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Everything posted by SemperParatus
Merit badge bug bit...but the sash caused a groan.
SemperParatus replied to bbng's topic in Uniforms
bbng - Good story. bts - the sleeve wear is still referenced in the boy scout handbook as an option. -
Welcome. Round these parts you can reminisce to your heart's content, and catch up on the latest developments. 'Course, the most important thing in scouting hasn't changed much...boys. Hope to hear more from you.
Our typical crossover crew is 10 - 14 scouts. Over the past four years, out of the 54 crossovers we lost 6 during the first year. Two boys moved, two did not like camping and two I never did find out the reason. IMO, the most three most important factors in fueling retention are in order: 1. Make it insanely fun for them. 2. Treat them with respect with individualized attention, and 3. Involve their parents in some meaningful way.
Special Congrats to one of our own
SemperParatus replied to purcelce's topic in Open Discussion - Program
ManyIrons, Thank you for your service to our nation. Best of luck in your future pursuits. -
EIKY'mon, my cyber scouting bro, a belated Happy Anniversary to you and yours as well. A cruise sounds delightful...mind if I join you next year? Unfortunately, my wife and my schedules conspired against us for an extended anniversary trip this year. We ended up doing a weekend get-a-way at the Hershey Hotel (very swank and much too expensive) coupled with some nice romantic dinners and a couple of shows.
A Date which will live in infamy...
SemperParatus replied to cubbingcarol's topic in Issues & Politics
Franklin D. Roosevelt's Speech December 8, 1941 Yesterday, December 7, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. The United States was at peace with that nation and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its Government and its Emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific. Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in Oahu, the Japanese Ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to the Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message. While this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or armed attack. It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time the Japanese Government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace. The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. Very many American lives have been lost. In addition American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu. Yesterday the Japanese Government also launched an attack against Malaya. Last night Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong. Last night Japanese forces attacked Guam. Last night Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands. Last night the Japanese attacked Wake Island. This morning the Japanese attacked Midway Island. Japan has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the Pacific area. The facts of yesterday speak for themselves. The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our nation. As Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense. Always will we remember the character of the onslaught against us. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory. I believe I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost but will make very certain that this form of treachery shall never endanger us again. Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory and our interests are in grave danger. With confidence in our armed forces - with the unbounded determination of our people - we will gain the inevitable triumph - so help us God. I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December seventh, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire." -
New to Scouting, Forum, New Tiger Den Leader
SemperParatus replied to bchan's topic in New to the Forum?
Welcome to the fun! Sounds like you are off to a GRRRREAT start. -
Does CO ever lose rights over a unit?
SemperParatus replied to highland05's topic in Open Discussion - Program
It sounds like the CO had provided a friendly accomodation to the scouting program in its district by lending its name only to get a unit up and running. Heck, the CO doesn't even know how many, let alone which, units it had formed. It sounds like the CO in question (hypothetical?) did not fulfill its obligations of the charter agreement beyond just signing a piece of paper. As others have mentioned, to now make an attempt to garner unit assets would be a very difficult process for the CO. Frankly, I fail to see how this CO could make a valid claim to unit assets when the CO doesn't even know what units are even involved. Its participation was truly in name only. -
This SM should have retired years ago. He is running this troop as if it is his own. He has been around so long that he can no longer distinguish the troop from his own ego. If you don't have the numbers or the influence to remove him, then you will need to either suck it up or go elsewhere. Don't expect Council/District personnel to get too involved in this internal unit squabble. I like the rock story...sounds like a variation on the 'Whitey saving Ronny cliff scene' in Follow Me Boys.
I know all the facts are not available on this one, but no matter what they may be, it is clear that the SM has overacted big time. Removing the entire PLC goes way beyond any sense of reasonableness. The dismissed PLC (and their parents) should make demand of the CC and COR that they be reinstated immediately. The CC and COR will need to figure out what to do with the SM as far as training, management, sensitivity is concerned. This could easily denegrate into a vote of no confidence in the SM - maybe it is needed. If the CC and COR decide to back the SM, then maybe you need to look for a troop that has leaders interested in building confidence in young men.
While I am sure your CM has good intentions, I would say the trip he is planning to the other side of the continent is probably too ambitious for boys of this age.
Sounds like you had a ball. I am glad you didn't split early and were able to spare some time to strike up a conversation with some new recruits. Sea scouting could be right up their alley.
CNYS, I agree with you 100%. Don't you think its about time to move on to another troop - or maybe, start a new one that does things right. My fear is that your son may decide that his youth group is way cooler than scouts and choose one over the other.
Things got a bit exciting last weekend
SemperParatus replied to ozemu's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Ozemu, Stories like that really reinforce the need for scouting's character development focus for the youth of this world. We too have had many experiences of non-scout campers acting in a less-than-respectful manner. -
Good stories, all. Keep 'em coming in.
My wife and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary yesterday. Scouting has been a big part of our lives together (both being scout leaders for over a dozen years). Sometimes, scouting created tensions when the time and commitment involved took us away from each other and one or the other allowed jealousy to seep in...but overall, I really think it helped to bring us together. We both share stories and experiences from scouting that make us laugh, think, cry and rely on each other for support. I think we have passed the point of handling situations by asking each other...how should I?...and have moved onto asking...remember when? I think it would have been very difficult for me to be a scouter with all of the time and attention it demands without having a loving spouse that understands first hand what is involved by leading her own girl scout troop, cluster, etc., as well as being involved in the boys program. How long have you'all been married? Do you consider scouting a positive influence in your marriage?
Kudu, Your post will surely make many Grimace...but as for me, you made me
BP, I never said it did. If you were to read my post, I said it created a non-profit organization under state law. By IRS rules, a small non-profit organization (under $5K in receipts) does not need to obtain a tax-exempt status determination letter from the IRS or file an annual return with the IRS. The IRS does not care about such micro-organizations. What we can agree on is that you should get advice from a professional that is engaged to perform the service (either paid or pro bono) rather than getting into trouble following advice from an anonymous poster on a forum. (This message has been edited by SemperParatus)
Re: FEIN and 501©(3) - 501©(3) is the internal revenue code section that provides for tax-exemption for certain entities organized under state laws as non-profit organizations. There are other sections as well, depending on the type of entity - e.g., 501©(4) - social welfare entities. Secion 170 of the IRC dictates the status of the organization for purposes of receiving charitable contributions (public charity vs. private foundation). The Federal Employer Identification number is simply the ID number assigned to any entity by the IRS for purposes of identifying it for filing purposes. When a non-profit entity files for its tax-exempt (501©(3)) and charity (170) status with the IRS, it receives a simple 1-2 page determination letter that states that the entity is exempt from income tax and the status for which charitable contributions may be accepted and deducted by donors. Many donors will ask for a copy of the determination letter to ensure that its contribution is tax deductible. Some will simply want the FEIN. Some may request neither. Anyone can create a non-profit entity. You can usually do this in a matter of minutes. For example, in Maryland you can get the organizing document directly from the state on-line. Print it out, name your board and purpose, and file it along with a $100 fee. To be above board, you could then draft some by-laws and you would want to get a FEIN from the IRS by filing Form SS-4. You would then have a legitimately formed non-profit entity. The next issue is tax exempt status. If the organization expects less than $5,000 a year in receipts, then the IRS says you need not file the application for tax-exempt status (Form 1023/1024 - along with the exorbitant user fee). Of course, you would not have a determination letter from the IRS to show potential donors - which may or may not be a problem. A donor could, however, easily check the on-line state records to determine that the entity is indeed formed in the state as a non-profit organization. If on the otherhand, you want to get an IRS determination letter, then you would probably want to get a professional involved since the application asks for a lot of information, the answers of which could have an impact on the status' you receive. Understand, there is a filing fee for this (something like $200 for smaller organizations based on receipts and $500 for others). An annual Form 990 may not be required to be filed by the non-profit organization provided that receipts average less than $25K a year. Our unit has received the exact form of donations you are referring to. Our problem was that our CO was a church, and the donor could not give money to a chruch. It took an explanation by me to the donor company, of the crazy organization of boy scout troops and COs, to get us the money. I still think your CO-PTO is probably an exempt organization. Try searching the IRS Pub 78 at... http://apps.irs.gov/app/pub78 (This message has been edited by SemperParatus)(This message has been edited by SemperParatus)
3891...sold American!
2246...read 'em and weep
Welcome. Your concerns about it being a conflict of interest is right on target. Ask that you be reassigned to a different unit.
I am pretty confident in theorizing that every scouting unit has tweaked something, somewhere, at some point in time. Any unit claiming to be in 100% compliance with the BSA rules, regulations, publications, etc. etc. for all time since its inception, is deluding itself and is tweaking the truth. We all do the best we can, we follow the program as best we can, we consult the publications and get trained to learn the BSA model, we can strive to be a BSA-modeled troop in every respect, however, tweaking will exist as long as humans are involved. If you want a tweakless world...lets turn volunteer leadership over to the computers. Personally, I think the quirkiness of units is a good thing. It adds to the flavor and diversity of scouting. I can't imagine an ice cream store selling only vanilla year-in and year-out staying in business very long. You need the chocolate, strawberry, cookies n' cream, fudge swirl, mint chocolate chip, and chunky monkey to add variety to what would otherwise be a very boring, and ultimately unsuccessful, endeavor (I don't mind adding to the metaphor list since I would much prefer ice cream over hamburgers). Its in the diversity that scouting gets its strength and future success, not from each and every unit looking like it came from the same cookie cutter. Obviously, outlyer units that have strayed so far from the BSA-way that they are hardly recognizable as a scouting unit need to be addressed accordingly. But, in such cases, we are dealing with more than just tweaks. Eamonn, what possessed you to propose a Cabin Boy/Girl program in the first place? If its not in the manuals, then why would you even look to implement such an idea? Sometimes, tweaks can make a program better.(This message has been edited by SemperParatus)
When I was Cubmaster and Den Leader, most of our dozen dens met on different nights at different places. Some met in homes, some at churches, some at schools, one at a community center, one at a business, one at a fire station. Oddly, none of the dens met at the church (not the CO) we had our pack meetings.