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Everything posted by Sentinel947

  1. Tis why I have it in quotation marks. Thats historically been the last campout of the year for us. After years of prodding, we are finally going to Klondike Derby in Feb. Thats true cold weather!
  2. Ohio Troop Oct: Council Camporee/ one patrol is backpacking at Cumberland Gap. November: "Cold Weather Campout" Orienteering and Field Games
  3. I always tell my Scouts, anything in the ceremony is optional....I think the Charge/Challenge/Pledge is corny as heck. But its the tradition at this point.
  4. Council provides Eagle kit. We provide necker. We recognize the Eagle Scouts at a Troop court of honor and present them with the necker. If they want a more formalized ceremony with the Eagle medal presentation, the scout and the family can plan that out.
  5. Camps that are merit badge farms aren't terrible necessary. But the point of camp isn't to simply earn badges.
  6. What do you think goes on in every school band room in America? Just because Kanye West and others are the most popular type of music does not mean that the old classics and skills have been lost. Just from my former high school band, at least 5 of them have graduated and become music educators in the public schools.
  7. And to think Scout leaders are just one small part of a Boys life. Teachers, coaches, pastors, club leaders all play a part too.
  8. This. I've learned that my troop is never going to achieve my Rockwellian ideals. Thats ok. Each meeting and outing should be filled with little victories. I've learned to live with what irks me.
  9. Your solution is fine. Otherwise I'd treat this like 18-20 year old ASMs. They are adults. They can share shelter with other adults but not with youth.
  10. @@Cubmaster35 You may not like what some of our members have to say. You may respectfully disagree. Do not make another comment like the one you made on the last page. This is your warning. Some of us here are a little rough around the edges, but this forum has some of the most caring and well meaning folks on the web. Take our commentary in that light. Beavahs comment was overly speculative, but was not a character assassination. His point is well meaning. There could be reports about you, whether they are true or not. You can tone down the name calling, and calmly give us the details of the situation, or you can insult my fellow forum members again, and I will have to make you leave. The choice is yours. Best regards, Sentinel947
  11. Had a Scout just like that in my Philmont crew last year. Pulled his own weight but was a morale pain in the butt.
  12. Since I don't have kids in the program, a $150 fee to council to volunteer (not including event costs) is not something I'm going to cough up.
  13. If they charge this to adult volunteers as well, they can kiss their membership goodbye. What a ridiculous idea.
  14. Can confirm that. Our challenge now is for our Scouts to plan things beyond the usual same old stuff. Its a tough slog. I'm bored with the Troops program more than any of the Scouts..
  15. The ultra light purist in me just cringed thinking it.. lol
  16. I'm glad what you are doing works for you. We are well within the program with what we are doing.
  17. Our Scouts sign off every requirement with a few limited exceptions. (Scoutmaster conference, Scout spirit, board of reviews.) Our Troop's rule of thumb as far as I can remember is that any Scout can sign off a requirement so long as the Scout is of the rank he is signing off for. So a 1st class Scout can sign off 1st class requirements ,but not Star. It's worked for us . The only con is that sometimes the Scouts pencil whip. If we notice that a Scout is getting a vast majority of the requiremnts signed off by a specific scout we investigate that. It hasn't happened much. Our Scouts are generally good about doing things the right way.
  18. To my knowledge, the workbook was rewritten in 2012, with only a few small edits since.
  19. I think most Scouts have difficulty leading/managing/facilitating/controlling (pick your preferred synonymn) a group larger than 8. Thats probably where it comes from. Nothing too scientific and we let our Scouts experiment with bigger patrols if they want to.
  20. I read in charge as "responsible for". With my SPL I tell him he is responsible for his patrol leaders and the planning of outings and meetings. He doesn't have to personally lead or execute everything, but its on him to make sure it happens.
  21. Wow. Do you think that way about schools too? Public pools? Parks?
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