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Everything posted by SctDad

  1. Before I get started, I have no problem with females and I am not sexist in any way. But I think I am going to ruffle some feathers here. What part of BOY scouts or America do people have a hard time understanding. What would happen if a young man wanted to join the GSUSA. He would be laughed out of the meeting and no one would think anything different. Look back at the case about the Citadel. They took it to court to get a young lady admitted to a mens' College, and then after months in court, she got admitted, only to fail out in what they call hell week. My duaghter is in Girl Scouts. In the first year, she has already done things that my son will not do for a while in Cub Scouts. This summer they went to Savanah Ga to see that birth place of the GSUSA founder. Why do WE as a society think that everything has to be Coed, no matter what the nearly 100 years of history states. We often have many problems with boys not finishing the trail to Eagle due to the 'Fumes.' This is a problems that leaders face everyday. But we have found that the dedication and commitment of leaders usually pervails. I have also heard that if I decide to help out my daughters GSUSA troop, then I will have to set up a set diatance from the rest of the Troop and basically be treated like a crook, just because they are girls and I want to help. Now to help with the desire that many young ladies have to attend our many high adventure bases, the BSA has developed the Venture Scouts. I think that this should be the limit of the involvment at the youth level. Now I do really appreciate my famale leaders. I couldn't make it without them. But that is in the leader capacity. They are great, and I cannot thank them enough. But I do not really see them moving onto Boy Scouts, not because they could not handle it, but they have already made it clear that the camping style of the older scouts is not for them. There are some female leaders in the Boy Scouts that I have seen and they apparenetly do very well. I know that now I will get many rebuttals from my post, but I am being honest. I am not trying to cover anything up, but I am speaking my mind. -These are my opinions, not that of anyone else, my unit, district, council, our the BSA-
  2. We have a Veteran's Day Parade coming up in my council. There is going to be a lot of Scouts that are participating in the parade and I am looking for some ideas on what we can do for the float decorations. THe float theme has to be one of the following: Military Patriotic This will be my first parade that we make a float for and I am looking for some ideas and hints on how to decorate and build our float.
  3. Some advise that I know is coming from some of the forum members. Training. Nuff Said Anyway, If you start right now, you need the following to get the boys to tiger before B&G 5 Den Meetings - Do the 5 things that are listed in the den activities. These along with one or two electives can take up your full meeting time. 5 Go-See-Its - there are 5 field trips. I learned one thing last year. You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make them drink. Point out to the parents that there are 5 Family activities. These are best done at home. Along with most of the electives. If you need help with the program helps, look here http://www.scouting.org/CubScouts/Leaders/CubScoutHelps.aspx They are also available free online If you still need some help PM and I will give you some more pointers. Don't get too down, being a Tiger DL is fun. Keep it fun. You and your son will remember these days.
  4. I can see where everyone can say that we get off topic. That is something that happens when I have engine probelms. I mean when someone has a story to pass on their advise. I would like the ability to have a way to control thr route of the topics. But yes, sometimes the direction can be funny. I just do not like it when someone drifts the topic off subject and then startes telling me that I am wrong and manages to support their cause with anout 30 different references from guides.
  5. I don't think that the leaders are going to be on hover mode. I think that one of the main tasks of the adults is going to be the Chapter Responsibilities. FOr us we have the reception hall. I am looking foward to this. I am going to try to find some of my old lodge flaps and such. I think I have two total. I will think about trading them if the occasion arises. I lost most of my patches when someone stole my patch collection many years ago. Anyway, thanks.
  6. I will be going to my fist fall Fellowship in two weeks. I am looking foward to this as I have never been to one. I never made it to one as a youth, and the Chapter has asked me to attend this activity several times. I will be going as an adult. Is there anything that anyone can tell me as to what I can expect. If it is something that is protected you can IM me. I will be going to get my manual this friday when I get paid. Is this someting that is going to reignite the fire of the OA in my heart. I have been trying to be active, but with family life and my cub scouts, there is not always the oppurtunities. What does everyone think. Thanks in advance(This message has been edited by SctDad)
  7. ed I have to take into account that the there are some reserve units that still wear the BDU uniform. For those on active duty, ACU (Army Combat Uniform) is the standard issue and the SSI FWTS is worn under the US flag, but still on right side. But you are right in the reference, when refering to the BDU or DCU (Desert Combat Uniform)
  8. Actually ed, if you were in the army now you would wear the flag on the right shoulder ABOVE you unit patch. That is the new standard with the ACU (Army Combat Uniform). "No big deal except that we have 18 years worth of veterans who think that the Army way is the right way and they keep making a fuss" I did not say that this was the RIGHT and ONLY way. I simply stated the way that the Military does it. And as to why they display it the way they do. I have no leg to stand on with the way that the BSA does it. 'Displayed as on as wall' or 'on the uniform as we would naturally see it.' THis is the regulation of the BSA. If you think that it should be changed, then petition the BSA uniform board. The military started using the flags on the uniform so that when they were deployed with multinational forces, it was easier to identify who was from what country. In the beginning it was only for those who deployed but with the GWOT everyone started wearing them, mostly because everyone was deploying. That is my opinion, not that of anyone else, or the BSA.
  9. Actually the direction of the stripes on the uniform shirt has nothing to do with the blue being close to the heart. THe one point I would like to make is that (I know we are not a military organization) on the US military uniforms the stripes point to the rear as they are worn on the right sleeve. This is because as the flag/colors/guidon are carried into battle, the stripes will be waving to the rear. THus when you see the flags on US military uniforms, they appear with the stripes poiint to the rear. I know that the stripes on the BSA uniforms point to the front. That is something that would have to be brought up to national. You do not need to use the terms like battle colors. Just say that the flag when carried in a formation or parade, the stripes will point to the rear. Here is a little trivia. I think we may have gone over this before. When will you see a flag real or painted (that is a hint) with the stripes pointed to the front and why.
  10. We have been doing OK. We have a few that are doing great, some that are doing OK. and then there are some that say "I can't sell this" which translates to I don't wanna do it so I am not gonna try. At least that is the way this parent presents to me. But I think things are going OK. We are talking about how we are use the money. There is a summer encampment this year for cubs and we are thinking about that.
  11. I don't think that the MB should be about mastery. I think that it should be about competance (sp?) We don't expect the boys to be master canoe handlers, but we expect them to be competant in the use and handling one. They may not be able to survive 2 weeks in the woods alone without supplies, but being able to understand competance and skills would be a good requirement.
  12. Seeing this reminds me of the topic of trailers a while ago where several said that we should air drop the scouts in. That would be some wilderness survival. I would take out the part of the requirement that says "For the purpose of this demonstration, use techniques that have little negative impact on the environment." Lets be real here. Find someone that will let you use their land and DO IT RIGHT. I understand LNT, but there is a line somewhere. If I take all the Ferns in an area to build my shelter, and you come out and rip me a knew one, but the one things I will think is "YOU FOUND ME" One thing that I did not see in the survival kits was the deck of cards. Anybody out there rememeber that joke?
  13. So, just to make sure that I am understanding this right from what everyone has said. Hand out maps Give the parents a time-line Give out Cellphone numbers Hope all is well. Gunny, you probably know how my history in the military causes me to overplan stuff. Always have a backup. I guess I just need to lighten up and let the parents be responsible for their transportation and travel.
  14. We have a day hike coming up next month. I have looked in the BALOO manual and they have some ideas. What I am looking for is has anyone come up with any ideas that would work for day hikes. Here is what I was thinking of: Alphabet Hike. Along the route there is a small campsite where I was thinking about having a campfire (Not a nighttime one) and letting the boys roast some marshmallows. Then after that maybe finishing the hike back to the cars. Just a little fun day and keeping the boys interest. I was also thinking about showing some teamwork by having each one bring an ingrediant for trail mix and mixing it and then dividing it up among everyone there. Does anyone have a list of ingrediants that will work good for the trailmix.
  15. I look down this list and it makes me think. I hear parents say that they do not have time. An hour a week. That is all they have to provide as non-leader parents. I once heard someone tell me that when it comes to being a leader, "An hour a week, per scout" There are days that I believe that. I just wish that some of these parents could see the benefits of what scouting does for their sons. But I will still keep going as a leader, providing not only the best program for the Cubs, but especially for my son.
  16. Neil That is the thought process that I had. As an ACM he would have a broader range of things that he help with and he would not be limited to one den. We are going to talk to him in the next few weeks and let him make decisions based on where he thinks he should be.
  17. "Are you not aware of what the BSA tour permit and the Risk Zone training says about caravaning?" Not trying to be a smart alleck here, but the only thing that I could find in regards to convoy is that they say don't do it. Can someone give me a little more guidance as to what the BSA considers a convoy. (i.e. number of vehicles) I would like a little more information on what things specifically are. Would two vehicles be considered a convoy. As for what was burning in the ashtray. Cigarette's. The vehicle in question was carrying a family. No additional scouts. Mother, Father, and their two sons.
  18. Now here is the other part of the story, the one that supports why I say travel as a group. While traveling down the interstate, one of the parents in question suddenly pulls off to the side. I am riding behind them. No flat tire or any outward signs of trouble. They get off to the side and the mother and father get out and pop the hood. She says that they all of a sudden had smoke coming out of their vents. Turned out to be nothing. It was actually soemthing in the ashtray. If something serious had happened they would have been stranded over 100 miles from home. I guess I am of the type of person who has the idea, you leave together, you return together.
  19. I have a question about the transportation to and from campouts. This is also ini reference to a Cub Scout Family Campout. We returned from our camping trip today. It was a two hour drive from site to CO. Before we left, I asked everyone to meet at the CO and leave from there so that we could ensure that everyone made it back safely. About 14 miles out I had one parent call me on the phone, she said her boys were ansy and they HAD to go ahead and go home. The other just left. I took this as he just didn't care what I as tour leader/cubmaster. Has this happened with other groups. Was I wrong to ensure that other people made it back safely before releasing everyone. There is also an example that I will add later. I want to see some reactions first.
  20. Welcome I too am in NC. I started as a leader last year. This year I am Cubmaster and still learning. Just got back from camping a few hours ago and I am exhausted. If you find out one thing before the rest of us then you will be a step ahead, where do the boys get the energy. Any way, if you want you can PM me and we can talk more through e-mail or other methods depending on your location.
  21. During my recruiting this year I found a young man whose cousin was signed as a new tiger Cub. Just a little background on what I know about him. He is 18 y/o. I found out that he is an Eagle Scout. The tiger is his cousin and his aunt has been bringing him to the meetings to help out. I talked with this young man today about joining us as a leader in the pack. Now I have looked at the requirements for leadership. According to the Cub Scout Leader's book, at 18 he can hold one of two positions. Asst. Den Leader or Asst Cub Master. A little bit of how we are doing with our leadership quest, 2 Tiger Dens with Tiger Den leaders 2 Cub Scout Dens - One Den leader, myself and a couple of very involved parents. No assistants 1 Webelos Den - No Den Leader (I have one person who can do it as a last resort, but he has only let me know about this) One ACM (No child in program, the guy loves the outdoors and wanted to help) My CC says that he wants the young man as a DL, But Itold him according to the BSA he cannot be one because of his age. He says that it seems OFF that he can hold a position as ACM but not as DL. I can Understand his question about how things work. I was surprised myself. I had been thinking about putting this young man into the position of ACM, so that he can serve in a position that can be versitile. I know that I am going to get som comments that the CC makes the decisions, but there is only two positions that this young man can fall into. Is there something that I am missing.
  22. I don't know what you have in your local area but here is something that I have done. I went to the somewhat local federal supply warehouse and we got a rectangular parachute for $10. It may not keep 100% of the rain out. I am going to be trying it this weekend. we are going camping at a state park and I think that they will have trees that we can string the chute up on. we also got a roll of 1" nylon webbing. This is what we are going to use to set it up. If we need I will probably come up with some kind of pole. As for cook sets we have mostly personal equipment and that is what is used.
  23. I see where several of you hvae mentioned the "where to stay issue." I have made some contacts. I have found one campground that is more than willing to help us with the reservations. They have space and are ready to take reservations today if I wanted. And no I am not telling who. (Sorry guys, gotta lookout for my boys) I have also made some other contact and checked into some other things. I can imagine that things are going to be expensive. This is expected. But this is also something that we are trying to start planning now so that we are not rushing around in the end. I am going to bring up some of the things to our committee next week when we meet. It is at this time that we will be getting some confirmed people to commit to helping out and forming a committee. I think that this is going to be a great trip and oppurtunity. I do not know who is looking foward to this more. Parents or the Boys.
  24. I have been talking with our pack adults and leadership about a trip to visit the Jamboree. We would be going as a pack. No we do no intend on spending the entire 12 days there, but we were thinking about spending a couple of days there and visiting the sights and exibits. This is mostly because this is such a milestone in scouting and I think it would benefit the boys to see how big scouting really is. I have started doing the research. I have found that the milage only requires a local tour permit for us. I have also started finding reservations for lodging. We intend on camping to make it as close as possible to the jambo experience. Is there anyone else out there that is considerring this. If so what kind of things are you looking into. Any things that I should be aware of. I am looking for any information that may be used to prevent pitfalls that I may run into. I have started a book for the Jambo files and will keep adding from there.
  25. I do not know if you have tried this location, but here is a link. http://www.usscouts.org/clipart/library/BSA_Boy_Scout_Patrols/
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