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Everything posted by SemperParatus

  1. IM, Lots going on here. I think you have some very legitimate concerns, but going up against the CM and CC over the site selection sounds like a very tough row to hoe. If I were in your shoes, I would express the concerns at the next committee meeting and offer up some better alternatives. If you are shot down, then I would suggest withdrawing your support of the trip...do not attend or plan any activities for the campout. In other words, tthhpptt.
  2. I'm trying not to cave in to the pressure. The last thing I want to do here is open another pandaoras box; that would be too embearassing for me especially while Fuzzy is still unaccounted for. Maybe if someone has a Kodiak photo of the Fuzzy One, we could put out an APB.
  3. Living in Minnesota, you may want to pursue some tanning opportunities before heading off to the Florida sun
  4. Good for him. He must get his outspokenness from his mom
  5. Welcome. Its great to see that you are doing your part in keeping the BSA membership numbers uP!
  6. CAS, I am proud of your troop as well. To any mourner present, there was no doubt that this boy was part of a very proud organization of boys and adults that deeply respected him and valued his friendship.
  7. I guess there is hope for the nation's capitol yet. Have a great time!
  8. Torveaux, You raise a good question. Was Sam Alito ever a scout? I guess not. Surely, the 'gay illiterate' would have latched onto that like a dog on a bone.
  9. Trev, You've got to tell the Corn-Woman story. I am all ears!
  10. If I am not mistaken, Harry Chapin wrote Cats in the Cradle. Even the catstevens.com website specifically states that fact, given the common misconception. http://catstevens.com/faq/#00013 (This message has been edited by SemperParatus)
  11. How about Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) by Greenday
  12. Welcome to the forum. Hope you stay awhile. The materials could be funded via a combination of fundraising efforts, church sponsorship, donation of materials from local building supply business, possible organizations with an interest in the project (e.g., historical society, Knights of Columbus, etc.). You could also consider 'selling' bricks with names of donors (church congregants) to be placed in the garden. Sounds like a good project. I wish your son success in its completion.(This message has been edited by SemperParatus)
  13. My congratulations to Bethanne on earning her Gold Award...what a great accomplishment.
  14. Listening to Teddy Kennedy's opening comments yesterday made me want to barf.
  15. I have worked with some boys that are really into Warhammer that have built very elaborate game tables complete with buildings (in various states of destruction), bridges, toxic rivers, spaceships, castles, moats, strange geographic anomalies, etc. The MD&B merit badge was a piece of cake for them, considering they spend hundreds of hours working on their projects. Space Marines rule!(This message has been edited by SemperParatus)
  16. We had a similar issue. One of our finest scouts is planning his Eagle Project. He is an accomplished musician and is planning a series of concerts, supported by a dozen or so of his musician friends, at various assisted living centers/nursing homes in our area. As you noted, the problem is that most of these facilities are for-profit endeavors. So, after discussing the project further, he determined that the other beneficiary of the project is the high school orchestra by providing a community outreach service that offers additional performance opportunities for students. Consequently, the primary sponsor of the project will be the non-profit school, with the ALC/NH signing off as secondary sponsors.
  17. Ditto to Lisabob...she is a very shrewd scouter.
  18. I don't know if any statistics are available, so I can only speak from experience. Generally speaking, I would say scouting probably mirrors the society in which we live. However, individual units with positive, understanding leaders may have a tendency to attract a larger percentage of children with needs, as the parents look for a positive environment for their child to grow and interact with others.
  19. I did eat a $10 bill once on a bet...but I wasn't really hungry at the time. I don't know any scout that buys a new handbook just because the requirements change. We simply make handwritten modifications on the sign-off pages in the back of the book.
  20. Yesterday, you said... "I have been one of those who has supported the religious requirements and entanglements of the BSA, but I find this offensive." Today, you say... "Personally, I don't find the stories offensive, but some would." I am confused. Are you still offended or not?
  21. Would it make anyone feel better if I told you I know for a fact that PeeWee Harris is a Jainist?
  22. Whoa! At the risk of letting my unbridled enthusiasm for some word play saddle this thread down any more and turning it into a real night mare, I will stop. Now...back to beating the same old dead horse...BSA and religion.
  23. When I am don keying in this post, mind if I burro that joke? You can mule it over for awhile if you want.(This message has been edited by SemperParatus)
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