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Everything posted by sctmom

  1. My two cents worth as a parent and committee member, been part of a few BOR's lately. The SM and ASMs have some responsibility of encouraging the boys to do more than just the minimum. They have a responsibility to talk to the boys about showing Scout Spirit at all times. A boy knows if he has been being called on a lot by the SM or ASM, that he is not showing Scout Spirit. He may not admit it. Like my son can act surprised at his report card conduct grade, but I know he isn't surprised. He knows the teacher gets on to him about turning in work every week, almost every day. Same thing in
  2. Abraiu, I see you are in Middle Georgia. The Flint River Council, Tussahaw district, had a night hike a couple of years ago in the fall. They are planning the same this year. You may want to contact them about what they did. The website is www.tussahaw.org
  3. I'm confused (so, what's new?) If the SM sees the scout is not exhibiting Scout Spirit and has discussed this with the scout, why should he sign off on that? BSA obviously has this requirement in there for a reason. How can the BOR know in the 15 to 30 minutes they have, if the scout is showing Scout spirit? I know sometimes it will be obvious he is NOT, but what if he puts on a good act in the BOR?
  4. The troop my son just joined focuses on a different merit badge each month. The monthly campout is related to that badge. It may be an Eagle required or it may not -- Golf, Wilderness Survival. The boys choose the badges when planning the year. It's up to the boys to participate and to finish the badge. Right now they are working on Personal Fitness...the new scouts had a glazed over look the other night. In my opinion the new scouts aren't ready for that one. The first summer camp for the boys, they are in the new scout program for 1/2 day. Then they are encourage to take swimming and a
  5. Here is a link to the post I mentioned http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=5671
  6. A few months ago someone posted an article about a troop that was exactly what you are describing. Maybe someone can find that older message or remembers where the troop was from. I would expect that troop would be glad to talk to you. The article was excellent. I think they had Boy Scouts up to 60 years old.
  7. Glad you had a good time. I have found Scouting to be one big happy and helpful family. Those of us without babies anymore like to hold someone else's, because we know we don't have to take it home!
  8. What Bob quoted is also what is in the Webelos Handbook and the Boy Scout handbook. One way to approach the pack and troop you are leaving is "here is what I've learned -- good and bad". Share with them that you've heard of other troops doing the early crossover and you see that it works. Point them to some other resources that could help them believe. Be sure to share with them EVERYTHING you've learned over the last few years. A year ago, I never believed my son would be ready for Boy Scouts. His birthday is in July, he earned is AOL and is now a 10 year old Boy Scout. Around Novem
  9. In doing some web searching for information on Seton's Woodcraft organization, I found out it still exists in U.K. and in Czechoslavokia. Czechs have also been through some terrible times in the past few decades. I found it interesting that Woodcraft could survive. Anyone know any more about that?
  10. Rooster and Weekender, I will also step away -- peacefully and with great respect for you and your values and beliefs. Back to AHG, I think what they are doing is great from what I saw on the web page. They have taken on a big challenge and I wish them well. If GSUSA is not meeting their needs, then this is a positive way of responding. I'm sure their daughters will benefit greatly.
  11. I can see the bus, I can hear the bus, and I can feel the bus. I don't need any faith whatsoever to know the bus exists. Believe in Jesus does require faith. You are free and welcome to believe and to state your beliefs. Yet, it does not mean that Jesus is the only way to know God and to be reverent to everyone else in the world. Not worshipping Jesus does not mean that a person doesn't share the same values and ideals.
  12. Weekender, how can you say that YOUR religion is the one and only TRUE religion and millions of people throughout centuries of this world are wrong? The only difference in what you believe and what they believe is that Jesus is the way to salvation. There are truths. Christianity is a "belief system". I can believe in God, morality and all that is right without worshiping Jesus.
  13. Weekender, how can you say that YOUR religion is the one and only TRUE religion and millions of people throughout centuries of this world are wrong? The only difference in what you believe and what they believe is that Jesus is the way to salvation. There are truths. Christianity is a "belief system". I can believe in God, morality and all that is right without worshiping Jesus.
  14. Religions other than Christianity also have strong moral values. Sorry Weekender but your posting is trying to convert others and it is YOUR truth. It may be the only truth for you but not for everyone, including some Christians and including others who worship God but not as Christians.
  15. Rooster, I agree. I just think these folks need to be clear about being a Christian organization, not a Judeo-Christian organization. Unfortunately there are some people out there who feel they must convert everyone, including other people's children, to Christianity. Religion is not one of the founding principles of Girl Scouting, from what I've read. If someone is looking for a religion based organization for their child, then GSUSA isn't it. GSUSA is also very careful about discussing sexual issues with the girls. Even though some of the badges they can do lead into those conversations
  16. Thanks Bob, I knew somebody would have the "official" word. With a lot of new scouts in the troop, I'm sure some are going to be VERY happy to wear that first Merit Badge or two. Featherswilly --- email me at pat2363@bellsouth.net I'm looking to buy a boys size 8 in the current style.
  17. We don't buy long sleeve uniform shirts here in Georgia -- too hot. A long time scouter told me there was a minimum of 5 merit badges for the sash. Can't find it in writing. Does anyone have the official Uniform and Insignia Guide?
  18. After years of creating edgy TV sitcoms and motion pictures that mock the way Americans live, Norman Lear's latest production celebrates the ideals on which America was founded. Known as the Declaration of Independence Road Trip, the project is a multimedia exhibit showcasing an original copy of the blueprint for democracy signed by John Hancock, president of the Continental Congress. About 200 copies were printed July 4, 1776. Only 24 were thought to be in existence until a few years ago, when a flea market shopper found one tucked inside a $4 painting. The copy was authenticated
  19. My parents were good parents. They were very involved in the private school we went to. But that was it. Each of us 3 kids tried different activities while growing up -- baseball, basketball, cheerleading, Boy Scouts, Brownies, painting lessons, church. They never complained about the cost or having to take us, but they never questioned when we quit. For whatever reason, they never saw any benefit to these activities. They never volunteered for these extra activities. Now, they would tell you they didn't discourage us. But they didn't encourage us, they didn't sit us down and say "why do you w
  20. What do you do about the boys who aren't interested in high adventure?
  21. What is the minimum number of merit badges that must be on the sash before it can be worn?
  22. But most people would expect the Jewish child to also sing "Jesus Loves Me". This is a serious problem, at least here in the south, that the respect for anything other than "MY Christianity" is wrong. I do think what this people are doing is great. Yet I also think people are overreacting to the fact you don't have to say GOD in the Girl Scout pledge, they didn't take the word out! Girl Scouting USA was NOT founded on religion. It was founded to help girls be the best they can be and help them try non-traditional activities for girls.
  23. Interesting how they say the group honors "Judeo-Christian values" yet they don't understand why they can't sing songs about Jesus. I think the more accurate statement is "Christian values".
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