored. Right around 14 years old. Many troop high adventure programs are only the BSA HA bases. BSA requires a bare minimuim baseline for adults. It then provides opportunity to learn more advanced skills as needed. The program can remain a boys program, while still offering advanced training to adults.
  14. A high school friend made a walkway from the parking lot to the football field. It had been grass. A few years later, it was black topped.
  15. I dunno. Some of the "bare knuckle brawlers" are quick to flag posts that insult them. Thankfully not recently.
  16. Its important to note that there are regional uses of some phrases. In my generation and area, special snowflake would mostly be used sarcastically.
  17. Regardless, we shouldn't be calling other folk's scouts names, derogatory or not.
  18. Our troop has discussed maintaining Eagle projects in order to provide scheduled service project opportunities. Nothing has happened yet.
  19. I am working to consolidate the threads. Sentinel947
  20. This is being discussed in I&P already. I merged it with that thread. Schiff must have thought the forum ate it, but I ate it. Schiff. I'd like to merge this one as well, unless this thread has a differently angle of discussion than the "So this happened" thread.
  21. My recommendation is to walk, to another troop if the situation is as aggravated as you describe.
  22. If the Board became aware of unaddressed severely unscoutlike behavior like drinking underage or drug use or some kind of criminal conviction.
  23. Hello, my name is Sentinel947, and I'm a camping addict. I've been camping/backpacking 5 times in May and June. I have a problem. One day I'll get clean, but today is not that day.
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