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Everything posted by SctDad

  1. Does anyone else have any suggestions on what we could do. I know that we are kinda trying to get going again after the holidays, But I have had no suggestions.
  2. The one htat I am looking for is the one that describes what each of the 13 fold stands for. I had it at one point, but I cannot find it right now.
  3. Does anyone have the text for the 13 Folds ceremony out there. I am trying to find this for our B&G and I don't know if the ones that I found are the right ones. If someone could post the text here it would be appreciated.
  4. EAGLE 92 How did I kow you would eb the first to chime in. PS. Did you know they were interviewing for a DE in your area
  5. What kind of things would everyone like to see at a webelos weekend put on by the OA. I was asked about this and I am looking for some feed back. What kind of events, stations, etc.
  6. I too am in Eagle92's Lodge. I have not gotten my Lodge Flap, as I did my ordeal in another state many years ago. I attended the Fall Fellowship. I have not had time to do the Service. I am working on some other projects that we will discussing at our Chapter Meeting. Our chapter last year built a wheel chair ramp for a family that was using a piece of plywood to get their disabled child in and out of the house. No there was no press, no big celebration, no media. But the family was greatful. I will be looking into what I have to do for my lodge flap, but from my understanding, I will get it after I complete my brotherhood. The reason why our lodge is not giving the flap for the ordeal, is because too many have done the sash-n-dash, to never return. I can understand why they are doing it that way. So back to the original question, how do we keep the arrowman involved, personally, I would like to see the Scout Reach program working. I have Cub Scouts. I would like to be able to find an Arrowman that would like to help us on Campouts, but I have had no success. I know that our local troop just started having meetings again this month, but we are still trying to find things like Den Chiefs and get our arrowman back to the meetings. Our Chapter is also planning on hosting a Webelos Weekend in April. We really need to plan this around the Conclave as Eagle92 said. But I have been asked by one of our chapter advisors to bring some ideas to the table. So here is looking towards a new year of OA service and Fellowship
  7. But this is the real world. If our government offers everything it knows for public consumption and political debate, they will surely aid our enemies. Roost(er) You have a good point. To think that being truthful and open with the US media would be the best and that there could be no violation of national security. Bush Sr. counted on this during the liberation of Kuwait. Predisent Bush announced that the USMC would lauch a major beachhead with 2 Marine Divisions on the beaches of Kuwait. Well this was the plan. Saddam placed his best military forces on the beach, laid out thousands of land minds and dug in real well. WOuld have been a close repeat to D-Day, If those landing craft were full of marines. NOPE, the major attack came from the West with the charge of 101st Air Assault, 82nd airborne, 1st Armor, and many many more along with the USMC division that were supposed to be coming onto the beach. No one landed on the beach. But the Iraqi soldiers were there waiting, because Mr. Bush said we were coming that way. So being honest can work for the US, but for the most part it can work against the war effort. Remember that next time you watch the news.
  8. Lets remember one thing. Lets remember what the last democrat did with our military numbers. I believe that the Army alone was reduced by 8 MAJOR divisions. Figure on average 12,000 soldiers per division. Now I had no problem serving the national guard and my state over seas in Iraq, But when the active duty soldiers are so low in man power they must send the national guard. By the way, the unit I went to Iraq with is getting ready for a 2nd deployment. There is more than what everyone knows about the war.
  9. we only really had a few complaints last time. One boy was a vegitarian, so we expected that. SOme of the others did not like what we had. It was a new soup, but the soup was gone by the end of the meal. For those who did not like it, their parents had a back up. The only other one that we had a problem with was a sibling, that is becoming a problem for other reasons too. She thinks that she can do and say everything/anything she wants. I talked with her father and she was not really expected to be there. But that is a whole other issue, for a future post. I guess that if we hav ethe boys make their own menu then there is little room for complaints. Not to mention, the next campout is at a council camp and there is not a whole lot around for food. SO they will be kind sttuck.
  10. Has anyone out there let the Cub Scouts choose what they want for camp meals. So far we have chosen meals that most of the boys have liked. But we still have parents that like to go and get food elsewhere. So have you let the boys decide, and what was your results?
  11. Eagle92 Are you talking about the one in the beginning of November. I know that the one a few weeks ago was pretty slim on the attendance too. But I did not think it was that low. I have talked with the steak thief about some new BB Guns. He has also asked me for suggestions for a possible program.
  12. SctDad

    AOL ceremony?

    I went to Lowes today and looked at some wood, I found that the 30" by 30" would be HUGE. You can find some 24" X 24" plywood already cut to size. Nice and large, and plenty of room for awards. Just thought I would pass on that info.
  13. The patrol method becomes a problem with this recipe, because we are Cub Scouts. But I understand your point stosh. I try not to disrupt the whole pack for one boy and his father understands that. His father usually has a back up plan if the Cub does not like or want what we are having. The two of them are great and some of the best inthe pack.
  14. SctDad

    AOL ceremony?

    This is something that I recieved in the mail once Cut a 30" x 30" peice of plywood. Covered it in Cub blue material. Cut quarter round trim, painted it gold and trimmed out the edges Purchased some arrows with feathers (on-line). Turned the whole thing diagnally so it looks like a large rank badge. With wood dowels as standoffs mounted the arrow Got all the boys awards/patches from their parents(Tiger to Web 2 ) including beltloops and mounted them on the plaque. At the top had a plate made " Presented to XXXX in commemoration of his years at BSA Pack XXX" I think it sounds like a good gift.
  15. I have more than one DO. I was going to make a regular lasagna and make a seperate vegie lasagna. I was not going to change the menu for all when only one boy doesn't eat meat.
  16. Thanks Dan. I think that I an make this in the smaller DO and mamke the big DO with the regular. I am thinking about trying more DO cooking with our Cubs. Some of the things that we can do lines up with some of the requirements. Thanks again for the advise on the Vegie Lasagna.
  17. It sounds good. Would leaving the ground beef out be an acceptable way to make it vegitarian. I have one boy who does not eat meat. If not any other suggestions.
  18. I would say that when it comes to the Blue and Gold, If all else fails just remember what it is for. To celebrate the Birthday of Cub Scouting. You could always use a birthday party theme. THat is my thought.
  19. I saw where someone metioned about getting to help. I noticed in a thread a while back that everyone says they always have cell phones or the Emergency locator beacons. I think that the BSA is trying to keep people from being unduly injured. I know that there are a lot of people that are out there that exceed the limits. I am not saying that they are not good leaders. They are probably great leaders. I think that this is working towards being a wake up call, before one of us goes out and trys to over-do something. The only thing that I disagree with is how they are setting this up, is that they are not taking into account for body shape. I am tall. THey take that into account. But I am also of Medium to large body frame. That has a factor in my body mass. I think that this may be where they take into account the acceptable body weight. I like the way that they did make it a fillable form though. It will make some things easier.
  20. I said lets leave out the training, beecause everyone here know that they need to get the training. That is why I am trying to leave that out. I am not saying training is unimportant, but we know we need training. I am looking for things that may help leaders. For example, 2G - Visit a fire station or police station. My advise is that visiting a fire station will be a good thing in October during fire safety week. Work hand in hand. These are the type of advise and hints that I was looking for.
  21. OK, before I get started, I am going to say, leave out mentions of Fast Start Training, NLE, BALOO and other previously official training. I have been talking with a board member off list and one of the thigns that has his attention is what he needs to know as a TDL. I am thinking things that we have all found that was not covered in training and resources. My first thing is I reccommend BALOOS BUGLE. http://usscouts.org/bbugle.asp This is a great resource that follows along with the monthly theme. So what else do those here who have been TDL reccommend.
  22. The good Samaritan Law protects you from being found guilty. It does not protect you from being sued. The lady in this case sounds like she would have been sued either way, pulling her friend out, (sue) leave her in there to die, (family sues) In all of my years in EMS, I have not seen a vehicle explode yet, but I have seen many people scared about it. The way people sue is going to cause everyone to just pass by and say "someone else will so it" and keep going.
  23. SctDad

    Den Sizes?

    Like you already noted, rank can be done in the time that you have. I have two boys that are about finished with their wolf requirements and we started working on them in September. Now I also have some boys who are no where near earning their Wolf. Becuase their parents do not do anything and have turned in nothing by way of advancement. I feel sorry for them when the others are earning thier Wolf and they do not. There is too much to do to try and cover everything that is required in Meetings. Not to mention, I am trying to keep it from seeming like school, so things like requirement 12 in the wolf, they can do at home. I tell parents that they need to be working on thigs at home, but it seems like no one is listening. I guess that some won't amke rank in time.
  24. Yes at one point in time there was an orange for tigers, but they did away with that and just made them all yellow. I just handed out 5 stars tonight. all with yellow backgrounds. I will get mine later. The boys come first.
  25. I have not seen a current Boy Scout hand book, But I remember that my handbppk had many pages on how to identify things in the OUTDOORS. Why are we going to a museum. If that is the case, then why not just use the internet. GO OUTSIDE. It is not that difficult. There has got to be some kind of park in your area. Quit trying to pencil whip the requirement. I think that it should be said that going to a museum to identify plants is not the way to do it. If you have to, check out some materials from the library and take the book with you.
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