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Everything posted by Sentinel947

  1. I've been thinking about this issue for a while. I figured it would come quickly and I imagine co ed is coming soon. I will stay involved in the BSA under the condition that including transgender Scouts or girls doesn't fundamentally change the role of adults and the patrol method. I'm cautiously optimistic that things won't have to change much. Ultimately I think this year is my last on the Troop level. Has very little to do with the transgender decision or girls, but more the opportunity cost of all the time involved. Sentinel947
  2. Doesn't happen in my troop. Our Eagles all procrastinate to the last second and age out at 18 and go off to college.
  3. As a new Scout leader at 18 my biggest challenge was unlearned what I had learned about Scouting and the patrol method as a youth. Besides what I'd learned at NYLT for a week, everything else I knew about the Patrol Method was wrong.
  4. My troop only allows Scouts to serve as SPal once. We think its a great learning opportunity and experience and we generally have a handful of boys interested. If we had no scouts interested I imagine we would allow a prior SPL to run again. We do elect our SPL. They are not appointed.
  5. First off, welcome to Scouter.com Second, yes and no. You will need to be registered as a BSA adult and have current Youth protection. Nothing stops you from participating in any camp programs that adults and youth do together at camp, open swim, open ranges. But you would need to follow BSA youth protection rules regarding showerhouses and tenting. From my experience most high adventure programs have both youth and adult participants. You should be fine. Does that answer your question? Sentinel947
  6. Yup. Always been stories like that. The BSA is a cross section of our society.
  7. I'm thinking you didn't understand his point. I think I speak pretty fluent "Beavah" Kid's at the age of 8 are still trying to figure out who they are. Kids try on a range of personalities, interests and identities as they age. Qwarse brought up sex reassignment surgery. Beavah didn't mention it one way or the other beyond quoting Qwarse. Personal story for all, take it or leave it. I was a pretty effeminite boy growing up. Played with dolls alot because my older sister and cousins did. If somebody had pushed strongly the idea I could have been a girl,particularly my parents, I probably would have gone along with it. If my parents oushed a surgery on me at that age, it would have been a terrible thing. I'm biologically and psycholically male. I just had some traditionally female interests as a child. 8 years old seems awfully early to put a child through gender reassignment surgery. Just my two cents. Hopefully I won't get called too many nasty ist words.
  8. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah to all. Thank's for what each of you do for your Scouts and communities.
  9. Ignore them. Let them run their little kingdom into the ground. It's not your problem anymore.
  10. Websites like Reddit have the upvote/downvote feature. There are two schools of thought. One is to use the arrows as "I agree or I do not agree". The other is to use the arrows as "This is relevant vs this is not relevant." I believe posts with a certain number of downvotes will be hidden automatically. Not sure. On this forum total upvotes tallys into a thing called "Reputation." I'm not sure what that means beyond people liking what you say.
  11. Wasn't that long ago. I got alot of flack in elementary school and junior high. Appearance, being short, glasses. The usual. It all ended freshman year of high school when I judo threw a guy that was pushing me around in the hallway before class. I don't advocate violence, but in that case it certainly worked. I was in Scouts, Band and played soccer. I got decent grades (3.4 gpa.) I was average in most things. I wasn't gifted academically or physically, but I wasn't the worst of the worse. Fun times...
  12. Troop elects patrol leaders first. Next week Troop elects all other PORs. We have about 70 boys. I'd rather go with the textbook SPL appoints all PORs beyond PL, but the system we run has worked well for 23 years.
  13. Mine is a surburban district outside of Cincinnati. It's all elbow grease and hard work, mostly from volunteers.
  14. Trail Life was created by disatified members of a larger group. The BPSA didn't posch disatified members from the BSA. For what its worth, my district actually added more youth than we lost for the first time since the early 2000's.
  15. 70 Scouts 1 SM 5 ASMs Committee has roughly 10-12 people on it.
  16. I was an 18 year old ASM. That was 5 years ago. Have a plan for what he's going to do on a weekly basis. Make the time he volunteers worth his time.
  17. Might be a district thing. My district doesn't ask that question. I graduated high school in 2012. I wore my uniform to high school exactly once. I was in a color guard for an immigration naturalization ceremony held at my high school. I was a senior and got no grief for it.
  18. I agree with Mike. Voting is a neutral act. Its not a holy act. Being an informed voter and voting your informed conscience (wherever that leads you!) Is good. Has anybody seen the Jimmy Kimmel short about the ACA vs obamacare? Uninformed voters are dangerous. They can fall for anything.
  19. Tonight I completed Wood Badge. I'll receive my Beads at the Council Wood Badge dinner in the Winter. I'd love to have my presentation with my Troop, but I've seen how long these ceremonies can take, and I don't want to subject my Scouts to such a production. I used to be a Buffalo.....
  20. If you didn't want your opinion contradicted why post on an internet forum? They have their opinions, you have yours. There's no need to be rude. The troop program you are running doesn't utilize the OA. Thats fine. OA is an optional part of the program. This probably should move to the OA subforum, but I think its in a good spot because it encourages non OA members to opine.
  21. Summer camp staff workers were never classified as exempt employees. This change won't effect them.
  22. I expected this to come at some point, but I haven't heard of it actually happening.
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