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  1. I would like to thank everyone for the great advice. Happy New Year, Bryan
  2. Good idea. I will be joining the troop also. I am currently the Webelos I Den leader and our current Bear leader will be moving up to take my place at the end of May.
  3. Thanks for all the feedback. I too have thought out many of the concerns stated here and have talked to my son about them. He is a very intelligent and mature boy and this is his decision. I only try to help him see both sides of it. He is not concerned with moving on without his peers as we are not moving into our own troop. Our troop meets on Sunday at 4pm and this does not work for our family schedule. We have visited other troops in our area and together have chosen a new troop that has a meeting day that works for us and has a history of providing an excellent scout program. I am however concerned with the fact that summercamp will be in July and this might be his first camp experience with the troop. Looking at the troop camp history it seems they camp in late May or early June before summercamp and this may allow him to atleast get one trip under his belt. He is very adaptive to his environment and think he will be fine with the transition. I think we will go ahead and get a meeting with the Scoutmaster so he may express any concerns he may have. Thanks, Bryan
  4. My son is a first year Webelos who will turn 10 1/2 on May 6, 2009. He has worked hard to earn most of the activity pins required for Arrow of Light and will have the rest completed by May. He is really excited about his next step being Boy Scouts. If I understand the requirements correctly, to earn Arrow of Light, he must be active in his Webelos den for 6 months since becoming 10. This would be 10 1/2 years old which he will be on May 6. The requirement to move to Boy Scouts is earn the Arrow of Light and be at least 10 years old. Has anyone heard of a Webelos scout moving up this early? Thanks, Bryan
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