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Everything posted by SemperParatus

  1. Here is a link to the half-time performers at all of the Super Bowls...I can't help but think that XXV was the beginning of the end. http://www.superbowl.com/features/entertainment/halftime-honorroll
  2. Its nice to see this site back up again.
  3. Mick Jagger is about as entertaining as a rolling kidney stone. For crying out load, hang 'em up.
  4. The Bus is loaded and ready to roll. Steelers by 7.
  5. "$239.00 is not value for money." Its a rip-off is what it is. Unsuspecting donors are being bilked by a bunch of suits hiding behind boys in the name of a good cause.
  6. OneHour's confession that his Pack is 132 strong, has me thinking about size. I have been a leader in some rather large units (100+), and am currently serving a troop in its fifth year with a current roster of 50 and growing. I kind of really enjoy this size...not too big and not too small. Anyway, there is a troop in our council that boasts over 200 scouts, and I have heard of others in the country that may be even larger than that. Many Councils require a minimum number of scouts to recharter, but I have never heard of a maximum. I have to believe that there is some point where a unit becomes just too big. Restricting trip availability because of facility accomodations, real limits on leadership opportunities (I heard that the 200 troop has 6-7 ASPLs), massive administrative efforts, etc. etc. Should a council consider maximum limits on unit sizes? I would like to hear from the scouters of the superhuge (the greater opportunities available to the big and the limits as well), the mid-size (where do you want your unit to go in terms of numbers), and the small (do the big units hinder your recruitment, do you care?)
  7. Potential Chapters... Your Role as Chaplain Working with the Chaplain's Aide BSA Religious Policies Ministering to Other Religions Sample Prayers and Services Making Scout Sunday a Special Day Pastoral Care for Teenage Boys Religious Awards Program Good luck!
  8. It sounds like you are supporting your son in scouting and he has made the choice to focus on advancement. He is probably enjoying himself now, working on goals and being recognized for his efforts. I suspect this is not a myopic focus and that he is also enjoying some of the other aspects of scouting - camping, service work, and having lots of fun. I would let him proceed at the pace he wants to follow. He sounds to be a bright, motivated and hard working young man - just the type many parents dream about. Encourage (but don't push) his efforts, don't invent distractions for him - these will naturally come as he gets a little older. Mention the other cool things in Scouting (OA is great) to make sure that he understands the tremendous opportunities that are available to him for fun and adventure. I would guess that Star may be reached around his 15-18th month in the troop - this is not entirely unusual for a scout, especially those with leadership opportunities available for younger scouts. (This message has been edited by SemperParatus)
  9. I would show the boy the requirements, or better yet loan him a copy of the book from the troop library, and let him gauge whether or not he thinks he is ready. If he does not have a clue what many of the requirements are talking about, then I would suggest that he give it some more time as his knowledge broadens. If he thinks he can handle it, then I would encourage him in his pursuit. Personally, after reviewing the requirements, I do not think they are beyond a bright, science-oriented child of middle-school age. It looks like chem-lite to me. An average high school chemistry student would not be severely challenged by the requirements.
  10. You know it, buddy. Back in 2002 - 2003 El Nino days, I think it rained on every trip we did. The worst was a hailstorm with fist-sized hail down in Virginia.
  11. How about biking, historical site visit, shooting range...
  12. There's extra room on my log...take a sit. Welcome.
  13. A day hike. Take along a topo map and compass to introduce these tools to them.
  14. Well,I packed my bags and bought myself a ticket For the land of the tall palm tree Aloha old Milwaukee, hello Waikiki I just stepped down from the airplane When I heard her say, "waka waka nuka licka, waka waka nuka licka Would you like a lei? eh?" Let's talk dirty in Hawaiian Whisper in my ear Kicka pooka mok a wa wahini Are the words I long to hear Lay your coconut on my tiki What the hecka mooka mooka dear Let's talk dirty in Hawaiian Say the words I long to hear It's a ukelele honolulu sunset Listen to the grass skirts sway Drinking rum from a pineapple Out on Honolulu Bay The steel guitars all playing While she's talking with her hands Gimme gimme oka doka make a wish and wanta polka Words I understand hey! Let's talk dirty in Hawaiian Whisper in my ear Kicka pooka mok a wa wahini Are the words I long to hear Lay your coconut on my tiki What the hecka mooka mooka dear Let's talk dirty in Hawaiian Say the words I long to hear Well, I boughta lota junka with my moola And sent it to the folks back home I never had the chance to dance the hula Well,I guess I should have known When you start talking to the sweet wahini Walking in the pale moonlight Ohka noka whatta setta knocka-rocka-sis-boom-boccas Hope I said it right oh! Let's talk dirty in Hawaiian Whisper in my ear Kicka pooka mok a wa wahini Are the words I long to hear Lay your coconut on my tiki What the hecka mooka mooka dear Let's talk dirty in Hawaiian Say the words I long to hear Aloha! ~ John Prine
  15. In our troop, the membership coordinator/advancement chair keeps a binder(s) that includes a section for each scout, which consists of the originals of the scout application, completed troopmaster input data sheet, troopmaster advancement report record for each rank earned, troop copies of blue cards, and health form. All documents are in plastic sleeves. An index form is in the front with the listing of the documents contained and the date for each with a good through date in the case of the health form. This is essentially an 'office' copy. A separate binder is maintained that includes a copy of the health form, permission form and emergency contact info for each scout. The front of the binder includes the tour permit for the trip and other information that may be relevant during the trip. This binder is taken in the field by the adult leader listed as the trip leader on the permit. It gets passed on to the next trip leader after each trip. Updating forms and information can be done throughout the year, but all the records are gone through in detail at least annually, typically during recharter time, to make sure that outdated information is updated and secured. Scout records are typically offered to a scout's family when they leave the unit (copies of the merit badge cards are maintained however). If we do not get a response they are held in an archive binder for a number of years before destruction. Fortunately, our guy stays way on top of this.
  16. Thanks K, for sharing some of your memory with me.
  17. In another thread, kenk writes... "As a Cubmaster I guess I didn't worry too much about not knowing most of the names in the other dens at den meetings. I got along fine not knowing." I am sure kenk is a great guy, but this struck me as very odd. I have always taken it for granted that the CM/SM knows the name and face of every boy in the unit. Even as the CM/SM of very large units )100+), I always made it a point to get the names and faces of all scouts and parents burned into my brain as soon as possible. Am I mistaken? Do most CM/SM know the names of each boy in the unit, or is this not as common as I always thought.
  18. You know you live in San Francisco when your child's 3rd grade teacher has two pierced ears, a nose ring and is named "Breeze." And, after telling that to a friend, they still need to ask if the teacher is male or female.
  19. "None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm" ~ Henry David Thoreau He Who Reads Your Posts says you are doing just fine.
  20. I'm an over the shoulder guy. Both my kids (ages 15 and 16) have their own computers, primarily for school work; but there is a lot of chatting and gaming going on as well. I just show up frequently and unexpectedly and take a look at the screen to see what's happening. Very scientific and high tech. It works for us. They are good kids.
  21. I couldn't sleep. At 4:40 am EST, there are over 2,200 folks on this site. We are a strange people.
  22. Can anyone shed light on the history of FOS? When and where did it start? When did it become a fixture in every council? Does National mandate that every council have FOS? Thanks.
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