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Everything posted by scoutpatch

  1. I know I have not been around much but I thought I should at least reply to this. Happy B-Day Hops!!!
  2. you can bring befor your EC that some lodges make a Chief patch with that years chief's name on it and issue one to the chief and sell the rest to make some for the lodge for the members to keep or to trade
  3. I am Looking to trade some flaps and some flap and pocket sets for like patches from my lodge Nachamawat #275 3 30th anniversary S32's 4 conclave S35 & X1 sets 4 NOAC S41 & X4 sets Jason
  4. I am Looking to trade some flaps and some flap and pocket sets for like patches from my lodge Nachamawat #275 3 30th anniversary S32's 4 conclave S35 & X1 sets 4 NOAC S41 & X4 sets Jason
  5. I have experinse with this subject and my mother is a co chair on our commity
  6. I just picked up a Virgin Islands council , and a Simon Kenton council to trade I am also still looking for Ranachqua lodge 4, Kittatinny lodge 5, Mascoutens lodge 8 to trade and as in a erlyer post my son still has some 7 activity patches to trade
  7. I am looking to fill in a few gaps in my flap collection I have to trade flaps from my lodge only Nachamawat #275 I have 1 S35 Conclave 2000 1 S43b 2 S44b 3 S32 30th I am looking for any issue of the following lodges Unami 1 Sakuwit 2 Ranachqua 4 Kittatinny 5 Wagion 6 Owasippe 7 Mascoutens 8
  8. My son who is a tiger wants to trade some activity patches he has 3" round Raystown freeze out 1990 4" oval Greater Lowell Council 1989 Klondike Derby 3" round tuckahoe district Bowl-O-Thon 1997 4 3" rectangle North Essex Council Killer Corps (it has just a catapiller and a FDL on it)
  9. Hello My name is Jason Downs and I am a vigil member of Nachamawat Lodge #275 my lodge haas any vigil member at the OA activity at the end of Sep. be on the election comitty for new vigils. I do think as it has been said it is inportant for the current vigils to know the "resume" of the canadaits I say this becous I was almost from what I hear passed up and our lodge is big enough we could elect 8 members for vigil when the had 7 they all thought that noone else "deserved it" and started to close the election and somone in the room said les back up a min. and mentiond my name again and said that I had been working on restarting a "dead" dance team put a new head on the drum got some "loner" dance outfits started. A few others then agreed with him and then they voted again and I then was elected. my vigil name long hair who dances some will read this and say then you really did not deserv being elected but I have herd I'm sorry for passing you up in the election after my ceramony thees people did not have to tell me this but they still did
  10. Hello My name is Jason Downs and I am a vigil member of Nachamawat Lodge #275 my lodge haas any vigil member at the OA activity at the end of Sep. be on the election comitty for new vigils. I do think as it has been said it is inportant for the current vigils to know the "resume" of the canadaits I say this becous I was almost from what I hear passed up and our lodge is big enough we could elect 8 members for vigil when the had 7 they all thought that noone else "deserved it" and started to close the election and somone in the room said les back up a min. and mentiond my name again and said that I had been working on restarting a "dead" dance team put a new head on the drum got some "loner" dance outfits started. A few others then agreed with him and then they voted again and I then was elected. my vigil name long hair who dances some will read this and say then you really did not deserv being elected but I have herd I'm sorry for passing you up in the election after my ceramony thees people did not have to tell me this but they still did
  11. I sent an e- mail but it bounced back so i'm posting here hello my name is Jason Downs and I just saw your post on scouter.com and I am interested in trading your blackhalk area council for my Penn's Woods council S2 CSP I am also intrested in a lodge flap from your council also. If you like to see the patches I have you can see them at http://www.jddesignco.com/scouts/patch_trade.php YIS Jason
  12. I have a Penn's Woods council S2 to trade I am really interested in one of the westren alaska if posible YIS Jason
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