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Everything posted by SctDad

  1. We got the 3X5 flag. The total cost for all the lettering was about $110 I think. We like ours, and it is not too bad in parades. As for when you go to get the flag. YOu will have to send in the form by Mail. You can send a check then or credit card info. We sent in a check.
  2. Sounds like you have a handful. Uniforms: Tell him it looks great when all the boys wear their uniform and show off what they earn. Not to mention, beads are likely to get lost if they are not placed on the IRB when the boys earn them. Being in uniform shows a sense of pride. Shoes: Safety is safety. Depending on your meeting place would be a big factor along with activities. I have no problems with all closed toes shoes. Scouting Now vs. then Then - honest people, no privacy issues NOW YP because some people have sick minds. New safety guidelines. New scouting world. Less on safety of ticks and snakes, more on cyber bullies and internet predators. Sick world sometimes If he has SOOOOOOOOO much to say. before he leaves, hand him an application and ask him to help out. Packs can always use more leaders. I know we could. I would love to have someone take over some of the Den leader positions, but since no one will, I will do it so my child and others have a good program.
  3. I may be wrong, but boys can do electives more than once. I ewould not suggest that they earn the same 6 electives 20 times, but is they like building models and build three different ones, then why not give them the credit. For all of those out there who know the rules better, could you point me to the direction of where it may say otherwise.
  4. Crew 21 I have a EMS formatted powerpoint that you can just change the information on. It is only one round, but has room for 5 questions in six catagories. PM me if you are interested. All you would have to do is go and put in your information.
  5. Eamonn "Do some things need to be looked at and worked on as a Den?" Yes. You are right. I have two Bear Scouts, 10 Wolf Scouts, and I serve as the Den Leader because (Well to be honest, parents are too lazy to step up and help) and I enjoy it. But I feel that I am leaving the Bear Scouts behind because not everything that my wolves do is directly related to the bears. I have tried, but it is hard sometimes. I cannot force a parent to step up. But I would be failing these young lads if I just said screw it. You know when my wolves are getting their rank at the pack meeting, they are going to come to me and ask why their son did not get rank. Even though they they are also responsible, they are going to pass the buck. Who ever said that Advancement should be a priority? If advancement was not such a priority, then why did the BSA Design the Immediate Recognition Badge. Why even have it. Because the boys love earning things, it gives them a sense of pride. "Advancement should be a means to an end. Not the end itself." That is why there are so many different badges and electives
  6. I look at things like this. GPS Batteries Die Emergency Beacons can Still fail. They are all nice, but what is your back up. (Yes I even agree that the military is getting to tech dependant) Mountains usually look the same, and magnetic north doesn't shift, and wood still burns. Water filters are only good if you have them. Where do you get water from when there is no flowing water around. My theory on scouting is this, Disconnect and get out of the house. I look foward to the day that I can go out and take my kids to a wilderness survival training day. Lets all promise to put the OUTING IN SCOUTING. (No not my words)
  7. I saw this and had to laugh. We need to air this one a little more.
  8. Great video, Looks like they all hade fun with it. Just as a fun little not for those who are concerned with it I saw a boy wearing camoflage. FLOG HIM. NO CAMO LOL Let the boys keep up the fun and good work.
  9. We are looking at working on the requirement Cooking and Eating. One of the things that we need to do is g. With an adult, cook something outdoors. I need some suggestions for easy foil meals for the boys to make. I was thinking about foil burgers, but does anyone else have any other suggestions. We will most likely be using charcoal for the fire and of course tongs for the adult to retrieve the food. Any other meal suggestions???
  10. I know that competition is not always called for, but here is an idea. Make large cutouts of each rank for the dens. About 18" each. Make or buy small discs and paint them according to the rank series. Let the boys add a disc each time a boy earns a bead. I know that this can cause a long string of discs, but that should be some pride for some of the boys. Or look in the HOW TO book and make an advancement rack. Many different types of examples. Or if you have the financial assets your self, tell all the boys in your den that when they ALL earn their rank you will hahve a pizza party for the den. Only works if your dens meet in different places. Hope this helps.
  11. Nike I had not thought of having Boy Scouts doing some of the instruction. Or at least serving as AI. I will have to look into that.
  12. What is wrong with the boys learning a game of the time past. Marbles is something that they can play anywhere. Take a bag of marbles with you camping. Have a mini-tournament while on a camping trip. Easy Activity I think scouting needs to keep some of the skills that we did use in the past. Why not teach the art of signalling. Make it a challange and den/patrol competition. some of these things that we pass off as OUTDATED can be made into great games.
  13. That is the way that we do it in our pack. Basically like this Tigers can start just after the complete kindergarten Wolves after the finish 1st Grade So on and so forth. We are going to be trying for the extra badges this year, Emer Prep, Crime Prev. and stuff like that.
  14. Basement Dweller Thank you, I did not think of that. I will contact my DE about that one. If needed do you think a release should be signed before they partake in the bike riding, or should this be covered by the BSA insurance. AL I have had the issue of siblings come up in the past for our den meetings before, I will have to look into this little factor. As for the parents, I know that most of MY packs parents usually stay during the meetings and they will probably stay for something like this also. At least that is the drift that I am getting so far. I am still learning and I thank you for those that have helped so far.
  15. Like I said in my above post, my daughters GSUSA Troop is wanting more adventure so they are looking into Venture. Does your daughter have a specific hobby. Or is she looking for high adventure bases, and activities. Good luck with starting one. Get your leaders first and all should be good from there.
  16. Sarge I have to agree with AL. After the ranks is earned, work on electives. Work on Belt loops, and all the stuff al said. I am afraid that if I keep going I am just going to repeat what AL said. We are looking like we are on the same track as you are. At least for a major part of our wolf Cubs
  17. Akela is also the Den leader. But I guess what is being said is that I as the leader need to forget about this and work with my son and help him. Forget about the other boys earning ranks and having fun, just make sure my son gets his. Sounds kind of greedy to me. There is no reason why I cannot help these boys along the way. Every parent is stretched for time right now, and if there is sommeone to help for 5 minutes, I am sure they appreciate it. I am still moving forward with this Advance-o-ree day. even with all of those here who insist on trying to tell me I am wrong.
  18. I think you are right. It is a group effort. THere are some things that should be done at home. Example, Achievement 12 in the Wolf Book. I see no reason why we should have to dedicate a whole meeting to this one. Unless you have a group of boys who do not mind talking about these things with everyone and doing this instead of other activities. But as leaders, we also have a responsibility to help all those out. There are some things that are better done as a group. And a little more fun.
  19. I have had a little more interest that is shown. So I think that there may be a couple of different units coming to this. THey will all be from our county. I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions on the pitfalls to watch out for. Or what are some of the things that might be overlooked. If someone has a planning worksheet it would be great. Thank you for the suggestions so far
  20. OK Then don't post. I am looking for POSITIVE suggestions.(This message has been edited by SctDad)
  21. I am thinking about setting up a small scale (2 Packs) Bear Cub Advance-O-Ree. I am looking at setting up about 4 stations. I have some ideas. But I would like to see what everyone else thinks that I should set up to help the bears advance. If this goes well I am going to try doing this for other ranks.
  22. as for the point of, they should make different versions for Cubs and Boy Scouts. As far as I know, they already do that. there is some variation. Maybe if we as leaders and volunteers, could possibly submit articles and things.
  23. Depending on the levels of scouting, have something like. Their not all scouts, some are actually leaders. Or say the adults are just big kids with larger uniforms.
  24. Again with the Flag Debate I posted some questions here a while back to help me with some suggestions for Webelos Craftsman and knot boards. I got less replys in both of them combined for the life of the post then this one did in Two days. Someone can go and post something that they are asking for help with and get no replies, but if you bring up the Flag, Uniform placement, or how some units find that some military customs help their unit a little better, then 2 or 3 pages of posts form in the first 2 days. The ARMY does their flag for their reasons. Same for the other branches that wear them if they do. LET IT GO. As for leaders that want to argue about it, there has to be something else that is more important. So if the change in the leaders uniform is in question, approach them in a professional manner, let them know that the BSA wears it the other way. If they do not want to change it are you going to start an arguement that can be the death of a unit. Why not spend the time and energy on getting more leaders and better programs.
  25. Don't for get these You open your t-shirt drawer and the first 5 layers are scout related, so you have enough for camp. You get on the internet and the first three sites you visit are Scouter.com, baloos Bugle, and the council website to make sure that you are not missing anything You practice cooking with dutch ovens at home to refine the recipe Your wife already knows to have the washer empty when you return home on sunday after campouts.
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