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Everything posted by ScruffyJake

  1. Since this is the time when many troops are receiving new scouts via crossovers, I'm curious on how you handle new scout patrols on camping. Our new scout patrols are going on their first campout next month, after being with the troop for three weeks. The patrols are entirely made up of new scouts, 5th grade. Each patrol is assigned two olders scouts as guides. Do you assign the guides to act as "patrol leader" for the first campouts? Does the guide help prepare food, dine and clean up with the new scout patrol? Or does the guide stay with his patrol, only offering guidance to the new scouts?
  2. Our troop is looking to add more pioneering to our annual program, we feel it reinforces basic scout skills (rope work, sharp tools, etc) while really honing leadership and communication skills of the boys. Anyway, the most difficult obstacle to this has been sourcing materials for this effort. I would like to know how other troops are building their inventory of poles and staves. What are good sources for these materials? Are their alternatives to materials from the forest? Any feedback will be helpful.
  3. Its a shame that Scouts would come in and yell at you for a situation that is out of your hands. Please remind them "a Scout is kind".
  4. Recently, I have returned to Scouting as my son has become active in the local troop. The troop creates patrols from the new scouts that join, creating patrols with members of the same age. From the group of 6-8, leadership positions filled by a patrol election. Older scout guides are assigned to the patrol to assist in their planning, learning and growth, but are not members of the patrol. In the past (my past), patrols were made up of youths of various ages and experience levels, which allowed older/more experience youths to lead. I can see benefits for both methods, but would like hear other opinions out there. Also, is the same age method a recommendation from National.
  5. Has the geocaching merit badge been officially released from the National Office. I see the requirements posted on meritbadge.org, but it is not on the scouting.org site. They do have Inventing, Scuba and Scouting Heritage on the national site.
  6. Thanks Buffalo, I always like to know the reasons behind something too, your theory makes sense.
  7. Sorry, I reread my question, I should have typed the work "not" I'm not sure why they would NOT include swimming as a sport listed.
  8. I'm starting to counsel the Sports MB. One of the requirements require two seasons of two differnt sports. "Take part for one season (or four months) as a competitive individual or as a member of an organized team in TWO of the following sports: baseball, basketball, bowling, cross-country, field hockey, football, ice hockey, lacrosse, soccer, softball, table tennis, tennis, volleyball, water polo. Your counselor may approve in advance other recognized sports, but not any sport that is restricted and not authorized by the Boy Scouts of America. Then with your chosen sports do the following: Question, do you feel organized, competitive summer swim team, with eight organized meets, would meet the requirement. I'm not sure why they would list swimming.
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