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Everything posted by SeattlePioneer

  1. Does anyone care to describe what risks Scouter's take should an untoward event occur during the Scouting program? Whose behinds are on the chopping block, and what protections, if any, do Scouters have? Seattle Pioneer
  2. One where the PL and APL are unavailable for camping trips much of the time due to sports commitments, and the partol barely functions as a result. At camporee, the few other boys remaining in the patrol will wind up competing with the other patrol. I'm not happy aboutr that, but find I must work around it, so far anyway. Seattle Pioneer
  3. The troop I'm working with has eight scouts in 1.5 patrols. That makes it tough to model good scouting behavior, from lining up for opening ceremony to having a menu and roster posted. I've been experimenting by encouraging the adult leaders to act as an "Old Goat" Patrol, ("Silverbacks," actually) to try to model good scouting behaviors. Signing up for trips promptly, preparing menues and duty rosters, having the Scouts inspect the Silverback camp according to Camporee standards and so on. Besides, many of these things just need to be done anyway, and adults can be slack in uniforming just like scouts and need inspections as reminders. Generally speaking, I don't think it's a good practice to have Scouts competing with adults. But this isn't really intended to be competition, but rather as leadership by example. Comments?
  4. I don't understand the purpose of your post. If your son wants to bake a cake in a camping situation, using a Dutch Oven will greatly increase chances of success since it will avoid hot spots and cold spots and result in more even baking on all surfaces. If you just want to use a wok to bake a cake in an oven, I don't see why that wouldn't work. Seattle Pioneer
  5. Here's hat is often an underutilized resource to encourage and recognize adult leaders: The Cub Scouter or Boy Scouting "knot" award. Our district has the form on line, and I'm encouraging the pack and troop I'm commissioner for to fill out the form for each registered Scouter, check off the requirements they have met and give it to the Scouter with some encouragement to complete the requirements and get their award. This neatly encourages leaders to get trained, to be active in their unit and stay involved for at least a couple of years. Once individuals have it in their hands, my hope is that many will use it to help choose what they do in Scouting. Seattle Pioneer
  6. Great program! Thanks for posting it ---I'm sure it will provide some ideas for our upcoming four day bicycle trip to Lopez Island in Washington State's San Juan Islands. Neat trick--- all that boasting under the guise of being helpful to others! It must be tough to do all that cooking on wooden stoves. And I'm rather surprised you make such a late start in the morning. I'd have guessed a 6 AM startup on the theory that early to rise makes for early to bed as well. Seattle Pioneer
  7. Gameboys should be permitted on Scout outings ---as soon as the Gameboy Merit Badge is approved. Seattle Pioneer
  8. VERY SCARCE: BSA units chartered by local chapters of the American Civil Liberties Union. Seattle Pioneer
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